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i think he found better.....

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Why does it matter what your ex's new gf looks like?


There will always be someone "better looking" or "prettier" - the fact is that everyone is attracted to something different, it's not a universal standard chart that every man and woman is given telling them exactly what they must be attracted too.


And, there is far more to attraction then looks as well. A radiant smile, confident, intelligent, loving, healthy & active person who takes care of themselves will be more attractive then the "model" who is sullen, obnxious, chain smoking and whose catch phrase is "I like pink!".


How does "prettier" automatically mean = better person????

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Personally, it wouldn't bother me...then again, I wouldn't know what my ex was up to because once I'm done, I'm done and they're not part of my life anymore. Even if I did happen to run into an ex with an attractive new gf, my thought would probably be, "Best of luck to ya, honey...he's got a lotta problems."


Comparing yourself to others usually ends up with you hurting yourself or feeling worse about yourself. Fortunately, it's a habit you can un-learn.


Just because she's prettier (or more accurately you percieve her as "prettier") doesn't mean she's nicer, smarter, more together, or has a better life than you (or anyone else for that matter). Only thing it means is she got a different combination in the genetic lottery.

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yeah, its bothersome, but dont let it get to you. she prob thinks that you are hotter than her. its all in the head and we all get a little insecure from time to time but its important to stay level headed and think of better things. she may not be smarter, funnier, etc than you...get it?


how do you guys feel about your current bf or gf who had an x that was hotter?


similar answers prob.

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