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  1. Well I am in a cyber relationship right now. It was suggested about a week or so after we started dating. He is coming here in december! =D Cant wait!! So for yall that dont believe long distance relationships work. Or Cyber relationships. either they arent for you . Or you just havent meet the one that could make it work.
  2. Not everyone on myspace is bad. I have a myspace. My boyfriend and my best friends have myspaces. Its not a horrible thing.. yes some people are shallow jerks on that site.. But to answer your question if you talk to her.. ask her if she has an instant messenger if she has one( and if you do as well) if not .. just tell her you really like her personality and would like to talk to her on the phone and maybe go out and get dinner sometime. Its just how you approach it . Just DONT be all creepy . Good Luck !
  3. Guys are horn dogs by nature but some are very nice and considerate adn dont show it til YOU want them too . When you get those IMs just tell them off. Like if they im you and say "wanna cyber baby?" say something like " not in your lifetime." or something like that .. just kinda not fully insult them.. but make it clear you are definitely not interested
  4. Well I posted a post in here a while ago. aboutmy ex trying to get in contact with me again. well he finally did and he let it known that he wants me back.Well as my other post said he lied and broke up with me in an email. He has asked we become friends and I believe I have done something stupid and begun to talk to him again. I dont think I love him anymore tho. Mostly I think I am talking to him for the bit of closure I need. and Also becuase I guess I want him to knwo how it feels to be heartbroken if you get what I mean. I dont think I love him. I am very much attracted to a boy I have known for 5 years.. and that helped me with all this drama with my ex. He apparently likes me too.. I am just wondering now tho.. Have I made a mistake in deciding to talk to my ex again?? What should I do ? PLEASE HELP ME Thank you so much in advance. Twinks
  5. I try, I have to use the weblinked based instant messenger meaning it doesnt have all the same things a downloaded version does. So I cant block him. I just dont get why he is TRYING to IM me and trying to talk to me. He was the one to break it off , he was the one that cheated, but then he tries to talk to me? I dont get it. I am like new to the relationship things. I havent dated much, considering I am only almost 16 years old. So I have had like 2 serious relationships that have lasted more then 3 months. So yeah . thanks.
  6. Hey, I am new and I need some advice. My ex boyfrined and I dated for about a year and a half, and we were doing really good. and then one night, we were talking and he has to leave, which was like okay cool I love you I will talk to you tomorrow. Well I am an insomniac and he knows this, so I was online and just doing random things and chatting with a fellow insominac friend of mine, when I went to check my email,lo and behold. there was a email from him. and it made me happy, I will not lie. I open it up expecting something sweet and stuff. It says I cant do this anymore. I want to break up. It is best for you . It came out of no where. Well this was about going on 3 months now. Well we tried to do the " lets be friends" thing but he made it too hard. Becuase he cheated on me and lied about it for a while in the relationship. So I cut communiciation with him. So about 2 or 3 weeks ago I IMed him ( I refuse to talk to him on the hone and he doesn't live near me so I dont/wont see him) and I just wanted to liek say look I have forgiven you as well as I can. But I will not becuase I can not be your friend. and he then insults me and all that great stuff. A few days later. He IMs me to just say"hi" but he doesnt he sent me weird little "death and gorgy" lyrics and then got defensive when I asked him what he wanted. He said he wanted to talk and be friendly. I told him I didnt want anything to do with him, becuase he had his chance. ya know? But he doesnt seem to get the fact I want him to go away , so he is still Iming me, and has probably tried to email me.( I blocked his email from emailing me) I just need to know: Why won't he go away?! I mean it is now starting to effect my current relationship, becuase my ex knows so much about me that he uses painful things from my past to attack me with, so he makes me upset and sometimes cry. What can I say to him that will make him realize I dont want him, or love him anymore? Thanks for your help in advance. Twinks
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