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I've recently kept in contact with my friend (Kelly) that I went out with when I was in Primary School, and we found that we still like each other.. She's on the break (because of me) with her boyfriend, and she really wants me to come over to her house and do some business..


I'm confused though.. She asks lots of questions.. personal questions that is.. Like 'what do you know about sex? what experience do you have? Oral handjob oral what would you want?', and I just want to tell her that I want to take it easy at first, but I wouldn't know what her reaction would be at first..


We have lots of dirty talk too, and I never really have done that before (I'm a mild person if you know what I mean) so I tell her that I wouldn't want to do much of that.. She isn't a virgin.. but I am.. People tell me that it's great to be a virgin because you can lose it to the right person, and Kelly keeps asking me if she would lose it to me because she is the right one for me.. I drop my head to say that I don't know, even on numerous occasions..


I'm sure this paragraph here has applied to a number of others, but has she ever asked you if you love her? I tell her truthfully that I do love her, but as a friend, and that I wouldn't mind taking it further..


I just haven't actually been able to talk to her face to face because of her recent boyfriend.. Haven't been able to ask her what has happened for 6 years (Primary School until now) and get to know her even more too.. She keeps bringing up the moment I kissed her.. She said she never felt anything like it.. and so she tells me that she wants to do it again.. I tell her that we will one day - no wonder she keeps asking me to come over to hers!


Sorry for the long message, but hopefully it's given a good understanding of what I'm trying to tell people that read this.. I'm slightly nervous at the fact of meeting her and 'doing something in her bedroom' as she says.. but that will come over quickly when it's done..


Thanks for taking your time to read this everyone..

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Deciding when, who, where....they are all really hard when you think about losing your virgintiy. The only real rule that you need to follow is make sure that YOU are ready for that. No matter what you are going to be nervous because of it being your first time, but you dont want to make a move like that if you are not ready for that. There really is no wrong or right in the bedroom, everyone prefers something different, but all you need to make sure of is that you want to do that and you are comfortable with the situation. If you are not ready then tell her that. Most girls should realize that its your first time and you are not sure of it yet. When you are ready, then let her know. If she has a real problem with it, then that would have been the wrong girl tolose it too. I remember my mom telling me when we had the infamous *sex talk* that if I didnt want to do it and some guy try to pressure me to, and after I said no he left me, then that was the wrong guy. If he leaves you, then he didnt love you, she said, and if he doesnt love you, then that is not someone you want to sleep with.

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