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Ages old Question... Does size matter?


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No matter where I ask, or who I ask.. there seems to be alot of heat surrounding this topic. In no way, is it a one size fit all... but nevertheless theres so much anger and fear surrounding the whole debate.



Its my opinion that women are indeed responsable for this size complex men have, we are quite confortable with our member, he keeps us pretty happy regardless of size... but its when the female factor is calculated into the equation is when the debate heats up.


But then, to be fair the same attitude could be applied to female "ego" issues.. that despite what they might say, does exists. Men aren't the only ones with egos, IMO...



So, what'd we end up with? 12 being the average? Sure does leave me in the dust... =|



- Lost...

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You see, the vagina of a woman who hasn't had a child is only a mere 7.5cm (3") long when she's not sexually excited. The figures for women who have had babies are only slightly different. And even when she has been aroused, her vagina usually extends only to a length of about 10cm (4"). So it's obvious that any man's penis will fill her vagina completely, unless, of course, he happens to be one of those very, very rare guys with an erect penile length of less than 4".




The obsessions of man...

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You know.. this is a tough one because all guys are different and the chemistry with them is different. So, I'll say that the difference in size is like... Riding a Harley Sportster or a Honda Rebel... or a Kawsaki Vulcan 2000.... all fun rides.. all handle a little different. LOL.


Its not just the size of the tool, its everything else that goes with the packages too... the hands, the lips, the tongue... and the brains that make all of this work the right way.. lol. Its total package.. not just the tool.

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hahaha, Suprema99 i am NOT a porn star!!!


okay, just to clarify, i said 8in is a good starting point!! in fact, anything over the average size of 6in is good. obviously it goes without saying that size alone won't cut it – he has to know what he's doing... 6in and smaller and you risk asking "is it in yet?", which as my friends and i have discussed is SUCH a waste of time!!!


i must take issue with you Lostnil – it is men who constantly rival each other and compete as to who has the biggest d***. MEN have decided that having a small one means they're less of a man: it is men's biggest insecurity perpetuated by them against themselves. it is behind all the wars in the world; it is behind so much sickening racism: who has the biggest c***? who's a 'real man', more man than all the rest?


the fact that women are only just starting to take some equality in the bedroom, ie. actually expect to experience some pleasure, like men always take for granted, and dare voice that size matters to some of them, and now suddenly it's women making men feel insecure?! it's OUR fault you feel inadequate? #-o


you must be joking!!

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It always amazes me that people want a pat answer, a blanket rule for everyone.

Remember that people are complex, and everyone is different.

Me? I prefer a penis on the smallish side. Yes, really. I have tiny proportions, and have had problems with men who had penises that were too large for me. I can give a guy with a smaller penis much better oral sex.

My best friend likes 'em huge. That's what gets her off.

So the answer is, it totally depends. It does matter to me, but the opposite way one would think. I like 'em smaller. My husband, as it turns out, has a fairly big one, but it works out okay, we're still great together.

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Well it seems to me... about 50% of women actually think Size DOES matter...


I seriously if we poll guys... I think there would be an extremely low percentage that would say Breast Size matter...




I think guys wouldn't think much about it if Women truly didn't care... But since i guess about 50% DO... makes it obvious why guys are insecure... And guys who are huge, with a huge ego... Like they have something to brag about...


I'm just an "Average" Guy i guess... And yeah, im sure my g/f has had larger and smaller than I... But I feel that guys shouldn't care so much about size. Can you help it? No. So why worry about something you had no say in...


Women who actually DO think size matters... I think you need to realize how selfish/ignorant you truly are. We are told "We are who we are." and your saying "thats not good enough, why would I ever even WAIST my time on you?" Your relationship ISN'T going to last long if you are only in it for sex with a larger man. Same goes with guys who go for women with large breasts...


But yeah, I guess thats my mini-rant for the day



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OK.. look. The opinion of some females here may be that they've had men of varying sizes...and they prefer a man with a bit more. It happened to work for them. Its just a personal preference, not a knock on other sized.


Breasts... well.. I don't think breasts should even be a variable in this equation. They are readily visible. Apparent. If a man prefers breasts.. he see's them. THERE they are. Out for the world to see. Its kind of like preferring blondes over brunettes.. blue eyes over brown. Those are attributes that are readily apparent.


PENIS's are NOT out for viewing and choosing. Just as Vagina's are NOT readily on display. If a woman puts forward an 'Opinion' that she feels more sensation with a larger size penis. GREAT. Maybe there are guys out there who can tell the difference in Vagina tightness...


