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QT: What sex do you like or dislike? - What Fantasies do you have?


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Hi all


I'm curious about what type of sex people do and don't like both male and female.


What are your fantasies?


What do you allow your partner to do or not to do?


Do you use food in your sexual activity?, Kinky toys? etc?



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With my ex, I felt comfrtable enough to try all the things I eevr wanted to, without being made to feel like a *CENSORED**CENSORED**CENSORED**CENSORED*.


I was always interested in anal, no idea why. We tried it, and we both loved it. It was something we did quite regularly.


We experimented with roleplay. He'd never slept with a virgin, so I donned some frumpy white pants & pink PJs, and acted like we were a long term couple, having sex for the first time. It was incredible! He took the time to relax me, explore me, and really make sure I was turned on, constantly reassuring me that it was ok, that he loved me, and that it would only hurt for a moment (LOL).


I also adore outdoor sex, in the rain. We spent a lot of nights in the summer of 04 finding new places to play.


We did soemtimes bring my sex toy into play, when we had anal sex he'd use my vibe on my clit, when we had vaginal sex, sometimes we'd use the toy anally, other times he just wanted to watch me bring myself to orgasm.


Food is something we didn't really try, although we did once use raspberry sauce... that was fun!

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The sink now thats pretty original and it's one we haven't tried yet.


Tried the bath but we couldn't quite get comfy doing it in the bath to be honest. Water in a woman's virgina makes it a bit rough and not quite the right type of 'wet' lol.


Best sex we ever had was on the kitchen top once. We lived in a shared house full of people that had all gone to bed so it was very daring and thrilling to give her a good banging on the kitchen top (and I mean both of us laying on it - NOT her sitting on it & me standing lol).


Ok here's one for the girls; If your bf wanted to cum in your drink and then watch you drink it would you do it? or would that be too much? lol (One of my fantasies as you can probably guess lol)



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Well that was a thread stopper lol.


Ewwww...then again I am a virgin and never have done anything like that. I do think most would find it a little disgusting unless you liked the taste of cum.


Ok, so if your a virgin why are you getting involved in the thread? - I mean this is a thread about what sex you do or don't LIKE - If your a virgin you can't really know either way! (BTW, a flavoured drink would presumably disguise the taste of cum lol - thats why I was raising the issue).


Changing direction...


Ok so who's into handcuffs?



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Well that was a thread stopper lol.




Ok, so if your a virgin why are you getting involved in the thread? - I mean this is a thread about what sex you do or don't LIKE - If your a virgin you can't really know either way! (BTW, a flavoured drink would presumably disguise the taste of cum lol - thats why I was raising the issue).


Changing direction...


Ok so who's into handcuffs?



Whatever...I'll get out of this thread then. I removed my original thread.

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Well as far as what I like, I think a diverse sex life is important. If that happens to be with one person then you cater to activities that both are willing to do and thats going to vary from couple to couple. I like to experiement with different things to see if I have an interest in it, I have tried a variety of things that I didnt think I would be into. I think its also important to find a partner that matches your sexual experimentation level. I think its important to have fun with what whatever sexual activity it is.


I dont like to implement boundaries with my partners if they want to try something, its rare that I turn down a request and I expect the same in return.

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Whatever...I'll get out of this thread then. I removed my original thread.


I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just surprised at how strong your comments were considering it's a topic to which you can't really comment on with raw experience to back you up.


I was in no way trying to be rude towards you at all.


Sorry for any offence,



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I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just surprised at how strong your comments were considering it's a topic to which you can't really comment on with raw experience to back you up.


I was in no way trying to be rude towards you at all.


Sorry for any offence,



Just because I haven't done anything does not mean I can't find something nasty sounding. **shrug**

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What are your fantasies?
Making love in the middle of stonehenge.


How about on top of a tournament pool table.. lol... or while shooting a game of pool.


Jungle Gyms.. ummm done that.. under the stars.. hmmmm no can't say that I've done it under the stars.. not that i recall or else I was too toasty and it had not been memorable. Beach.. ummmm yeah.. sort kinda .. nope... fantasy yet to be fufilled.


How about the mile high club??? in an air plane.. haven't done that one.


Sneaking into a public rest room or a spare bedroom at a party... yup.. have done that.


Handcuffs... whip cream... chocolate syrup.. yup.. check.


Bathroom sinks, showers, baths, pools, hot tub, kitchen counter, table, stairs, closets, cars (moving and parked)... check check check.


Never have done it on a motor cycle.. that sounds appealing..


