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Can You Miss Something That You Have Never Experience?

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Okay, if you have never kissed / been kissed, or had a bf / gf, can you really grumble about not having one? Because if you have never experienced a kiss or having a boyfriend or girlfriend, how can you miss not having one? How can you miss something that you have never experienced?


I have never ridden a motobike. So could I say that I miss having not ridden a motobike? Because I have never ridden a motobike before, how can I say that I have missed out from riding a motobike, because I have never known what it is like to ride a motobike. The same applies to relationships. I don't think it is fair for people to complain that they have never had a girlfriend, ect. becuase how can they miss something that they have never experienced?

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hey i see your logic however i disagree. i think thtas EXACTLY HUMAN NATURE: the grass is greener on the other side. you want it and miss it because you dont truly know what it is. it is curiosity and a fantasy that make you yearn for it. maybe technically speaking you cannot actually miss it because you've never had it but you can want it and feel that you're missing out. thats human nature. so when people complain about it i see where they're cmoing from but really they often dont know what they're talking about

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How can you miss something that you have never experienced?


It's the wrong terminology. I agree, you can't miss something you've never had. To miss something implies that you had it in the past.


But you can want something you have never had. I would expect someone who had never been a relationship to say "I want a g/f or b/f" not "I am missing having a g/f or b/f".


You can certainly want something you've never had...I want a million dollars, I want to go scuba diving, I want to meet Brad Pitt etc etc.


In fact you can really only want something that you have never had or don't have.

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Well the point of what I am saying is this: Can we as humans imagine what something is to well that our imagination is almost as good as the real thing?


Say I imagine that I have a girlfriend (I don't have a girlfriend, and have never had one)...but could my imagination me as good as having a girlfriend? Because if it could, then i truly could say that I feel sorry for myself that I have never had a girlfriend. But if my imagination cannot imagine the real thing, then I can't feel sorry for myself, or atleast not to the same degree.


Also, if I could say that I miss out having a girlfriend, then i would assume that my imagination is good enough to imagine what having a girlfriend would be like, and able to feel what it would be like to have that which I have imagined. But then, if you had a really good imagination, why do you need a girlfriend. Say you spend all day long daydreaming that you ahd a girlfriend, then you're wouldn't need a real girlfriend because your imagination would be as good as the real thing.


So if people are upset that they don't have a girlfriend, then they are suggesting that thier imagination is good enough to imagine what it would be like to have a girlfriend, and to miss it, then if they have an imagination that good, then they should stop complaining and just day dream that they really do have a girlfriend...why do you need a girlfriend if you can make one up in your head. You make her look or act how you want in your head...dress her how you like....in fact, having a fantasy girlfriend might be better than the real one. But for those guys who don't have a girlfriend, having a fantasy / day dream "girlfriend" might actually be a good idea....

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If you've never had it then you feel like you are missing out. You get bombarded with images of people in relationships, get told that you need to have one, you feel left out. And I believe that there is a part of us missing until we find that someone special, a part of us that longs for more but that can't be fulfilled until we have a relationship.


Your imagination starts plays off of all the images it is feed, all the stories it hears. It also feeds off the desire and lonliness that people feel when they aren't in a relationships and constructs fantasy's.


But the real thing is much better. Fantasies girlfriend are too perfect, you don't really want someone who've dreamt up. You want someone who you grow to like, someone who isn't perfect and can annoy you, but who you love even then. You want someone real to talk to. You want someone you can actually hold, someone to kiss. And when it happens, it is better then anything you could imagine.


Now to make everyone laugh, a line from my favorite show "Gilmore Girls


Kirk: "I had an imaginary girlfriend once. She ended up dumping me."

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Okay, if you have never kissed / been kissed, or had a bf / gf, can you really grumble about not having one? Because if you have never experienced a kiss or having a boyfriend or girlfriend, how can you miss not having one? How can you miss something that you have never experienced?


I have never ridden a motobike. So could I say that I miss having not ridden a motobike? Because I have never ridden a motobike before, how can I say that I have missed out from riding a motobike, because I have never known what it is like to ride a motobike. The same applies to relationships. I don't think it is fair for people to complain that they have never had a girlfriend, ect. becuase how can they miss something that they have never experienced?


Miss isn't the right word. To miss something means that you've already experienced it. So to answer the thread question -- no.


And "missing out" is different than "missing". I can miss out on a party, and later wish that I had gone, but if I didn't go how can I miss something that I hadn't done?


We complain because we want what we don't have, but want. You feel left out because you aren't part of it. It's not really your fault. It's just how things have gone, and if you believe in fate, it is how it was MEANT to be. Why don't you think it's fair? Where does fairness come into play?


If we didn't complain at all about anything, then we'd be perfectly happy with everything in our lives. Life needs balance. This isn't utopia.

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Okay, if you have never kissed / been kissed, or had a bf / gf, can you really grumble about not having one? Because if you have never experienced a kiss or having a boyfriend or girlfriend, how can you miss not having one? How can you miss something that you have never experienced?


I have never ridden a motobike. So could I say that I miss having not ridden a motobike? Because I have never ridden a motobike before, how can I say that I have missed out from riding a motobike, because I have never known what it is like to ride a motobike. The same applies to relationships. I don't think it is fair for people to complain that they have never had a girlfriend, ect. becuase how can they miss something that they have never experienced?


I have never been kissed, had a boyfriend, etc., but I wouldn't say I miss not having one. You can't miss something unless you have experienced it. Maybe at times I feel sad that I don't have one and see how happy all these couples are and I think I am missing out on something good.


You can imagine how it is to have a boyfriend or girlfriend from all the things you see and hear around you, and it could give you a good idea of how it might be to have one, but your imagination can never be as good as experiencing something for real. I know that imagining being hugged isn't as enjoyable as actually being hugged and I would apply that to most situations I would enjoy being in (unless I would be nervous ). You can imagine what it would be like to have a boyfriend/girlfriend and obviously you know that imagining it isn't half as good as experiencing it in reality, but it gives you an idea of how nice it would be and so you feel bad about not having that in real life.


I doubt anyone has a good enough imagination that they would replace reality with it and just lay at home all day, dreaming up things. Even if your imagination is not that good at the moment it is very easy to practise and improve it until it's that much more realistic, but it never will be able to surpass reality itself. Daydreaming that you are drinking water will not quench your thirst and keep you alive; you have to actually get up and drink something. It is the same with someone imagining that they have a boyfriend/girlfriend; imagining isn't enough to keep a person feeling happy and loved, especially once they open their eyes and realise that this boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't even exist.

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