To say that its OUR fault as women for giving men complexes about penis size... OHHH COME ON. I'll argue then that its mens fault that women are so darned competitive. We wear make-up, and stay slender and spend oodles of money on beauty products and HAIR styling products and clothes and shoes.. high heeled uncomfortable bunion forming shoes.. because men made us feel.. INSECURE about ourselves.. our bodies... our selves. OR.. we can just BLAME marketing and the fashion industry, media and magazines who pumps these images of what is perfect to make us all crazy and insecure. LOL.


Sexiness is 90% mental image. Medical studies contend that 80% of women do not orgasm through penetration. So... Size would not matter. Now... since those are the facts and data we have today.. then it stand to reason that if there is really nothing you can do about SIZE.. then you deal with the attributes that you do have control over.


Most women would give thier eyeteeth to be loved and romanced. To be held in esteem and fawned over. To have a man pay "attention" to her. Its the "little things" the touch, the caress.. the caring. The respect. The way you look at her.. the way you talk to her. The way you treat her. Romance her and learn how to love in "all" other ways besides sexually. Its not all whats its about in the SACK... you can have great SEX but if you don't have everything else... well.... I think the ideal is working toward moderation and striking a balance in all areas. So average... is GREAT!!!....

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But Shadows, one could also argue that women do all that stuff so they can use it to get what they want from men. It happens all the time.


In terms of the comparison, women DO wear padded bras, some do stuff them too so you don't always get what you see. Also, just the size in clothes does not show how droopy they might be or other factors that ARE hidden by bras.

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Well to be fair, I have known men whom are just as discriminating in their selection of women based on their body attributes (breasts, butt, legs) as some women may be when it comes to penis's.


I had a guy turn me down once as I was NOT blonde.


It's a matter of preference...there is nothing wrong with having preferences and it's not selfish or foolish to have them. When it is silly, is when it is almost impossible for anyone to fit them, or when you ignore what might be a great person for you because they don't fit this exact mold.


When it comes to penis size, it's not just a matter of what a women prefers to look at, it is also what she "feels" - it is why girth is also often more important then length. Depending on her, she may like the feeling of a larger penis over a smaller one, and that is not something she can necessarily CHANGE, though it does not mean that she cannot still enjoy intimacy with a partner if they can find other solutions together without him feeling inadequate.


I prefer something larger, and I am not selfish or silly for that. Nor hypocritical. It is what FEELS good to me, it is what I am attracted to. My boyfriend prefers larger breasts and I don't think he is a pig for it, I have larger breasts, but if for some reason I did not or had to lose them to cancer etc, it would not change his love for me. Just as if he was unable to be intimate for health reasons, or had a smaller penis, there are other ways, and it would not change my feelings for him. My boyfriend also "preferred" taller women. Then he met me whom was more petite, and still fell for me and chose to be with me. Preferences are not selfish - they are just preferences. They do not have to be limiting or rigid in their application. Some may allow preferences to limit whom they date, but that is THEIR choice. It would just mean they are probably not the right person for you anyway.

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TiredMan, do you actually like women? you're going on about our make-up and padded bras etc without acknowledging the pressure women are constantly under to look good. why is this? b/c in our screwed-up society we are only valued for our apppearance – our looks are rated way above our intelligence and capabilities. a man who feels inadequate size-wise (b/c of 'locker-room' jibes) will take that anger out on every woman he meets. meanwhile we're just supposed to shut up and look pretty. god forbid we

state our personal preferences about penis size!!!


You should take a leaf out of Svenman's book – he and Shadows Lights are right.

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Yes I do. I don't know where you got that from what I said. Did my comments hit a nerve or something?


But again, I think anyone can have any preferences they like. They can have the strictist requirements but they should be willing to live up to those as well and many times they don't.


For example, I have met women who ONLY like built guys yet they have bodies that are not.

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Why should we worry about it? Unless you are willing to undergo surgery or spend a fortune on ... *cough*... "natural male enhancement".... why not just be happy with what you have? If two people really love each other, its not going to matter. Sure, some people may prefer larger. Some may only go after larger penises or larger breasts. But when you love someone, those preferrences drop aside. It's the person that matters. And if the person is going to judge you based upon something like that, do you really want to be with that person? Don't you want someone who loves and accepts you for you, the real person on the inside?


And of course, just because someone is larger in that area, doesn't mean they have a clue what they are doing. Sex is 90% mental. All the size in the world can't make up for a lack of imagination, passion, and romance. Sure, it may be great at first. But eventually a person needs more then size alone can give them.


