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peircings and tattoos??

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hey there. i want to get a tongue ring and a tattoo of the Playboy bunny in the small of my back/hip maybe... but i don't know how much pain i'm going to have to endure for the both of these.


has anyone got a tongue ring and can tell me how much it hurts and costs?


same about the tattoo? FYI, i only want it to be small... 2 inches squared at the biggest


any ideas? thanks much



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I have had my lip peirced before, and I actually found that painfull, but a good pain. Though, I do bite my lip alot.

I HAVE heard that tongue peircings dont hurt as much as eyebrow etc, however since it's a muscle, it'll take a long time to heal completely. You'll have to learn to talk without a lisp, and it'll swell for a while.


Also, very important, if you do get it done, spend the extra money and get someone with 5+ years of experience in peircings (preferably not someone who does peircings AND tattoos - Just someone dedicated only to peircing.

Make sure you dont have a main vein/atery running down your tongue, as if they peirce that, youll be going through hell and itl be EXTREMELY bad.

So pick your peircer carefully also!

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Hey sappho...


I have my tongue pierced, it did not hurt as much as my belly piercing. It really did not hurt much at all and I have a very low tolerance for pain. Like Kurodashi mentioned, it will swell and the swelling last for about a couple of weeks. I ate plenty of ice to soothe it. It cost me $40 to get the piercing.


I also have a tattoo on the lower part of my back and on my hip and they were extremely painful but after it was all said and done...it was well worth it because I have two beautiful tattoos.

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umm i havnt got a tongue ring but i was there when a friend did ,and it swells heaps there is also alot of food restricitons for you for a couple of weeks along with no oral sex. and it does have alot of maintenance for a while. but personally i think they dont look good on girls anyway.

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I've had my tongue ring for going on 7 years now, so reaching back in my memory a bit here.


The intital pain was almost nothing. The swollen tongue and hard to eat for about two weeks was seriously annoying, but bearable. 7 years later I'm still loving that I have it and it was definitely worth the first two weeks.


Some tips, you are going to have to carry mouthwash with you everywhere, I used a listerine solution of 50% water 50% listerine, full strength is too harsh to use. I did glyoxide drops before bed each night (about 2 drops), first thing in the morning, and once in the middle of the day. The mouthwash you have to use everytime you eat or drink anything except bottled water.


No using straws, the pressure from sucking on them is too much on a new tongue piercing. Also a fore-warning that everyone I know (including myself) bit their tongue ring at least once while eating and while it's not pleasant it only takes once or twice before you automatically change the way you chew. It's not even something you ever really think about consciously.


For the tattoos I have 5 right now but none where you mentioned. I'm actually having my full back piece drawn up right now though so give me a couple weeks and I can report more specifically on that . Generally speaking tattoos do hurt but are totally worth it as long as it's a tat you love. I also think it's a good thing that they are painful cause it really makes you think about how badly you want it. Like I've always said if a person isn't willing to endure the pain then they shouldn't have a tat.

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Actually as far as piercings are concerned a tongue piercing is one of the least painful. The time it takes to heal can be a problem, I have seen tongue piercings take up to a week before the swelling went down, so thats something to concider. The easiest way to describe the feeling of a tattoo is someone draging a needle on your back and the closer the tattoo is to bone the more sensitive the skin is.

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I've had both done. I had my tongue pierced when I was 18 but took it out when I saw that everyone on Springer had one It was uncomfortable, but not really painful. A little worse than biting your tongue, but the residual pain didn't last as long. I had to learn how to talk all over again and learn how to chew without turning my tongue a certain way because let me tell you, biting on a huge chunk of metal is SO uncomfortable.


The tattoo was much, much worse. It felt like the tattoo artist was slowly tearing my skin in half. I had no control over when he stopped, because if he stopped within the middle of a line, it'd look bad. When he was able to stop, I had to rest for a couple of minutes with a cold glass of water because I was ready to faint. It's on the lower right side of my back - no bone anywhere nearby, nothing of the sort.


I really suggest you do a lot of research before you get your stuff done. The places I got mine done looked more like clinics than tattoo parlors. When I researched the place I got my tongue done, I found out that it was the 4th ranked piercing place in the country.


Good luck!

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for the tongue ring i was planning on going to my doctors and asking where the best and cleanest place would be for me to go. and also about my tattoo, i've talked to my mum (cos she has about 4) and she knows the best places to go and she said she'd come with me too if i wanted someone to hold my hand.


also, pain is nothing to me. read my posts in Self Injury. i have no pain threshold... it's off the charts



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No tongue piercing... uggghhh it would hurt, I'd venture to say.


And I've got a tattoo accross the small of my back... hip to hip...

and yepppppppppp........... it hurt like heck. (to put it mildly)...

but then again.. after having natural child labor 2x... NOTHING is all that painful. lol.


Cost... its size dependant. Mine would have been some $$$ but I had a friend do it. So I lucked out.


Luck to you miss Sappho...

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I haven't got a tattoo on my lower back but I've been told it hurts a lot more there. Especially when it goes over the bones in the spine!


Tongue piercings - Well I haven't got one. But I do know that the tongue swells up and it's difficult to eat and talk for quite sometime.








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OMG, Tigris!!


sorry but no, i already have a gf. and i'm sure she'll like it although i'm not sure she'll like the tattoo... i'm thinking maybe i should get it really small, like 1cm by 1cm. i don't know. i'll have to think more about it. it's not like i can get it right now... i'm not old enough


oh well


btw, Tigris... why don't you get a tongue ring?


WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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I don't like tongue piercings... or tattoos.


I don't get why you would add unnecessary scars to your body.


I also don't approve of tongue/naval/nose or any other piercing other than ear piercing. Only because ear piercing is so widely done.


Both are: Painful, Unnecessary and you have to live with them for the rest of your life.


Think about it before making any decisions.

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