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im a virgin. totally. plain and simple. but i know one of my guy friends wants me to give him a bj (im a girl) and i will if he asks me. but hes had some expirience (dont worry hes clean) and i havent but i dont want to do anything wrong, obviously. so i was wondering if anyone had some helpful stories, tip or just advice. i really want to know some tips for deep throating. also where are some good places if its not at a house??? some of my friends have given head in movie theaters (i liked the sound of this!) please just let me know what u think!!! also just for the record im 13 and so is he



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Before you become sexually active, learn the risks and what kinds of diseases there are out there.


How, when, and where?


I think when would be your biggest concern. The answer is when parents aren't around. Usually, this would be during daylight hours or at night when you two are somewhere alone - completely alone. I would think that a movie theater wouldn't be ideal for doing it for the first time. Right after school, or at night somewhere would be much better.


How - you're going to have to ask your girlfriends who have experience as they will be your best resource.


Good luck, and keep it safe.

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im a virgin. totally. plain and simple. but i know one of my guy friends wants me to give him a bj (im a girl) and i will if he asks me. but hes had some expirience (dont worry hes clean) and i havent but i dont want to do anything wrong, obviously. so i was wondering if anyone had some helpful stories, tip or just advice. i really want to know some tips for deep throating. also where are some good places if its not at a house??? some of my friends have given head in movie theaters (i liked the sound of this!) please just let me know what u think!!! also just for the record im 13 and so is he




And 'just for the record' - it's illegal.


Do you feel pressured to give him oral?

How do you know he's clean?

You do know that oral is normally a progression to sex - how would you feel about that if he asked?


Is he just a friend?

That seems a little odd.

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yes, it is illegal, but i think that if you are going to do it anyway, then you should learn the risks first. And second of all, this is just a friend right? cuz if he is i think you should probly say no, make him at least work for it, lol. Dont worry, im not even legal either, so all i can suggest is not displaying your age when asking for things like this.

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yes, it is illegal, but i think that if you are going to do it anyway, then you should learn the risks first. And second of all, this is just a friend right? cuz if he is i think you should probly say no, make him at least work for it, lol. Dont worry, im not even legal either, so all i can suggest is not displaying your age when asking for things like this.

That would be deceptive.


I simply stated it; for the record.


STDs, pregnancy, emotional attatchment - which could turn out to be one sided.

And the fact that he's only a friend suggests that he's using you for sexual pleasures.


There's my not so subtle reply.

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he just my friend i really like him but i wouldnt go out with him. i think "going out" with sum1 is dumb. i mean in the 8th grade most ppl "go out" for like 2 weeks tops and u cant even call ur self their girlfriend cuz thats just to sudden. in short its lame id much rather just be FWB. oh and hes not using me if i like him too. also i dont feel pressured i really like him and want to but im not gonna do nething until he asks me.

i know oral is a normal progression to sex thats fine with me. if he asked me i would have sex with him. the only reason i wouldnt is that i would be pretty nervous but id want to. and i guess i cant really kno for sure if hes clean but i trust him and about it being illegal i really couldnt care less.

if i should or not wasnt the point this post

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some of my friends have given head in movie theaters (i liked the sound of this!)

This again as later mentioned is illegal. I believe its considered a lewd/indecent act which of course can cause legal troubles. I realize people are breaking laws all the time and maybe the teenage rebellion in you coming out but what I'm against is the sanitation (or lack there of) in this case. Seriously, that is downright disturbing. Disturbing on the sanitary level, and disturbing on the level, you're under 18 and only 13 thereforeeee you can't go into an adult movie. thereforeeee there will most likely be children, and if I were in a parent I personally would be less than pleased if my children or even I seen a couple teens giving head in a family theatre.


oh and hes not using me if i like him too. also i dont feel pressured i really like him and want to but im not gonna do nething until he asks me.

Really? Hm. Well I guess everyone's opinion differs but I take it you have to imagine the fact of when he is bored of you and moves along to the next target. Most likely, he doesn't care that you like him for any more than the fact you like him, thereforeeee try to please him so he can use you however he likes however long it takes to find a new hobby.


about it being illegal i really couldnt care less.

Once a person is caught, opinions change. If I were you, I'd take it just a bit more seriously. It isn't considered an innocent 'oops. sorry.' problem on any level.


Anywho, aside of my two cents, if you want tips, Google is a wonderful source of this and that. I'm sure if you Googled Oral Sex Tips you'd find a gold mine of exactly what you're looking for.

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I don't believe we should be advising her of the legalities. People run stop signs, jaywalk, smoke marijuana and they all know that it's not legal. Does that stop them? No. What makes you think someone won't do something sexually because it's illegal?


The best thing we can advise for her is to be safe about what she's doing. If she's going to have sex, or oral sex, it should be done in the safest way possible. Her first priority should be educating herself regarding all the possible outcomes of becoming sexually active. Number one, becoming pregnant and number two, contracting a sexually transmitted infection. So, if you're going to have sex make sure you use a condom and get birth control. You can check in to your local planned parenthood and they can give you these things.

