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I'm turning 18 on Sunday and moving out the 21st.

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On Sunday i turn 18. For me and my father, (which is divorced from my mom and lives in texas), its a big deal. ive been with my boyfriend since the 6th grade. We are both seniors in high school now. he lives in PA and i live in AZ. for a couple of years now we have been discussing me moving out there when i turn 18. i havent told me mom or her new husband. i dont like him at all. nor does my 12 year old brother and 17 year old sister, he is always controlling and calling my brother names. ive decided that i am going to move to PA on the 21st of this month but im not telling my mom or stepdady.... ive been stressing lately and finally told me father last night. he wants the best for me and is supporting me 100%. i asked him if there was anything my mom could do to get me in trouble for leaving. i mean, i will be 18, right? his reply was "i dont know sweetie, shes a crazy ." im really worried. all my mom is keeping me around for is the $900 of child support she gets each month for me and my siblings.



Can ANYONE tell me if the can do anything to get me in trouble for leaving?

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Well no, not really. Once you are 18 you can do what you like as you are a legal adult. I'd suggest telling her or at least leaving a note so she doesn't file a missing person's report thinking you were abducted or that harm has come to you. But no she cannot prevent you from moving out.

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I agree with the above. Also We don't know anything though about your family. Remember your parents were divorced and why your probably having problems now. Your dad calls your mom a crazy . To the person reading this , what makes him any better? They're both divorced so who knows who's right here? I had a couple friends growing up that were messed up in life over a divorced parent situation. I think you should move out regardles. There's no reason for a dad to say in front of his 18 year old daghter, your mom's a crazy . Goodluck

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ok, my impression seems to be a bit different than the others right now. you seem very gung ho to be turning 18 and turning "adult", and you will be moving out etc. buuuuuut why can't you be mature enough to tell your family that you will be leaving? It takes a lot of maturity to be out in the real world, a LOT of dealing with things you don't necessarily like, if you are not mature enough to initiate and get through one conversation that, granted, will be extremely uncomfortable, then maybe you are not yet mature enough to move out...?

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