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How do you ask someone on mysapce?

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Myspace just isn't a good place to meet people. Or even to communicate with the people you already know It just isn't really a good dating environment, mainly because of all the fake, shallow people.


I agree - seems that the people I meet on myspace are just that.

However, I have met a couple really nice genuine people, but as far as dating.. most people on there are just in seek of attention.


Good luck.

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I signed up at Myspace for the hell of it, and to possibly meet some new friends, and I haven't had much luck in doing that. I find the most interesting people on there (well, the people with the most articulate and thoughtful profiles) seem to log in once or twice, then never return.


I have to be honest with you Keenan - I'm willing to bet that 100% of the attractive females on Myspace have guys asking them out all the time. If you really want her to say yes, try approaching her in a non-evasive, easy-going way. I guess what I mean, is that when you communicate with her, don't just tell her how hot she is. And why? It's because every other guy tells her that. Take the time to know who she is (even if she's shallow on the surface, there is an actual person in there) and work with that.

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I have to be honest with you Keenan - I'm willing to bet that 100% of the attractive females on Myspace have guys asking them out all the time. If you really want her to say yes, try approaching her in a non-evasive, easy-going way. I guess what I mean, is that when you communicate with her, don't just tell her how hot she is. And why? It's because every other guy tells her that. Take the time to know who she is (even if she's shallow on the surface, there is an actual person in there) and work with that.

I totally agree!! - It irritates me when people send me a message saying "your hot".. it's like, ok, is that all you saw? Read my profile.. and I also hate it when people ask me questions that my profile already says.. lol

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Myspace just isn't a good place to meet people. Or even to communicate with the people you already know It just isn't really a good dating environment, mainly because of all the fake, shallow people.
lol. I agree!


I also like OceanEye's observation. If you want to aks her out, ask her to go for coffee or something. Don't tell her how hot she is, and don't post on her site 5 times and say, "hey, where u been?" In my opinion, if I wanted to meet someone who I want to be serious with, myspace would be the last place I'd go to. But, I can see why guys/girls like to go on there to meet people. It's a convenient place for them to meet new people at a fast pace.

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Myspace just isn't a good place to meet people. Or even to communicate with the people you already know It just isn't really a good dating environment, mainly because of all the fake, shallow people.


Dude myspace is a great place too find a relationship man.My friend is in sort of in the category that no one is in.He wants to find a girl that likes anime and wants love and its kind of hard to find that.O and btw when u say shallow people.People in this world are shallow as hell plenty of them.

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Take it from me, it's not the best place in the world to meet people.


I've met 4 girls from there this year.


1 of them seems to be 'real' i still talk to her.


the others were disposable, just like i was to them.


my observations.


All of them were seeking attention in rl.


most of them because they didn't get it from there parents while growing up.. Seriously, 2 had no fathers, 1's were divorced.


All of them said they wanted a relationship, but never went that far...


and guys on myspace....well they are disposable.. all a girl needs to do is put up a sexy pic, and then she'll have a new guy flattering her with attention.


It's all free. and it's all what people wana do.


Hell we've made a fake myspace profile, with a this hit guys pic, and like 100 girls added it.. LOL.. it was kinda funny.


That's just how it is on myspace


Then agin my friend got lucky and met this chic on there, and they have been datingever since.. then again she's not on myspace every 15 seconds like the attention ones are. so it's there, if you can find it.. but that's the hard part.

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I met my husband online, chatted to him for about 4 months online then on the phone for about a month before i met up with him, i met him in a public area, with a friend. So why don't you ask her out and tell her bring along with a few of her friend and yours, that way ye can get to know each other a little with not so much pressure on either of you.

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  • 1 month later...

I have good things to say about myspace - in part because my friend from 6th grade refound me on the site. Her and I talked again after so many years, met up in person once more, and since then have been together for 7 and a half months.


I realize that most people haven't had that luck, but myspace is indeed a great tool through which to find old friends, classmates, and even family members who have accounts.


I don't think the creator of myspace intended for it to serve as a dating site (On top, where you find the title, it says "Myspace - a place for friends").


There ARE loads of superficial people on the site - girls just wanting attention and look like they're miss populars with 300 friends (more than half of which they don't talk to), and guys looking for one night stands.


If you wish to look for dating prospects, read their profiles thoroughly, send them a message saying that you liked their profile and enjoy similar hobbies, and then send them a friend request. Don't jump the gun so fast and ask for a date. That cries "desperation," so take a slower approach.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not everyone on myspace is bad. I have a myspace. My boyfriend and my best friends have myspaces. Its not a horrible thing.. yes some people are shallow jerks on that site.. But to answer your question if you talk to her.. ask her if she has an instant messenger if she has one( and if you do as well) if not .. just tell her you really like her personality and would like to talk to her on the phone and maybe go out and get dinner sometime. Its just how you approach it . Just DONT be all creepy . Good Luck !

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