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Girlfriend dumps me , I feel like CRAP. Here's the story.

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My girlfriend of 3 years dumped me about 4 weeks ago, and I just don't know what / who to do? ;/


Anyways, in all seriousness we were both each other's 'first' when it came to true love and sex, so not only is it difficult to accept the fact that i'm no longer wanted, but it pretty much drives me insane when I think of her getting RAMMED BY SOME BIG BLACK GUY... sorry I tend to think of the worst case scenario sometimes.


so yeah... It all started when she got kicked out of her step dad's house for hiding away my overgrown marijuanna plants in her closet.. and as it turns out , she ended up staying with her old old friend julie. (the biggest whore this side of chicago).


My girlfriend started to act like a real beast to me when she was with julie,and not to mention completely ignored me whenever she was around. I felt like I was a distant second in her books!


She started to never answer her phone, and so I drove down there angry...and banged on the door (like a MANIAC) until she came down and she told me "we need a break" cause of all her home life problems and me trying to see her too much/over reacting. I was upset but understood.... at first.


Then I'd heard she'd been going out to bars with her whorish friend julie pretty much on a daily basis! And julie is the type who just can't keep her legs closed, what a bad influence no??


My girlfriend took a real liking to julie, which worried me.. because the sex ratio between them was about 1:25 and I didn't want them closing the gap on that anytime soon!!


I couldn't accept the fact that she wanted a break and ended up doing nothing but vent my feelings to her for weeks...until she said I was "annoying as hell" and ignored me even more ( lesson learned ).


I finally ran into my "girlfriend" , julie and 2 guys!??!? downtown, which instantly set me off. They said they were going to a party and took off on me instantly, my girlfriend didn't even say hello.


I felt so bad... just horrible. I couldnt' even talk to my "girlfriend" without julie there, so I banged on the door again and told her again that I really care, and miss her/love her... please don't do this, only to get NO sympathy.


Eventually she calls and says she just wants to be friends.. no sex either.


I feel like a piece of crap... I guess some space would have been acceptable, but the whole going out to bars with guys things ? I dunno.


I want her back, what to do all? And yeah, I already know i'm crazy/retarded =[








I didn't really give her any time, because friends talk, and I found out that she had been going out to bars pretty much every night with her friend julie.

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i just wanna say be careful about your posts please try and think about what your writing down. there is a sentence in your post that i find insulting and offensive.


"getting RAMMED BY SOME BIG BLACK GUY... sorry I tend to think of the worst case scenario sometimes. "


i stopped reading your post after that.

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Dude, would you really feel less worse if it was some white dude with your chick? The pain would still be the same so stop hatin on black guys. Most likely this is a side of her that would have eventually surfaced even without this other chick in the picture so no sense in takin it out on her either. This other chick wasn't your gf. You need to cut all contact with ex. This will give you a chance to calm down so you can handle the situation. Let her calm down too and see if she contacts you. Then you can decide how you want to deal with this, but you need some time to calm down for real.

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I just want to apologize for saying "big black guy" , i'm not a racist, and true - some white dude would be just as bad.... I had Mr T in mind when I said it.


Thanks for the advice otherwise... yeah i'm really angry all the time and need to calm down, and i'll see if she calls. Sorry again all, i'm so messed up right now.

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My girlfriend wanted a break, which is now a break up, to just be free I think. I have a feeling it might be for another guy, for whatever reasons, she told me she just wants to be alone and think, and have fun..


Well, her friends, are whores. I dont like them. One of them has had 30+ sexual partners. My gf was wild in HS and the first semester of college, and she's racked up 9-10. She was raped once, but we never really went into detail. I believe it was a case of "got really drunk, liked a guy, went home with him, and decided I didnt want to go that far, but he didnt stop" kinda thing. Not sure though.


I worry about her going out, because apparently she has been, almost every night, with these wild people.. It bothers me. But you can't do a damn thing about it.


Cut all contact with her. Doesnt seem like you have loose ends to tie off like I did.


