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Ages old Question... Does size matter?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! This question is unsettled only for those who haven’t try to change the size or don’t have problems with length or girth. I had the small one and have to say that it was the big problem. After I had enlarged it (Extagen pills, if there is somebody who wants to repeat) my sex life had been colored in other colures. If you understand the difference between a superman and a wuss you will understand what I mean. I don’t believe in the phrase “Size doesn’t matter”. It means a lot. You can do what you want if you have a good tool.

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Kabwe - that is your opinion and no one is going to dispute that.

However, I have seen some women on this forum complain that their partners are too big.

That it hurts them, and is not a pleasurable experience.


If it works for you - good.

But it is not the same for everyone.

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Well.. i tend to agree with RayKay.. i think the girth is more important than the lengh myself. Besides, if the guy is "too long" it tends to hit your cervix, which, imho, doesn't feel good, it rather hurts. Also oral sex is more difficult if the guy is too long too.

Also, maybe since there are more nerve endings in the first third of the vagina, if the guy is a bit more than average in girth, it hits more of those nerve endings and just gives us women a better "feel". Does that make sense?

That being said.. i'm with RayKay.. i rather like a guy who is average or a bit longer than average with a bit more than average girth.. To me that is the perfect size.

Maybe, all these preferences vary cuz honestly, I doubt that all women have the same size vaginas. Some of us are tall, some short, some in between.


I don't think our vaginas are only 4 inches long though.. I read it was more like 5 inches.. And how long do vaginas become after birth?

I really don't think women are being superficial if they like larger than average penises, or smaller for that matter, cuz it's not just a matter of looks. It's actually how the sex act itself is going to feel.

You can have gigantic boobs but that isn't necessarily going to make the sex act better.

I also agree with Shadow Light. I think alot of what makes sex pleasurable for women is the way we are treated BEFORE sex... If we are wooed, made to feel desirable and attractive, it doesn't matter if we look like a troll under a bridge, then we WILL feel sexy and sex WILL be better.

They say the largest sex organs is our minds. I do think that's right.

And it's okay for guys to like bigger or smaller boobs, that's their preference too.. I've never seen any guys discrimatinated against or called pigs for liking bigger boobs..

It seems like society fosters this mindset that bigger boobs are better and if you are a real man, then you naturally like bigger boobs.

These are all stereotypes though, of course.

Is there really a surgery to enhance a man's penis? I know i see those silly commercials on tv where the guy is at the clubhouse and everyone knows he's got a big schl@ong! Ridiculous....

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I have to say that nice boobs do make sex better. If you are not stimulated by the body, sex ends up lacking. So does the vagina. I remember thinking they are all within a small range until I finally found one that really took the cake. I honestly couldn't feel a thing. Even with hands.


i remember one woman in particular when I was like 19 or so. She was pretty, had a good physique. We were about to have sex and I took off her bra. It wasn't exactly the size, it was the firmness. Honestly they looked like banana shaped. I didn't like run out screaming but it was a turn off. So it definitely does affect the sex too.


I have heard guys called pigs for being into breasts.


Yeah there is a surgery for that. I have seen stuff on TV about it. But supposedly it's pretty risky and problems occur. But anyone saying they took a pill to either increase boobs or penis size are selling something here lol.

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First of all, the ONLY way to have that done is with surgery. Anyone who talks about "pills" doing anything is selling something.

WOW! Why not to say "Anyone who talks about "surgery" does anything advertises somebody"?

Do you know that lots of surgers refuse to do it because of side effects?

You send ppl to cut themselves so easily...

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Kabwe - that is your opinion and no one is going to dispute that.

However, I have seen some women on this forum complain that their partners are too big.

That it hurts them, and is not a pleasurable experience.


If it works for you - good.

But it is not the same for everyone.

You're right. And I didn' want to dispute.

There might be "the golden mean".

I don't think any woman would be happy to see half inch thing. But I don't want to have 12inch monster and to hurt woman.

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WOW! Why not to say "Anyone who talks about "surgery" does anything advertises somebody"?

Do you know that lots of surgers refuse to do it because of side effects?

You send ppl to cut themselves so easily...