Toys.. yep. Haven't tried the ice-cube trick yet.. just heard the legend.


What do you allow your partner to do or not to do?


Hey... I'll try anything once as long as we are in agreement. As long as no one gets hurt.. not into the whole S&M thing.. yikes.. I have a strong aversion to pain. And... the really far far out strangeness.. uhhh uhhh.. nope. Not me.


And NO.. no I don't want something like that in my drink.. yikes.. i mean whats wrong with good old fashioned swallowing during ORAL.. ya know.#-o

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And NO.. no I don't want something like that in my drink.. yikes.. i mean whats wrong with good old fashioned swallowing during ORAL.. ya know.#-o


Lol, your post was great!


Well nothing wrong with old fashioned oral but sometimes it's good to try new things right?



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Ok, here is a really out there and different fantasy.....


Making sweet, soft, long, passionate love to the women of my dreams with whom I have pledged myself to for all eternity. Spending all night lost in her sweet touch, the gentle caress of our bodies touching each other, the heat upon our skins. Looking in each others eyes and knowing that the love we share goes to our very souls, the very essense and fiber of our being. Kisses all over the place. The intense emotions that overwhelm us. Being lost in the simple joy of being together. Letting our love wash over us, drowning in each other. Doing what we can to please one another, because the pleasure and happiness that we bring to the other makes us happy and content. It's not the sex that brings us enjoyment. It isn't what we are doing, but with whom we are doing it with, our soulmate. It's the love that excites us, makes us feel good. It's the bonding, the unifying of not just our bodies but of our minds, hearts, and souls. All the dirty, naughty, kinky, wild, crazy, what ever other adjective you can think of kind of sex ....... it can't compare to the simple pleasure of making love to the love of your life.


And cichlid_chick, your opinions are always welcome. I'm a virgin too so I understand how you feel. Don't feel discouraged, feel free to voice your opinion, even if they are different and others try to pick at you for saying them. You have the right to voice your opinion. Don't let anyone scare you into not speaking up for yourself.

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All the dirty, naughty, kinky, wild, crazy, what ever other adjective you can think of kind of sex ....... it can't compare to the simple pleasure of making love to the love of your life.


Actually it can. I used to be like you at my age (2 years ago) - I just wanted to find that special 1. Trust me when you loose your flower you'll realise what I mean. Finding new ways of doing things together and having fun is always a good thing. You can get bored with sex if it has no variety - Just like you'd get bored eating the same food every day.


I'm lucky I have my special 1 now. It wasn't easy and I've been ripped apart and used by women in the past and I certainly never thought the young lady I'm with now would be my partner but she is. We try many things to keep our sex life active. You have to otherwise it starts to become more like a daily chore than fun.


Good luck finding your soulmate and loose that flower soon!



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When I find the right person, I'll just be happy to be with her. I'll just be happy to know that I am in a love that will last all eternity. I'll be happy to know that I am with someone who loves and understands me in a way that no other has ever or will ever. I won't even need sex, cause I'll have her by my side. She'll be the love of my life, my soulmate and companion through this life and whatever lies beyond. Sex isn't what I am looking. I don't care about "loosing my flower." I care about having true love. And true love is something spiritual. It goes beyond the pleasures of the flesh and into realms of emotions and passion that can not be described. When you have the love I am going to find, sex will never be a chore. It will always be a joy and a pleasure.

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Let me ask you something. Have you been in a 2-way relationship with a woman yet?


If you have you'll know that this "True love spiritual" stuff isn't all it's piped up to be but rather something that comes from fairy tales.


If you haven't had a g/f yet (a serious one) then I got big news for you. It really doesn't quite work like that. It isn't like souls joining etc. If you have a good woman with you do you really think you can go a lifetime without sex? - IT simply doesn't work like that. What about her for example?


Do you expect her to live without sex just for your benefit? - Wake up pal women love it as much as men. When I met my girl she was the one dragging me up the stairs to shag me senseless my friend. It's a 2 way thing and you haven't yet realised it and you also sound a little in-experienced.


Like I said previously, I used to be like you a few years ago until I met someone. Once you actually meet someone you realise it isn't all that simple and that there are real-life factors involved. What happens when one of you wants to go to college in a big city and the other wants to work on the other side of the world? - Let me guess, you' go with her?


Question, Can you tell me now (without even knowing her yet) that she would go with you? - Drop everything and just go?


What happens if she doesn't want a long term relationship? - She may not be ready to commit the rest of her life! Have you thought about this?