She'll realize she messed up and come back, and if she doesn't, she didnt love you.

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I read the post. He is'nt being racist. What he means is being banged by a big black guy with a big huge wang, and the point being she will have better sex with a bigger wang cause thats how some guys percieve girls when it comes to sex. Some guys just think girls want really big wangs, cause when you watch pornos and stuff you tend to get that idea.

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It sucks your gf had quite a number of flings with guys... not to stereotype, but I guess it's unlikely you'll be the last, sorry mate. Was it a long term relationship?


I certainly can't speak for all scenarios when it comes to rape, but some people say " smart girls don't get raped" because they just don't get themselves into those situations, if that makes any sense.


I've been cutting all contact and telling my friends not to tell me anything they hear about her.. too painful.


Hektik02: Thank you , that's exactly what I meant


anyways whenever I watch some random movie that has some sex scene, it's just so disturbing to think of my girl ( the only one i've slept with and vice versa ) getting it from someone.


I should have tattoo'd my name on her!

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I certainly can't speak for all scenarios when it comes to rape, but some people say " smart girls don't get raped" because they just don't get themselves into those situations, if that makes any sense.



That is a VERY unfair remark.


Chances are, that you know women & girls who have been assaulted and raped, even if they have never told you or talked about it.


They get raped and assaulted by boyfriends, friends, family members....it can happen while they are walking in broad daylight, or with what they thought was aa "trusted friend". Something like half of all women will have a sexual assault experience, sometimes rape, by the time they get through college/university. I hardly believe that means 50% of the female population is "not smart".


Smart, dumb, skinny, fat, tall, thin, white, black...ALL women are a target to someone. Most people who commit rape/assaults are people these women knew and trusted...it does not just happen from a stranger, or to sex workers or "easy" girls. It also happens to mothers, teachers, Honour students, friends, daughters, doctors, file clerks...


Yes there are ways to prevent being alone in a strange place...but not all rape happens in back alleys.

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Once again I apologize, and it is becoming more and more obvious why i'm single.


I guess I was basing my statement on the girls that I know.. the one's like FCTex mentioned , where they'll pretty much go home with a guy drunk and then expect to get out of it, maybe they aren't "not smart" but they're making not smart decisions.. if that makes any sense. no?

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Once again I apologize, and it is becoming more and more obvious why i'm single.


I guess I was basing my statement on the girls that I know.. the one's like FCTex mentioned , where they'll pretty much go home with a guy drunk and then expect to get out of it, maybe they aren't "not smart" but they're making not smart decisions.. if that makes any sense. no?


That does make sense, yes. And no it is not a smart decision to make, I agree...but I will say many women/girls probably make similar mistakes in their lives. Men make their own share of mistakes though too

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If a 1 1/2 with her was long term, then yes, we were long term, and serious...



She wasn't really wild, but from some of the things she's told me, she's had some one night stands, and sex at parties with some guys she'd date for a while then toss away.. She didn't have very high self esteem, and I think for her to get guys to like her, she felt they would stay around if she gave her body up easier than normal.


I don't doubt that if her and I don't ever get back that she might will have slept with someone withing a few months of us being broken up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, some progress.


I instantly went into NC mode with her, and her doing pretty much the same I think.. about 1 1/2-2 weeks after the break up.. So it's been a solid 2 weeks of NC. tomorrow is one month of us breaking up.. It's hard, but time does heal..


I've made no contact with her. She called me 2 weeks ago, a few days after she got back into school. Talked for 15 minutes, nothing about us, or a relationship. Just upbeat... Then, nothing for around another week, and she texted me asking if I wanted a copy of this new CD she got that she thought I would like.. I ignored it for about a day, or so. Then texted her telling her sure I'd like a copy. I haven't heard anything back from that...


I'm doing better. I'm not as upset. I've gone out, met new women, and I'm currently just having fun and somewhat getting involved with a new girl now.. I still think of the ex, but nothing really negative.


I'm hangin in there.

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