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Poll about alcohol

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My mom always let me "experiment" with different drinks when I was younger. The first time I drank I had to be like 5 years old. The first time got drunk, however, was my senior year in high school (I was 17). The drink that got me drunk was cranberry juice and vodka. To this day I'm a (controlled) fan of alcohol.

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Tried alcohol for the first time when I was, 16 or 17 I think. Somewhere in that general area give or take a year or two. It wasn't anything major just a sip of wine. Thats the limit of my alcohol consumption and haven't had an urge to drink any since.


I've never been drunk in my life.

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im from a very openly drinking italian family that let me drink on the holidays............and it was wine that got the job done the first time


I have baby pictures of me downing the remains of beer cans.


But like you, my family are open alcoholics- we're polish. I was 12 at a polish wedding when I got completely trashed with all my cousins.

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Never been drunk. The most I've had was a glass of champange (mmmmm bubbly!). And then half a glass of wine 3 hours before that. I usually only drink small amounts on holidays and special occasions.


I first had alcohol when I was 19...it was during the holiday season of 2004. My parents were afraid I would like it too much!


Never been drunk

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Where's the fun in that?


Where's the fun in getting so jacked up that you say stupid things, do stupid things, make a fool out of yourself, and barely remember it all? Where is the fun in the hangover the next morning? Where is the fun for the designated driver who has to set back and watch the rest of the group get tore up? Where is the fun in throwing up, or being the person taking care of you? Where is the fun for loved ones who worry about you when you are drunk?


Juice... it tastes good, its good for you. You shouldn't need alcohol to have fun, there are infinetly more things that are fun.

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Didn't mean to jump on you, but alcohol is something I never joke about. To many people hurt by it, both the ones doing the drinking, loved ones, and helpless strangers. It's something I feel very strongly on.


Her friends will joke about the stuff she lost

Cause tequila makes her clothes fall off...


Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off - Joe Nicols

Sorry thought it was interesting. But people hurt to it only because they abuse it. Nothing wrong with alcohol in moderation.

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How old were you when you were first drunk? i'm jsut curious as to what the norm is for most people


The original question wasn't about alcohol in moderation, it was about getting drunk. And you have people saying they weren't even teenagers when they did it, being even proud of that fact. Not a good indicator that people are able to control it.


I figure its easiest to stop a problem by never putting yourself in position to have it. If you don't drink at all, no chance of you getting drunk. And any of the benefits people say alcohol has, you can get in many other and healthier ways.

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Oh, I know...there are also a few others that were never drunk that made comments. It just sounded like you were completely against alcohol. In fact it still does. It's okay...my BF is the same way...except he has had it. He also doesn't like the taste.


Also it does not taste like juice! The alcohol makes it taste very different.

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