Also your really in love with her - more than she realises. What then happens when she can't see you one night because she has to do something else? - like college. Things like that hurt and you have to be practical about it. It isn't as simple as "Find the right girl, tell her she looks good, tell her I love her, happy ever after".


Like I said there are other factors involved in a relationship - it isn't as simple as you may think. Trust me I've had your same thoughts.



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Shadows Light and darkblue,


There have been other couples and at least one I know of that was engaged. But I'm all for a happy union. Just remember to invite me to the wedding.




Hey man! What's up? How you doing?


It's a pleasure to have this conversation. No, I have not had an offical girlfriend, though I had an up and down, real close, personal, intense, totally different relationship with one girl. But thats another story. What I have had is years of watching any and every type of relationship conflict and issue you can imagine. I understand that things are not always sunshine and love. I understand that it is a two way street and things happen. But I have seen relationships with a decided lack of love. I was faced with the choice. Accept that this was how it is and there is nothing I can do about it, or strive for better. I choose the latter. Most will call my views a fantasy, a dream that will never come true. Fine. That don't understand where I am coming from. They have not envisioned the wonders I have seen and will make possible. When you have not had love, you value it more. And I swear with everything that I am, was, and every will be... the love I have will be valued and cherished in a way never before known.


Now, I am not saying that each persons love is not valuable and great. Afterall, doesn't everyone think the love they have is the greatest? But from where I sit, love - real, honest, healthy, no strings attached - is something that has been in short simple in my life. And thus when it finally happens, it will be mean that much more to me. It will be sacred, it will be pure, and it will be heaven.


If this is the stuff of fairy tales, then I'll find a way for the fairy tale to come true. I don't give in to the idea that it is impossible. I make the impossible happen. Unsinkable ships sink, and unbreakable walls break. At one point the idea of walking on the moon was considered impossible, just a dream. It happened. So why can't I make the fairy tale come true?


If I had a women by my side, I really could go a lifetime without sex. Because I am not looking for sex. I long for love. And love can be expressed without sex. I have never said that I would not have sex should I be married, that has its part. But it is not what I want in the relationship. I consider all possibilites and think big. I asked myself the question, what if something happened so that we were unable to have sex? Would that be a problem for me? My answer, with all honesty, is no. If I love the person and have pledged my life to her, I will not let sex be an issue. And in the relationship I had with the one girl, sex was not on my mind. Simple being with her and holding her was enough. Sex crossed my mind, but only in the sense of giving it to her upon our wedding night as a symbol of my love and devotion for her for all eternity.


And should the girl be wanting to have sex with me, she will have to respect my decision to wait. I wouldn't fall for anyone who wouldn't do that. And yes, I have the willpower to wait.


Love will conquer all problems, as long as both parties are willing to make it work. And the love I will have, that I speak of, it won't let anything get in the way. If I knew she wanted to be with me forever, I would go anywhere the wind blows for her. And she would do the same for me, I know it. I wouldn't ask her too, and we would talk about it. But we will be strong enough together to make everything work.


The question of her not wanting a long term relationship is pointless. I would not be with her if she wasn't. I am open and honest with the people I meet. They will know who I am, what I believe, and what I want in a relationship from the start. If they don't feel the same, a relationship wouldn't even get going. I also don't date, I simple get to know people and become friends. That way I get to know them. And if something is there, if there is the possibility of the long term, we'll see what happens. So if I have a girlfriend, she'll believe just as I do. Thus, a good deal of problems will be avoided from the start and the rest we will be committed to making work.


What happens when she can't see me one night cause she has something else to do? Then I'll miss her like crazy but understand that she has her own life. We can't be together every second, even if we wanted to be. I am not jealous, I am not overbearing. She has other things in her life and I understand that. Similarly, I will have times that I can't be with her for some reason. It will hurt and we will be sad, not wanting to be apart. But we will get through. And besides, when we get back together there will be that pent up love just waiting to burst free.


I understand it isn't simple. I've encountered more hang ups then you would believe through relationships I have seen. I have seen how to get through them. I have seen what causes more problems and makes them worse. I know that it won't always be perfect. But my love will last because I will honor, cherish, and value it with everything I am... as will she. And all the disagreements, all the issues, they will be dealt with and the love will endure.

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Shadows Light and darkblue,




Hey man! What's up? How you doing?


Not bad thanks - You?


It's a pleasure to have this conversation.


