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Hey Guys


Okay so scrap my previous posts, theres this lad who i've been friends with for a while whom i starting to fall for, we have always flirted, we've never really been out alone but we go out in a group with mutual friends a few times a week. He always offers to drive me, pick me up n bring me home, so we probably spend an hour alone everytime we go out in the car, we txt and taslk online quite a bit as well.

I can tell he likes me and i think he knows how i feel, don't get me wrong, not suggesting i'm madly in love with him...but he's soooo nice!

Heres the thing, I'm quite a Large girl not like godzilla fat, but deffinately on the bigger side of plump i know i should lose weight but i'm perfectly happy in my own skin most of the time and i do go swimming regularly so even tho i'm fat i'm fit and the dctor says thats fine...Anyways this guys is very tall and very skinny...i normally go for guys more my size ...it juts happens that way...i don't think he's put off by my size but if anything was to ever happen i'd feel weird with my guy being like half my size.

Am i just being silly?

Lala @->--

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I am quite certain that guys don't mind curves at all... they prefer ladies with a bit of cushioning comparitively to anorexic girls..


And you are healthy and comfortable in your own skin, so you have nothing to worry about - stay confident in yourself and this confidence will radiate from you.


If he is doing all these things for you it seems to me that he is fond of you

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A bit of honesty. I get turned off if a girl is over weight, I cant help it. I lose my attraction. But on the flipside, there are guys who like bigger girls, and do not mind that at all. It is always better to look fit, as its more attractive. Thought sometimes to get that look it takes so much sacrifice that its not even worth it. It might take years of watching what you eat, exersizing, and eating healthy. For the reward of having guys look at you and drool because of your god body. But in the long run is it worth it? Since you would have to give up your life style and change your eating and exersizing habbits. I guess its a personal choice, or you can take your chances with guys liking or disliking you for your weight.


Its all about what the important things to you are. As much as people try to call guys shallow and this and that when they dislike bigger girls. I look at it like this, for the same reasons gay guys are gay. Most guys, are predisposed to like attractive, instead of overweight girls. This is a fact of life, you can critisize it as much as you want. The reality is you either find guys who are attracted to this kind of physique or you slim down.


I do not mean to be rude or mean, just rather would like to give you some truth on the matter.



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All I can say is that it all depends on the person. There is no hard and straight rule. So, stop asking, and see what HE does.


I'm 6' 4" and weigh 160. I like skinny - like twig skinny - woman. But, believe it or not, I *used* to like voluptuous women. I'm talking Anna Nicole Smith. One day I changed. Who knows why, but I did.


My two friends are both built like me, and have very large GF's. Why? It's probably because these women are so SWEET! Wow, they have to be some of the most wonderful women I have met.


I've had my fill of tall, skinny, hot, immature and RUDE little "girls." Looks fade, but pesonality is forever. (I just happened to find a skiiny woman who is actually pretty cool, too. Amazing! )

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Im a big girl.. not massive but I would have to lose 30-40 pounds to be what my body size should be and my fiance loves me more then anything...


He loves big girls, and now that I am with him (well its been 5 years) I have had guy friends who find me beautiful (they like bigger girls too) and they always said if we ever broke up they would be after me....

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In the end, the attractiveness is just in looking healthy. If you are a little bigger but you have bright skin and vibrance you will still be attractive, even if you are not the supermodel body build. Past the first attractive phase the person will love you for who you are on the inside. So its a matter of looking attractive enough for your partner so that the two of you give eachother a chance after that its your inner beauty that takes over.

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There are men who are attracted to 'larger women'.


i don't think he's put off by my size but if anything was to ever happen i'd feel weird with my guy being like half my size.

Am i just being silly?


I don't believe you are being 'silly'.

I think you are being self-conscience.

If you don't think he has a problem with it - it's not a problem between the both of you.


Good luck.

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Most guys I know prefer girls that are inbetween slim and fat but more on the plump side but are not huge get what I'm saying? I prefer a girl that's slim/average but that's just me every guy's different. I don't think any guys really like anorexic type of girls.....but hey I could be wrong but if there's any out there that do its not that much.

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