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She was running at me

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A few weeks ago, this young girl(college senior) approached me and started talking to me. She was extremely good-looking. We had a brief conversation then we parted ways. Every time she saw me, she would say hello. Then a few weeks ago, she started talking to me again. We had a brief conversation again. I didn't think much about her since she acted cold whenever she talked to me.


Then this week, something weird happened. I was by myself when that girl was running straight at me. She had a big smile on her face, and she started acting really excited and hyper. She told me that she really wanted to talk to me because she hadn't seen me in a while. I felt really uncomfortable, because I am so used to her acting really subdued and introverted. The girl was asking me all these questions about my personal life. She talked really fast. As she about to leave, she told me that she thought it was really important that people should keep in touch with each other. She asked if I kept in touch with the people I know. I got the feeling that she wanted to give me my phone number. I then asked to exchanged phone numbers with each other. She then asked me to call her so that I could hang out with her friends.


I would like to know what happened? Was she trying to flirt with me? That girl is really subdued yet she started runnning when she saw me, and she acted really hyper.

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ok she was just super nervous and that's why she was talking really fast etc. she wanted to exchange the numbers, yeah.


Ok so since you like her, gogogogogo and do something.. now!



That's actually not a fault, unlike someone suggested, she has the right to be nervous when asking out her crush.

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I do not think anything the energetic woman did was a fault.


Just like Markers has his personal view on what constitutes a fault so do other people including the author of this thread. Since Markers' opinion has no more intrinsic value than any other, he can only speak for himself. I am going to assume that Markers forgot to write "I think ...".


My intention was the following;

If galaxy71 even briefly entertained the question whether the eager womans behaviour meant dating was a No-Go, remembering our own shortcomings would render any further doubts redundant.


Otherwise I agree with Markers: Go! Do or Die.

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