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Lately it seems as if the stars seem to get farther away

Lately it seems as if I don't really care for the time of the day

I woke through the motions and I shake the hands

But truly my soul breathes and lives dieing in end

Don't get my wrong but truly I have loved life, my pores are breathing and my skin is seeing happiness through a great wealth


Lately it seems as if nothing really matters

Lately it feels as though everything just seems get flatter and flatter

The parties get better, the girls get hotter

But the passion, the thoughts of quench and thirst disappear into the river of hope

Am I not the trickle off the tree, am I not the new born fish swimming in the sea

The hole is not black but grey for something is missing in dismay

Where have you gone, where can you be sought dear true my feelings of May?


Lately the stars seem to fade

Lately morning buzz seems darker in gray

I need the tender, luscious, caress


Lately I've needed you

So please I beg you, wake up on queue, my sleeping beauty you.

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