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What is wrong with me? I miss my EX SO MUCH

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It's been almost a month now. I guess my days are cool when i don't see or hear from him. But once i encounter him or his pictures with his 17 year old crush (he is 20) i get really upset. Why do i let him do this to me?


I'm doing everything i possibally can to make myself move on. How can he not miss me as much as i miss him?


I really all these post about people's ex trying to contact them and trying to hang out and sometimes talk about there relationships..


With this guy the only time he calls me is try to hurt me even more by asking me for money, or simply tell me or hint me how many girls he is with or brought home. I understand that he is an total asssss, but i can't help myself for missing the boy i use to be in love with. I've been with him for two years, i can't imagine forgetting about him just like that, but how can he? Just because he is with a prettier girl? I'm even more self-conscious about myself.

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seriously, you need to cut all ties with this guy. you're basically letting him get away with whatever he wants. just keep asking yourself, why would you ever want to be with someone that treats you like this.


best thing to do is make yourself better. make yourself happier. you have to realize that you aren't the problem and that it's his loss. good luck.

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he's contacting you because this is his way of not feeling like a jerk to you. forget it. you don't need this. he sees you this way, all sad and who'd want to be with someone like that. force a smile here and there. you're just making him feel good because he knows that he has an affect on women. guaranteed, once you stop contact, he'll call more cuz he misses the attention.

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He brought me a lot of stuff when we were together, and now he wants me to pay him back. FOr all the minutes i've used on his phone when we were having closure, It's hard to not talk to him. HE freaken IMs me and calls me. and i have a class with him. I don't look forward to seeing him at all.


I hate him, but i miss him so much!

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I would tell him to stop contacting you. Then if he does not stop I would call the phone company and have them change the phone. The phone minutes and the gifts he gave you. He wants money for stuff he gave you?


What a fool! Do yourself a favor and STOP TALKING TO HIM! it is that simple!

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Yeha he did break up with me. I just wish there was a way i can turn the tables around..He saids he wants nothing to do with me. WHy is he still trying to contact me?


You can turn the tables around. Don't talk back. Don't reply to him online. Don't look at him at class. Stop showing that you miss him, that you think about him and that you want him back.

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Him constantly contacting you, for the pettiest things - is just bringing the pain to the front of your mind. Making you miss him again - ponder over the reasoning of breaking up and thinking of what to do now.


When you're in contact with a fresh ex - you will always wonder if it can be. Taking a step back clears your mind, dislodges the mist from your thought and lets you see what he really is and what he's really done to you.


But if he can do this to you - he's not worth your tears, time or thought.

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