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Metro Sexual

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I have a question,I'm 16 years old and i'm a metro sexual...(i don't know if it's weird or not but,i am what i am and do whatever i like to do... )so anyways whatever cream or scrub i use on my face it isnt really helping.I have alot (well,not alot but some ) zits. Some say they see a defference some say they dont,maybe its because i'm a teenager?Why isnt it helping?

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It depends on YOU. Things that work for one person don't necessarily work for another person. I tried everything and nothing seemed to make a difference. So I just gave up on crazy creams and focused on just keeping my face clean. For me, I found that washing my hair more often left me with less zits since the oil in my hair was getting on my skin and causing zits to form. Having zits is a stage everyone eventually grows out of. I know it sucks right now, but don't worry about it too much. I would recommend seeing a dermatologist and possibly getting some medicine (prescribed my a dermatologist of course) for your skin if it's that much of a problem for you. I hope everything works out for you!

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  • 1 year later...

Just because you don't wanna have zits you're metro-sexual, then? I mean, not that there's anything wrong with the word metro-sexual, but I've never considered myself metro-sexual, although I do try to care of myself.... I just consider it basic good higiene, man.


So, what? You gotta look like this guy not to be labeled "metro-sexual"?


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I'm sure you've heard this a million times, but wash your face twice a day! Morning and right before bed. It's such a simple thing that many people just don't take the time to do. I've mentioned this before, but I use crabtree and evelyn's rosewater glycerine soap. It's amazing. Dries things right up

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