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okay so this is all making sense to me now it may sound kind of weird but yeah ok heres my story... i have this pimple looking thing on the outside of my vagina on the right side and it was puss filled for a while and it was there for a very long time but now its kind of going away and just a few days ago i got a bump lower then that but its not puss filled and about a year ago i remmeber having on on the left side but now its gone and yeah i always tryed to ignore it thinking it was nothing because im scared that it could be some kind of STD but dont want to admit it...and this is the strange thing...latly alot of people friends/coworkers have been bringing up STDS and herpes around me like there trying to hint it to me or something like its a sign for me.. and tonight i really wanted to tell my mom i need to go to the doctor asap but i got scared i dont have the courage so ahhhh what do i do someone please try to give me some good adive!!!!

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Dont you need to calm down on the sex. You are only seventeen.

Have you had unprotected sex?


yes i know i have calmed down its been 5 or more months and i plan on stopping completely until i get into a long term relationship and to answer your question very veryyy shamefully yes..ahh i know im stupid!!

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I'm pretty sure you can go to planned parenthood and get tested or some similar clinic. You don't have to ask your mom about it if you don't want to. There are places you can go to on your own if you're nervous about talking to your mom about making an appointment. But you really should get tested, esp cause of the unprotected sex. Good luck w/everything.

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Dont there is no point in bashing yourself at this point. There's a very good chance you just have herpes or mono. Which although they are both Stds, one is controlable and the other is temporary.

What I am concerned about is HIV infection, which although highly unlikely, is something you need to get immediately tested for.


hmmm wow that is scary! but yeah its the best thing to do just to be safe..its just going to be hard to approach my mother about it because we are not close like that...but yeah i think its really cool that people take time and help other people out on websites like these.

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OK well now is not the time to be beating yourself up for having unprotected sex, but you definitely need to get to your GYN immediately. If it is an STD ( and it sounds like it could be) you need to find out what type and get it treated right away. As you probably know, herpes has no cure, if that's what it is you will have it for life, but there is medication that can help suppress outbreaks and make you more comfortable.


If it is another type, (gonnorhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HPV, etc) alot of those can be cured with early intervention by antibiotics or other medications, but the longer you put it off the more damaging it can be.... destroying your fertility and causing irreversable scarring. syphilis can cause blindness, paralysis, and problems with your bones and internal organs, including your heart, if left untreated


You also know that there is no cure for AIDS.... so you need to be screened for all of those things ASAP.


Make sure you are honest with your doctor about having unprotected sex, so they know they have to test for everything. This is not the time to be embarrassed, it's the time to tell the truth and protect and treat yourself.


In the future, you are not invincible, it's important that you use protection each and every time, no matter how hot you are, or now much you or your partner don't like the way it feels. This is your life on the line, and you only get one. Please don't put this off.


Let us know how it goes with the doctor.

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These sound more like normal pimples, which will pop up (no pun intended) in that region throughout your lifetime. As another poster mentioned, shaving down there can create cysts or pimples. Sometimes the wrong kind of underwear (too tight, non-breathable) can create a problem.


However, the only way to be sure it is not an STD is to go to a GYN, which you should be going to annually now that you are sexually active. Tell your mom you want to go. She does not have to be in the room with you during your appointment, so you can talk to the GYN about it in private.


In any event, I hope this is a good reminder how important it is to use protection during every contact. It just takes one time (even with the cleanest and cutest boy) to pick up something that will affect you for the rest of your life.

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You've probably got in growing hair follicles. It happens to me all the time! They can start off looking ok and don't hurt. Then they go on to becoming pus filled. Eventually they burst and pus and blood comes out of them.


The strange thing with me is that they seem to be stress related because they don't happen everytime! I have to use an antibacterial liquid that the surgeons use before operations.


Hope this helps but please call in to see your doctor just to make sure that's what they are.


Take care.

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You've probably got in growing hair follicles. It happens to me all the time! They can start off looking ok and don't hurt. Then they go on to becoming pus filled. Eventually they burst and pus and blood comes out of them.


The strange thing with me is that they seem to be stress related because they don't happen everytime! I have to use an antibacterial liquid that the surgeons use before operations.


Hope this helps but please call in to see your doctor just to make sure that's what they are.


Take care.



do you have to get the antibacterial liqiuid from the doctor or is there something i could get at the store???

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Did you make an appt with your doctor? Don't assume anything without having it checked out and being tested for STD's, especially since you've had unprotected sex. Trust me, if you ignore the possibility it won't go away, waiting to get tested can only hurt you more, and possibly render you sterile among other things.


It's that serious. Are you willing to risk your health because you are embarrased to tell your mom or a doctor?

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