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I remember you asking this very same question or one similar earlier this summer. I see you are still considering this. I happen to agree with Dark Blue and Jinx. But....... if you are going to do 'something', which I would seriously advise against because of all the consequences that can come with becoming sexually active too young, then please be safe!!!! I still can't even begin to imagine doing something like that at such a young age! I hope you will at least consider some of what others are saying from before and now. We all have your best interest at heart.

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yes, it is illegal, but i think that if you are going to do it anyway, then you should learn the risks first. And second of all, this is just a friend right? cuz if he is i think you should probly say no, make him at least work for it, lol. Dont worry, im not even legal either, so all i can suggest is not displaying your age when asking for things like this.

That would be deceptive.


I simply stated it; for the record.


STDs, pregnancy, emotional attatchment - which could turn out to be one sided.

And the fact that he's only a friend suggests that he's using you for sexual pleasures.


There's my not so subtle reply.

uh, i was agreeing with you, lol. guess it wasnt an effective sentence
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I don't believe we should be advising her of the legalities. People run stop signs, jaywalk, smoke marijuana and they all know that it's not legal. Does that stop them? No. What makes you think someone won't do something sexually because it's illegal?


The best thing we can advise for her is to be safe about what she's doing. If she's going to have sex, or oral sex, it should be done in the safest way possible. Her first priority should be educating herself regarding all the possible outcomes of becoming sexually active. Number one, becoming pregnant and number two, contracting a sexually transmitted infection. So, if you're going to have sex make sure you use a condom and get birth control. You can check in to your local planned parenthood and they can give you these things.


Telling the poster of legalities is just a way in which we can inform them of the consequences.

I wasn't saying "Don't do it! Because it's illegal".


I'm quite aware that people break laws all the time - but we're here to help people; and advise them in the best way we see fit.


If you would like to go ahead and give sexual tips to a minor - that is your choice; as with anyone that decides to.


And 'just for the record', in many states - she won't receive birth conrol because of her age.

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I think he's just using you for a bj, and I think he's a loser because of that. He's using you for sexual favors and you don't realize it because you like him and you think its "ok".


Well if your going to do it anyway, just do it in an area with no people in it, like for example if your parents are going to leave for 5 hours bring him over during that time period.


That movie theater thing is really stupid .


And when you give him head, use a condom, plastic wrap some kind of protection don't just do it plain.

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Why is it that when the guy will ask you to give him head that you will just do it? You should not have to do that at all unless you want to.


Just because your friends are giving head, does not mean you need to start too. And I doubt at your age that you would be able to deep throat. I don't really remember what i was thinking about when i was 13, but it wasnt sex. if you are getting sexually active at the age of 13 where do you think it will be in like 3 or 4 years. Just think about what you really want. And if someone demands a blowjob, do not feel like you should do it just because he asks.

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Wow, you're 13 and you want to give him a BJ and have sex?(you said you would if he asked you too) If he asked you to jump off a bridge, would you do that too? You say he's your friend and stuff, but he might just want the pleasure then just ignore you. I'm not saying it will defintely happen, but it could. It happens a lot.


and I agree with trailor22

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I'm not prude, but why the rush? Seriously. You've got plenty of time to learn about blowjobs and no guy in their right mind, at 13 years old, is going to give a toss about you afterwards. He may be a friend but he's 13 years old and I would bet my house and my life on it that if you gave him a blowjob, he'd tell practically everyone he knows and then you're left with a reputation to deal with. He probably won't be your friend for much longer and I don't want you to do things you'll regret.


Not. good. at. all.


Don't try and keep up with your friends on this one and don't give in to this guy just because he wants you to. I was a teenager once too and I saw it happen all too often with 'friends'. There really is no rush. Wait until you're a bit older - you'll enjoy it sooooo much more when you're mentally equipped to deal with it.

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If they are both 13 it hardly matters whether they have reached the age of consent. It would be a different story if one of them was older but there is nobody to charge. Although its a weird that the guy is 13 i mean guys normally have barely developed by then but whatever. MissJones does have a point you do have a reputation to think about. I mean the attention might be fun at first but trust me it will turn bad. Guys will think about you as trash unless your SURE he won't tell anyone.


Anyway, to answer your question. Ummm...anywhere thats private. Too bad your only 13 or I would say a car while he's driving. May not be safe but its one hell of a rush. Actually I did that once and my boyfriend wound up crashing his car so thats actually not a very good idea but it wasn't that bad jsut a tiny fender bender. Don't do that on a highway. Ok whatever that was a little random. But seriously anywhere thats private you would be shocked at the places people have gotten away with stuff like that.

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I doubt anyone knows of the actual age of consent for her state


Secondly, I had the feeling this entire thread turned into a lecture on how if she engages in any sexual activity before she is a legal adult and married she is a whore. This has gone on too far and is completely ridiculous.


Obviously, at 13, she's becoming sexual. It would be nice for someone to provide her with a healthy outlet for her sexuality. Especially since it appears she hasn't responded in quite some time.


And above all, everyone is a *beep* according to someone else's standards

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