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so its been like 2 weeks, and i feel over it, totally over it.

apathy tinged with anger is sort of where i am at.

my ex strung me along for a few mos , then told me at the last moment she was seeing someone else, after denying it etc.

it was hard for me to handle, she got in touch and said how bad she felt about it, and didnt want to lose me in her life.

so i havent seen her for 2 weeks, and now she wants to get coffee next week..i have mixed opinons.

i am trying to be mature and adult, and we were really good friends..

but i am also mad when i think about it, and dont think really that friends treat eachother like that, she let me know what she really thought of me when she slept with this guy when i was out of town...

so what should i do? tell her to f off, tell her good luck but i cant be friends, or go get a coffee and make mindless small talk just to be a bigger person?

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don't bother being friends with you. She lied right to your face. Would you really want to keep someone like that around in your life?


It would be different if you guys broke up amicably and there was no lies and stringing along and stuff. You obviously still have feelings for her and thats why you are considering meeting up with her. its a lost cause and it will just cause you more pain. Let her realize what she lost. dont meet up with her

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she let me know what she really thought of me when she slept with this guy when i was out of town...


If she did this while (supposedly) she was your GF, what's she gonna do as a 'regular' friend??? She's got some nerve!


What advice would you give one of your friends, if they described this situation as having happened to them? I'd say cut her loose.

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Not just NC, but NCWEV (No Contact With Extreme Vengeance).


You are trying to be mature and adult about this, so never talk to her again. You deserve better. An adult would walk away, there is nothing wrong with that when someone treats you like she has.


Best wishes,

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