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For ladies: Eye contact


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well it really all depends....


a) if he's REALLY attractive definitely yes for as long as it can go on


b) if he's really attractive and I have a boyfriend, I look long enough to let him know he's cute and thats all


c) if Im not interested and I see a guy trying to make eye contact I ignore as much as possible, and if it persists I make it obvious im ignoring.

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I usually make eye contact with someone I find attractive. However, I may or may not make eye contact with him a second time. If he looks at me eagerly, whether or not I am interested, it sometimes makes me nervous and I look away and ignore him. I dont' really think eye contact is something to depend on.

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Do you make eye contact with men on the street or do you look alway? By eye contact I mean looking for at least than 3 sec.


I always make eye contact with men on the street. But for reasons that are much different than what others have posted.


My high school was in a very bad neighborhood and I used to have to take the bus before I got my license. Each day walking, I had a constant fear of attack (which was very realistic based on the crime rates in the area). I once read a theory that if you're on the street alone and a threatening man is walking toward you, etc. To walk with your head held very high and to make eye contact, so you become "humanized".


That theory contended that most rapists look for victims that will be "easy" and "weak" to target.... So I always walked very confidently and made eye contact with them. If the they assess you as being too tough...you are not "worth it" to them...you'd be too much trouble to rape and they'll look for someone else. I'm not sure how true that is, since all criminals have different motives- but I used it a lot in high school.


I still make eye contact with men even now- but it's just a habit. But it originally started off as me doing it while in "survival mode".




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oh yeah!! if he is REALLY cute and Im single I will STARE, forget eye contact. I want him to really KNOW i dig him.


but like i said now that I have a boyfriend I give a little ocntact just to let ya know you're cute.


but yes i make eye contact with people for the same reason as the other posters and usually smile. but if i see a man i am NOT interested in making that kind of eye contact I am blatant about letting him know he is being ignored

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I gotta question, what if you know the girl was interested before, but now she looks at you, except it isn't really long like 3 seconds, but there more quick looks for about 1-2 seconds (and hold the guys eye contact when you look at him)? And you don't get a neutral feeling from it (like she's not interested)?

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Hi, first post.... this post is the kind of thing i've been looking for i think. I've grown up as a nerd/dork/loser whatever you call it, i've never had a girlfriend and i'm very shy and confidence....well, i've got none.


Recently, in the past year or two, I've noticed that a lot of girls around my age (~20-25 ) will stare at me when i'm walking by or walking into the room or something and will continue to stare even after i've made eye contact (and then broken it of course). Sometimes groups of girls will stop talking and stare at me, and i've even had very pretty girls smile along with their stare....... but it's very disconcerting. I've been told by a number of my landlord's female friends that I'm "very handsome," but this is the only time ever (other than my grandmother of course), so naturally it's hard to believe. But I just can't believe that women would stare at you if you're incredibly good-looking.... i thought women were notoriously shy about these kind of things???

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