No I don't recommend the surgery. What I am saying is the surgery is the ONLY way to get this done. Creams, pills and potions are all junk.

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My boyfriend's penis is the perfect size; but it's perfection is dictated by the fact that it belongs to him and not by some sort of intrinsic size value. In my book, perfect size would be a dependent variable, relying on the free variable which in my particular case, can be equated to him. I can't really comment objectively about size because the value of a penis to me is completely coupled with whom it's attached to...


I do think this common penis concern mainly stems from men's insecurities/worries about pleasing the woman that they're with. Any insecurities I have about my breasts (which I actually don't; they're mine, they're proportional, perky B's that stand on their own and they love to be touched by the right guy...if they were long and droopy then they'd still be mine and i'd love how snuggly they filled out a built in bra tank top or that I could stick them in my mouth and they'd still love to be touched by the right guy...whatever, the love of my breasts would remain no matter where my boobs lay in the span of these two independent eigenboobage vectors...hehe) would stem from a worry that in some way my boyfriend found me unpleasing to him. So there is the concern that if you're lacking the right equipment to begin with that no amount of oral ability, romance, whatever would be enough, or there might be fear that this might be necessary "compensation". So as many pointed out, you want to restrict your attention (whether you're huge or itty bitty by societal standards...how we define even those modifiers clearly deviates enormously based on reading this thread) to those people that are completely satisfied by what/who you are...unless you prefer feelings of inadequacy, because clearly there is not one penis in the world that would satisfy every single woman in the world (proof: it is clear there isn't one penis that would satisfy every woman that posted in this thread). If penis size factors into that, then even if you measure up you may consider this requirement on his/her part grounds for being disinterested in that person...just as it was mentioned earlier about the girl that wouldn't give the time of day to a guy if he wasn't tall enough..the man measured up but declined the lady in his own way.)


Continuing on with everyone's right to preference and mandates...I require a man that sees me as more than a sum of my parts. This thread was curious about penile preferences and I've given mine. Sorry if I'm incoherent, it's 4:30 am and I'm pretty tired.

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My boyfriend's penis is the perfect size; but it's perfection is dictated by the fact that it belongs to him and not by some sort of intrinsic size value. In my book, perfect size would be a dependent variable, relying on the free variable which in my particular case, can be equated to him. I can't really comment objectively about size because the value of a penis to me is completely coupled with whom it's attached to...


Brillant. It's not the size, its the person. Good post southpaw.


Oh, and loved how scientific that post was with things like "dependent variable." Smart girls are so hot....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah I would deffinitly say boys fro ma young age know the important relationship they will have with there penis from a young age and legnth is always the part of that. although I have never got it out to the addoring public lol. anyhow surveys that get doctors to measure the penises instead of the measure yourself have found average penis legnth to be smaller and also the angle that you look down at your penis makes it look smaller to you than someone infront of you would see it.


If they say your too small say there a bucket woman. size does matter for women as well but not for boobs but vagina's "the tighter the better" apparanty.


thats what your given and if a girl said i was too small id give her a good seeing too to change her mind. Im about higher average according to the "average" but ive grown since then and have not measured my thing for a year.

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mmm i did some surfing some of this looks familiar someones posted some of it but left out the parts that contradicted the point they were trying to make.


we've talked so far about the length of the male organ in its ordinary non-erect state. But now long should it be when it's erect? Well, the interesting thing here is that most penises are very much the same size when erect. The man whose non-erect organ is smallish will usually achieve about 100 per cent increase in length during sexual excitement, while the man whose limp penis is on the largish size will probably only manage about a 75 per cent increase. In round figures, this means that the great majority of men measure between 15cm (6") and 18cm (7") in the erect position, with the average figure being about 16.5cm (6 ½").


So you can see that even if a man genuinely has got an organ that is small when he's in the non-erect state, he's also got a built in compensating factor that will probably bring him up to not far off the same size as the guy he sees in the shower room who appears to be vastly 'better equipped' sexually.


There's one final point that's of great importance and that virtually every man forgets: it doesn't matter how long or how short your penis is, because the vagina is so cunningly designed that it will accommodate itself to any length of penis.