Likewise... I can tell by the way you've written so much for me to read lol


No, I have not had an offical girlfriend, though I had an up and down, real close, personal, intense, totally different relationship with one girl.


I could tell.. Like I said, I was like you once too.


But thats another story. What I have had is years of watching any and every type of relationship conflict and issue you can imagine.


Yes same here. I also thought I was a great oracle of knowledge once but like I've tried saying previously: Trust me, it's different when you yourself are involved


I understand that things are not always sunshine and love. I understand that it is a two way street and things happen. But I have seen relationships with a decided lack of love. I was faced with the choice. Accept that this was how it is and there is nothing I can do about it, or strive for better. I choose the latter.


I have no problem with this. I will say though that when you find that person bells don't ring (except in your own head but thats no good if the other people can't hear them right?), heaven doesn't break open with Angel's singing, and you most certainly don't get the word of god telling you "This is the one". Sorry..


Most will call my views a fantasy, a dream that will never come true. Fine. That don't understand where I am coming from. They have not envisioned the wonders I have seen and will make possible. When you have not had love, you value it more. And I swear with everything that I am, was, and every will be... the love I have will be valued and cherished in a way never before known.


Yeah see thats how I used to think. My current GF is my first 'proper' GF. I love her like no tomorrow. She is fab and we both want to spend our lives together. I know she wants my kids one day as she's even told me so. It has almost gone wrong though on several occasions. At one point she thought I had a thing for her best friend! - Imagine how much damage that did to our relationship. What happens when you find yourself in this situation? - It hurts. Like I said it isn't "Happily ever after". You have to work on a relationship and put in the effort on a daily basis. Relationships aren't machines, or pieces of software which are "Maintenance Free" or have a maintenance contract included..


Now, I am not saying that each persons love is not valuable and great. Afterall, doesn't everyone think the love they have is the greatest? But from where I sit, love - real, honest, healthy, no strings attached - is something that has been in short simple in my life. And thus when it finally happens, it will be mean that much more to me. It will be sacred, it will be pure, and it will be heaven.


Yes and what happens when you both have a tiny disagreement about something stupid which escalates into something bigger?


In the real world it doesn't work like this you have to continually make effort and many times swallow your own pride. You don't just fall in love and then be "Happy ever after".


If this is the stuff of fairy tales, then I'll find a way for the fairy tale to come true. I don't give in to the idea that it is impossible. I make the impossible happen. Unsinkable ships sink, and unbreakable walls break. At one point the idea of walking on the moon was considered impossible, just a dream. It happened. So why can't I make the fairy tale come true?


Right, I'll adress each of these points:

Ships sink because they have water underneath them. If something goes wrong they will sink because they are heavier than the water. Once they hit the ocean bed they sink no more. This is science fact.

If you have a ship on dry land then this is the only time it is truly un-sinkable (Until you have a flood or Tsunami etc) so even the dry land un-sinkable theory isn't quite right.


Unbreakable walls? - I've never heard of one but the only way it wouldn't break is if there were nothingbut solid matter behind it. The fact that it is a wall means there is a space, yard, 1/2 of Germany, etc behind it and so thereforeeee there is a chance that it can be broken. If it's there, then there is a chance.


The moon thing was achieved with science and logic. They built a big rocket and put people in it. It went there, they got out and walked and came back. This was not magic. None of it was magic, it's based on the theories of science and logic.


If I had a women by my side, I really could go a lifetime without sex. Because I am not looking for sex. I long for love. And love can be expressed without sex.


Right this is worrying me right here. You seem to be in the clouds at the moment. No matter what woman you are with she will want intimacy. Intimacy frequently involves sex. Yes love can be expressed without sex I agree, BUT (and this is a big but) love can also become stale without variety. Water becomes stagnant if it stays in the same place (unless you bleach it) or unless it runs free.


I have never said that I would not have sex


Thank the lord there is hope!


should I be married, that has its part.


Ok, so sex only has a PART if your married? - So what happens to the poor girl who really likes you but doesn't want to commit her life because she doesn't know you that well. Then she wants to have some fun and wants to have sex with you. You see this girl has a sexual appetite and like many people enjoys having sex with people she's close to. You offend her when you reject her giving her the "It has to be life" stuff and she gets spooked. Not only does she find it creepy in some ways but also tells her friends, they tell their friends etc


But it is not what I want in the relationship. I consider all possibilites and think big.


