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Dating younger girls in highschool?


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I have always thought that all those older guys dating all of the girls my age were sleezebags, and that the girls dating them were doing it because it made them feel cool, more mature, older etc. In fact this was probably my biggest pet peeve. But now I am one of those older guys, and there are several girls who are showing interest in me. They are all in grade 9 though and I am in grade 10. I dont want to be one of those sleezebag guys and I dont want them to like me just because I am older. At the same time I would like to date some of these girls and they are throwing a lot of attention at me. Should I be going out with them?

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That is what i have been thinking but there is still asmall voice saying I shouldnt. All of the girls my age who are going out with older guys are much less mature then I am. I dont want to sound full of it but it is true. They think that getting drunk and smoking and drugs make you cool. To be honest I think the whole Girsl mature faster thing is a bunch of nonsense. physically yes but mentally I dont think so. I will try it though and hopefully it isnt jsut because i am older. And if it is hopefully soon they will like me for me.

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That is what i have been thinking but there is still asmall voice saying I shouldnt. All of the girls my age who are going out with older guys are much less mature then I am. I dont want to sound full of it but it is true. They think that getting drunk and smoking and drugs make you cool. To be honest I think the whole Girsl mature faster thing is a bunch of nonsense. physically yes but mentally I dont think so. I will try it though and hopefully it isnt jsut because i am older. And if it is hopefully soon they will like me for me.


Then date a girl whos is mature and who doesn't think that getting drunk and smoking and drugs make you cool. You can pick and choose who you date.

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Dating girls younger than you isnt a big deal. When i was a freshman I dated a Junior. So did a lot of my friends. LIke everyone said, girls mature faster than guys...and just because we like to date older guys doesnt mean we're doing it just to seem cool. I think that people move out of the "i want to be cool so I'll do _____" stage by the time they hit high school. I would hope so anyway. But, find someone that interests you, forget the age difference, enjoy high school.

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im in high school and dating a younger guy YES THATS RIGHT IM THE GIRL AND OLDER. and people thought at first i was desperate or something (let me say tons of gr 12s asked me out when i was in gr 9) like it aint me. im not going to date someone unless i reallly like them and now people realize that my relatinship is one of the best ones ever seen--its been going for a year and a half.

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thefoot said:

That is what i have been thinking but there is still asmall voice saying I shouldnt. All of the girls my age who are going out with older guys are much less mature then I am. I dont want to sound full of it but it is true. They think that getting drunk and smoking and drugs make you cool. To be honest I think the whole Girsl mature faster thing is a bunch of nonsense. physically yes but mentally I dont think so. I will try it though and hopefully it isnt jsut because i am older. And if it is hopefully soon they will like me for me.


dude, reading your other post and now this one, I'm really happy to see that you're a very honest dude that seems to be genuine about a relationship...

There should not be a problem dating younger women (especially if it's only a year apart)...and I think that since you are aware of possible men that take advantage of younger g/f and convincing them to do things they don't want by making them feel mature, is good to be aware of...


and since you are aware, u can be a better b/f for it...you can show a true respect for your g/f and show her that she is someone worthy of much more than looks and style (that's just a bonus)


good luck, and take care dude

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Hey, as someone who got out of high-school not that long ago, I have to wonder why you would worry about something like that in the first place... I can't even say you're old-fashioned, because it's always been the norm for girls to date older guys.


I dated guys that were 3-4 years older than me when I was in high-school (...and guys 5-10 years older once I graduated... do I see a trend here?). If it makes you feel any better, my parents have actually told me more than once that they feel much better knowing that I am out with someone who is older, more mature and responsible.


DN is right--it's not a big deal!

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If its only a one year difference, then that is not relevant. It it was a grade 12 er dating a grade 8er, then that would be questionable. Actually that happened in my friend's high school. Everyone though that it was weird that the grade 12 er was dating the grae 8er.


That aslo reminds me of when I was in grade 8, and one of my class mates (a guy) had a crush on a grade 12 girl....LOL>...

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It's one grade. That's absolutely nothing. Honestly your in tenth grade these girls are probably physically more mature than you are. I mean if you had birthdays in the right places you could be two days apart and there could be girls in your grade that are 11 months and 29 days older than you. Ok I know this is unlikely but bloody hell your overthinking this. Thats the msot crazy irrelevant period of time ever. I don't pretty much any inter-highschool dating is a big deal even if you were in grade twelve.

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Yeah, it's not like your a senior dating a freshman.


What about a senior dating a sophomore? I've noticed girls staring at me and they're sophomores... I haven't done anything, cause honestly not only I'm I older than them, but I even look older for my age, so lol it'd look weird I guess... But that's what I get in most of my classes. The classes I have where there's ppl my grade are either a bunch of boring ppl, or there are like 2 girls in the entire class only...

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