And now, musical advice. Cause the size that really matters is the size of a heart:


"Someday she wants a big ol' house

Sittin' on a big ol' hill

And a mile long tree lined driveway

For her big ol' Coupe DeVille

Yeah, someday she wants a big ol' bank account

With too much to spend

But right now all she wants is a man


With a big ol' heart

Who can love her like nobody can

Big ol' kisses that go on and on

And never end

With a big ol' smile

He'll fill her world with laughter

Size matters, size matters"


"Size Matters" - Joe Nichols

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So, the things we know for pros/cons are:


- we know that the first 1/3 of the vagina has the most nerve endings that matter.

- we know that the majority of women have orgasms by clitoral stimulation anyway.

- we know that the majority of men are about 6 inches long (between 5 and 7 inches)

- we know that girth matters more than length for female sensation.

- we know that length helps in accomplishing unusual positions and staying "connected" =)

- we know that smaller members are best for easier oral sex.

- we know that smaller members are best for easier anal sex.

- we know that women have best orgasms when they are mentally and emotionally engaged rather than mere physical techniques.


thereforeeee the best sized tool for the most variety and multi-purpose usage is around an average size 5-7 inches with a slightly larger girth which never runs out of steam.


But despite knowing all that, none of us can do anything to change our particular dimensions, whether male or female. All we can change is our attitude towards ourselves and each other.


Accept yourself and you'll be the better lover in the end because you'll be confident in doing your own specialties. It's the same idea with a little person playing basketball in the NBA.


In any case, guys should be using their mouths and hands instead of their manhood to truly satisfy their girl. And perhaps guys should use their ears too, I bet their girl wants him to pay attention to things about himself a lot higher on her priority list than his package...

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And perhaps guys should use their ears too, I bet their girl wants him to pay attention to things about himself a lot higher on her priority list than his package...


Yep. Remember, its not what you have, its how you use it. Listen to your partner, do what makes them feel good, both in the bed and outside. There is so much more important things then this. Guys, no need to be so insecure, your fine as you are. Girls, no need to be so picky. Size doesn't exqual pleasure, there are so many other and more important factors.

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Well, out of the whole 2 partners i have been with... one of them was like, 8.5 or something (i thought it was huge and got him to measure it XD) and the other one... I dunno, 5 or 6.


I lost my virginity to 6 in a one night stand, after which we sort of became friends with benefits which ended after I started to go out with 8. Now, sure, 8 put 6 to shame.. but sex with 8 hurt alot at first, and even though i had my first orgasm with 8 I enjoyed sex with 6 better. I dunno why.. I guess it is more the motion of the ocean than the size of the boat

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TiredMan, i get the impression you're angry about it, is why i asked you. all we have done is state as women what our our preferences are. we haven't said it makes you less of a man if you're not 8in etc.


i find it very telling that it's men who feel inadequate – "less of a man" – if their member is small or only average. women don't say that men are not men if they don't have huge schlongs. since when does having a big d*** make you a man anyway?


it's all about personal preference...

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TiredMan, i get the impression you're angry about it, is why i asked you. all we have done is state as women what our our preferences are. we haven't said it makes you less of a man if you're not 8in etc.


i find it very telling that it's men who feel inadequate – "less of a man" – if their member is small or only average. women don't say that men are not men if they don't have huge schlongs. since when does having a big d*** make you a man anyway?


it's all about personal preference...


You obviously didn't read my post. Re-read it please. What i said is true. There are women who are completely out of shape who actually demand the guy be in shape. Can you believe that?

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really, where are they all? my (and all my female friends) experience has been that even the ugliest man has an ego and thinks he's in with a chance. ugly women, on the other hand, not only believe they're ugly (and punish themselves for it), but they also allow themselves to be used and abused b/c of it. women who aren't "fit" don't have the confidence to demand their man should be in shape. that's a fact. so i'd love to know how you got that impression TiredMan b/c it just ain't so

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really, where are they all? my (and all my female friends) experience has been that even the ugliest man has an ego and thinks he's in with a chance. ugly women, on the other hand, not only believe they're ugly (and punish themselves for it), but they also allow themselves to be used and abused b/c of it. women who aren't "fit" don't have the confidence to demand their man should be in shape. that's a fact. so i'd love to know how you got that impression TiredMan b/c it just ain't so


So you and your experiences make up all humanity now? Notice i didn't say ALL women think that way. But plenty of them do. I've seen it many many times. So, sorry but it IS so.

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