Yes but (Don't take this the wrong way) your spending to much time thinking and not enough time gaining practical experience. From everything I have read that you have written it says that you have no clue. Please, face the fact that women like to have fun. They don't want to marry you, sign a pre-nump, etc just before you'll even touch them. A few women will get bored and cheat on you before you'd even get this far. How much would you be hurt then?


Are you still thinking big? - Big can be hard to handle most of the time, so you have to break down big into smaller easier to manage chunks.


I write computer programs. If I wrote one program as one long piece of code it would be a nightmare to debug when it goes wrong. If I break it down into smaller routines, procedures, functions etc it's a lot easier to manage.


I asked myself the question, what if something happened so that we were unable to have sex? Would that be a problem for me? My answer, with all honesty, is no.


This I have no problem with really. The only thing I will say is that once you start having sex your attitude does change and you miss it when there's a shortage of it.


If I love the person and have pledged my life to her, I will not let sex be an issue. And in the relationship I had with the one girl, sex was not on my mind. Simple being with her and holding her was enough.


So where is she now?


Sex crossed my mind, but only in the sense of giving it to her upon our wedding night as a symbol of my love and devotion for her for all eternity.


Whoaa. I certainly hope she never knew this. Your young so I'm assuming she was too. That stuff can scare young girls a lot. Most aren't ready to handle such big commitment @ such a young age.


And should the girl be wanting to have sex with me, she will have to respect my decision to wait.


Right on their brother. You tell her. Doesn't matter how offended she is aslong as you remain the dominant male in the relationship. Have you even considered the fact that women are very sensitive and can become very paranoid if you reject their advances?


You reject her moves and your going to start getting the "Is it me?", "Don't you like me?", "Is there someone else?" etc. Trust me I had this and it's very hard to change once they start thinking like this. Don't even get yourself into this mess - I'm tellin ya now.


Will you still be as dominant if she cheats because she's getting bored waiting? - what happens when the other male decides to dominate you and leaves you with some bruises?


I wouldn't fall for anyone who wouldn't do that.


Easier said than done... We men can be blind where women are concerned my friend. You can't guarantee you won't fall for anyone.


And yes, I have the willpower to wait.


I do admire your perseverance and being willing to at least wait a reasonable amount of time is always a good thing.


Love will conquer all problems, as long as both parties are willing to make it work. And the love I will have, that I speak of, it won't let anything get in the way. If I knew she wanted to be with me forever, I would go anywhere the wind blows for her. And she would do the same for me, I know it.


Hang on, you haven't even met the girl yet but already you got her married to you, spending her life with you and doing anything for you! This definitely does remind me of ME before I got real about things.


I wouldn't ask her too, and we would talk about it. But we will be strong enough together to make everything work.


The question of her not wanting a long term relationship is pointless.


This is a VERY important factor. It can take a couple many years to decide their future. You cannot expect her to instantly decide yes or no to spending her life with you. This is not only un-reasonable but also a little scary. What happens 2 years down the line if she changes her mind? - Are you going to stalk her because "She's the one and no-one else can be with her"?


Infact it sounds to me like you don't actually give a damn what she thinks or wants (and you haven't even met her yet).


You are putting a lot of demands and pressure on the girl already before you have met her. This isn't fair on either of you.


I would not be with her if she wasn't. I am open and honest with the people I meet. They will know who I am, what I believe, and what I want in a relationship from the start. If they don't feel the same, a relationship wouldn't even get going. I also don't date, I simple get to know people and become friends. That way I get to know them. And if something is there, if there is the possibility of the long term, we'll see what happens. So if I have a girlfriend, she'll believe just as I do. Thus, a good deal of problems will be avoided from the start and the rest we will be committed to making work.


Seems like you have it all planned out perfectly to YOUR desire. I'd like to get her POV on all of this..


I understand it isn't simple. I've encountered more hang ups then you would believe through relationships I have seen.


Seen but not been a part of?. Until you experience it you cannot experience it first hand yourself no matter how hard you try to convince people.


I have seen how to get through them. I have seen what causes more problems and makes them worse.


So have I but like I said it isn't that simple. Problems still occur no matter what you currently think. It isn't all Black and White. There are other shades of Grey etc.


I know that it won't always be perfect. But my love will last because I will honor, cherish, and value it with everything I am... as will she. And all the disagreements, all the issues, they will be dealt with and the love will endure.


Ok, well it seems that you have life sussed. Good luck with it because apparently it's all part of your master plan.


I've spent too much time here now so I must go but if you wish to continue convincing us that you are 'The one' and that no experience will make your life fully resiliant then please make it a shorter reply!



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