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I have recently been diagnosed of suffering from extreme stress, but I have no idea of it's causes. It has had such an adverse effect on me that It has caused my to experience hair loss (alapeche spg?).


Is this just an effect of the ever increasing pressure of society today.. the pressure on me to do well is extreme at best.


I have no idea what causes me to be so stressed but I have my ideas. I have recently started college and there is pressure orientated towards that.


Another thing is, I am £3000 in debt, which is ever increasing as they charge me interest and I have no way to pay it off.


I know I can't really afford to be at college, but I have dropped out twice before and need to see it through.


How can I relieve this stress?

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Coincidentally, I just posted this for someone else:


A good tip for the mind and for the body is 'square breathing'. It is good for the heart and lungs but also as a palliative for anxiety.


Breathe in through the nose for the count of four

Hold for the count of four

Breathe out through the mouth for the count of four

Hold for a count of four before inhaling again.


This regulates the flow of oxygen to the brain, calms the heart rate and reduces anxiety and stress.

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Well it sounds like you have some stressful events going on, but nothing too out of the ordinary that can't be dealt with.


You need to come up with effective COPING STRATEGIES.


You can approach this in a variety of ways:



Self- Help


Keeping a Journal


Medication (in my opinion, an EXTREME solution and only called for as a last resort- if you're suffering from uncontrolable anxiety)


If you want to approach relief holistically, this is a good site link removed



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Hi The_Enforcer,


You could do some exercise at home like skipping at home. Open the radio and dance. It would release your stress while you enjoy the music.


Discuss with your debtor about your financial difficulty. Ask them whether they could stop charging the interest and work on a repayment plan. If you have a credit card, it is best to cancel it.


You always have ways to pay it off you are in college, if not against your will, choose classes that appear in the same few days. For example, Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Then the left out days you could ultilise it to do part time work. To add, you could also choose double credit module, where this module could be count as 2 modules for honours classification. A lot of my friends did this while they were in the university.


Most importantly cut down the beers and cigerate. Bring lunch box to school--cost of making a sandwhich is must cheaper than dinning in the restaurant or cafe. Anyway, Sainsburry sandwhiches is cheaper than Mark & Spencer.


This is my two cents, hope it helps.

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