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Tell her how I feel online right away or in person later?

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Hey everyone, gosh it's been a while since I've posed here


Anyways there's this girl that well, after (sortof) rejecting me maybe six months ago due to her having a b/f has been talking to me alot on msn since then and we've developed quite a bond, in that recently she's trusting telling me about quite a few of her personal problems involving her family. Also she always seems really happy and eager to talk to me. Because we don't go to the same school anymore (I graduated she's a year behind me) we don't really see eachother in person at all anymore but we've kept in contact through msn. Anyways a few weeks ago she told me she wanted to come visit me at college and I (of course) said ok. Now I know this might not be a sign that she now wants me in a relationship but I'm also willing to give it another try and ask her again because I think she's worth it.


Essentially my problem is: It might be a few weeks before she can come visit me which has me concerned that (because she's REALLY hot lol) she may find another b/f in this time and I'll be screwed over again (I should mention by the way I'm not even sure if she has a b/f currently I haven't asked cause I'm afraid of the answer hehe) . So I was thinking of telling her how I feel about her over msn. On the other hand I've always been told, and know from experience asking a girl out works ALOT better if you do it in person so basically I'm torn between what I should do? Any suggestions would be helpful thanks .

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Telling someone how you feel about them has no effect on getting her to want you, except maybe that it will DECREASE her interest. Instead, focus on making sure she has a good time with you when she visits. How you make her feel, is the most important thing. Many people don't understand this simple concept, but it's by far the most important. Good luck.

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You sound like her friend now and it's really hard to break out of that and go into relationship mode. Let her know you're interested in her asap so you can have your answer and decide from there. If she says "let's just be friends", drop her because she will never want to get with you for sure.


And start talking to lots of other girls.

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You sound like her friend now and it's really hard to break out of that and go into relationship mode. Let her know you're interested in her asap so you can have your answer and decide from there. If she says "let's just be friends", drop her because she will never want to get with you for sure.


And start talking to lots of other girls.


I hear what you're saying man, and it's exactly what I had planned. If she doesn't want to get with me I had no intention of continuing a friendship. Her saying that is actually my biggest fear, does anyone have a line to counter that if she says it ? Maybe to try and make her at least give me a chance at a romantic relationship?

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Telling someone how you feel about them has no effect on getting her to want you, except maybe that it will DECREASE her interest. Instead, focus on making sure she has a good time with you when she visits. How you make her feel, is the most important thing. Many people don't understand this simple concept, but it's by far the most important. Good luck.


And there is a brilliant piece of advice! In my experience that's very true. Although there is nothing wrong with telling them how you feel, what you need to realise is that you should be saying it not to get a reaction, because it might not be the one you want to hear. As much as you feel the way you do I find it's best to keep it to yourself for a while and just give them something they want so they come back for more.

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