You see, the vagina of a woman who hasn't had a child is only a mere 7.5cm (3") long when she's not sexually excited. The figures for women who have had babies are only slightly different. And even when she has been aroused, her vagina usually extends only to a length of about 10cm (4"). So it's obvious that any man's penis will fill her vagina completely, unless, of course, he happens to be one of those very, very rare guys with an erect penile length of less than 4".


You're probably wondering how on earth a man with an average length penis of 6 ½" manages to insert his penis into a normal woman's vagina at all. Well, the answer is quite simple - the vagina has the most remarkable capacity for lengthening if something is introduced into it gradually. So the exceptional man whose penis is, say, 20.5cm (8") long can still make love to literally any woman, providing he excites her properly and introduces his organ very slowly. If he does this, her vagina will quite happily lengthen by 150 per cent or even 200 per cent to accommodate him.


Medical advice


If you're really worried that your penis is the wrong size, go and consult a doctor. If you're not happy about consulting your GP on such an intimate matter, then you could go and see one of the medics who spend their entire day checking men's penises.


so your vagina has just been accomadating not wanting lol

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Tired man... I couldnt help but notice that you're stating all of this as breasts and penises are equal... they are totally not. The penis is a tool, it can be felt inside of the female... breasts are just balls of fat that sit there... you can't do anything with them. What if a man who has a HUGE penis prefers a girl with tiny boobs? Having a large penis doesnt require needing a girl with huge boobs to equal himself. GAWLEE!

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I believe they are.


If a woman has very small to no breasts, it's almost like being with a man no? Breats are womanly.


Sure there are men with huge penises who prefer women with small breasts. Or guys in great shape who prefer overweight women. Or women with big breasts who prefer small penisis. And so forth. There is always exceptions to everything. Nothing is ever 100 percent. All I'm saying is that if a woman DEMANDS it, she better bring something exceptional to the table. That's all.

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so you are saying that bigger breasts are better than smaller? that they are more exceptional? Well you better be well stacked because if a man has a tiny penis and loves big breasted women than he is inadequate... you are very unfair. And you better be huge because obviously you think that bigger breasts are better.... which makes smaller more natural breasted women feel inadequate.

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No i'm saying if a woman DEMANDS a guy be huge, she better be huge (up top and not in general) herself.


I also said that there are people of each who don't care about the other.


Me personally? All I ask from someone is that they are very caring about themselves and others. This is how I am so I demand it.


Nice try though.

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with the man then yes, it does matter (from womans point of view i think) however, a man with a longer penis and a thinner girth can be good. In retrospect,a man with a thinker girth and a shorter penis can also be good.depends on what you like!


I think men like the classic "boobs n * * * *" (larger/curvy) as they are drawn my visual (rem, we cant see the mens bits!)


to conclude - it does not really matter if you like the person and think there is a future....



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Size matters to a certain extent. I've had a tiny one where it's like throwing a sausage down a hallway but I really digged the guy so it didn't really matter. He made up for it in other areas ;-) I've also been with guys who are too big and it's nothing short of painful. Painful sex is terrible sex. But on the flip side, a smaller penis actually makes anal sex very comfortable.


Like I said, when I really dig a guy, I can get past any size issues. It's all about working it to suit you (and getting him to use other attributes and skills ;-) ).

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  • 1 month later...

Size does matter to women. Women look at a hung man with awe and often have the immediate sexual attraction thing going on. Havent you ever noticed in high school that if ladies hear of a hung guy, that guy really never has a problem getting a girlfriend again? I am a tall broad football player that is 8.0 to 8.5 inches long and 6 inches circumference in girth. I know I am no world record, but i'm not small neither. I have never had a problem with women sexually. I am larger than average but people can't shun people with larger penises because some do know how to work it. Once the word get's out, your set for a long time.

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Size matters...... the size of the heart.


A women falls for the person. If the relationship is healthy and stable, then it more then likely started off slow and escalated as each person fell in love with the other. Thus when they get to sexual stuff, the women is going to be pleased no matter what the size is because she loves the person she is with and that is what is going to make the experience speacial and pleasurable. If a women is honestly going to be judging you on something like that, is this really the women you want to be with?

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