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Washing Hair too much?

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I typically shower every morning and shampoo and condition during that shower. Then in the afternoon aorund 4 I go to the gym for a few hours and shower again afterwards I also shampoo and condition my hair. I heard that it is damaging to wash your hair everyday. I have not noticed any damage to my hair but I'm worried that int he future it will cause damage if I continue. Does anyone know if this is true? Would it be better if I showered but didn't wash my hair? I remember someone ask a hair question a while back and there was a hair stylist on the forums then. Anyway, if anyone knows whether it is true you shouldn't wash your hair every day I would like to know. If it's helpful I have long thick curly hair that is rarely oily it is its natural color not died or permed. I also don't blow dry my hair unless I absolutely have to.

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Hey combat, I do have some advice for you and I hope I can put this together so it makes sense to you and anyone else reading this.


Washing your hair every day strips your hair of its natural oils, oils your hair needs for protection. washing your hair more then 2 times a day just adds further damage. You may notice your hair is drying out, breaking off or worse. There is however shampoo that can help. Think about it, swimmers have to wash there hair all the time. They make special shampoos to protect your hair and keep it healthy. So if you simply can't cut down on the washing please go to a salon or a hair care store and find a hair shampoo and a REALLY GOOD deep conditioner and regular conditioner may help you if you simply have no choice.


Washing the hair every other day is much more healthy for the sake and longevity of your hair. It also gives the scalp time to build up the protective oils you need for healthy and shiney hair.

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  • 2 years later...

It depends. When i was younger i had to wash mine everyday as it wuold get oily so fast.


Now i do it every other day.


Twice a day is WAY too much no matter if you have oily scalp or not.


I think a good rule of thumb is every other day. People with very dry hair can get away with less than that.

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I wash my hair every second day. IF i did it any more than that i'd get dandruff. My hair is extremely thick and it drys out easily. I will usually do an up-do on the second day and wear it down on the washed days.


Boring but practical. Plus it stays up better on the unwashed days with the natural oils.

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The less often you wash your hair, the less oily it will become over 2 days. It adjusts to your washing schedule.


I only wash my hair every 2-3 days, which some people might find gross, but it doesn't look oily and I always put product in to keep it smelling nice.


Aveda sells this powder that you can sprinkle on your roots to soak up the grease and give you volume if you want to transition to washing your hair less often.


You know, you don't have to get your hair wet each time you shower. Invest in a shower cap.

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I wash my hair every day. If I didn't, I would be a total greaseball. A few times, I've been sick and have stayed home and not washed my hair for two days, and...eyaahhhhhhhhhh....grooossssssssss.


However, if I shower more than once in a day (i.e. if I go to the gym after work, then go out later that night), I don't wash my hair again. I might spritz it with a little water and fluff it up, but going to the gym and sweating a little usually doesn't make it dirty enough to require two washings in one day.


I have long hair, and even with washing it everyday, it's still pretty healthy. I think part of that is because it's oily. Dry hair should definitely not be washed every day.

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