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Kissing in the modern age.


I hear a lot these days about kissing and what it means to girls. Esp white girls.

Do they have chemistry? Are they sexually compatible?

Now I want to make it clear, I think deciding whether or not to accept a partner based on a first kiss is a terribly flawed and perhaps shallow method of determining whether or not he gets dibbs on your britches.

But what I think is irrelevant.

What the dames think is what is important.

Remember Hitch?

According to Will Smith's character 8/10 girls believe chemistry is based on how they feel after the first kiss.

Now for those of you who wanna dismiss that as just a movie I must confess that, that movie isn't just making these numbers up for a plot device.

According to several (okay a lot) of people I interviewed a high number (esp younger and most esp white) women believed the first kiss was a very important way to figuring out if there was chemistry or not.

British commentator and relationship writer Tracy Cox believes that if you aren't careful when giving your prospective squeeze their first kiss you won't likely get another chance.

So here's a few thoughts for you. I think nice guys take longer to learn how to be good kissers because (since they are sensitive) they go too fast too quickly. One of the reasons why men dive in on their first kiss (and try to suck the lips off the terrified vixon underneath them) suggests something about where he is at psychologically.

In an effort to communicate passion/affection torwards the female they mistakenly believe that more means better. 'Most' people can learn how to kiss. Ever watched Cassablanca? Zeperelli's Romeo and Juliet? Just about any modern movie? It ain't hard. Take a few tips and learn patience and unless you are sure she wants it right then and there, let her meet you a portion of the way. Don't rush. Don't start sucking on her lips. And don't shove your tongue down her mouth (no french kissing on the first time). Finally, feel what is right.

Sometimes this means taking non verbal cues about whether she is ready and

1. Eye contact before your first kiss. Not during.

2. Shorter is often better. Avoid being long, drawn out, and overeager. Don't kiss forever. Leave her wanting more. Not thinking how gross it was wiping off all the saliva from her mouth afterwards.

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I believe that people will use the first kiss to determine things about that particular person mainly chemistry. It can sound like a good idea but there is a lot more to it that kissing. A kiss is just an actions what people need to look for are signals that give clues about who the person actually is. A kiss may be able to determine chemistry but it doesnt determine compatibility, a person can just be a great kisser and that gets them far but its more than that. I think you leave all the kissing, chemistry talk for romantic movies and romantic idealists. A kiss is just an action, some people are good at it and others are. There are different kissing styles, some like it sloppy while others like kisses to be neat. If the person had any knowledge of how actual dating works then kissing wouldnt be the end all, it may be a part but certainly not the most important factor.

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I think nice guys take longer to learn how to be good kissers because (since they are sensitive) they go too fast too quickly. One of the reasons why men dive in on their first kiss (and try to suck the lips off the terrified vixon underneath them) suggests something about where he is at psychologically.


I would think that someone sensitive would be more hesitant about a first kiss, not diving in. They'd have more control and would go for something sweet and romantic, soft and gentle. And if the guy really is nice, he'd want to try to make it as enjoyable for the women as possible, not doing anything to terrify the lass. Seems like that would make them better kissers from the get go...


'Most' people can learn how to kiss.


Of all the things in the world, I've always thought kissing was the one thing that you didn't need to learn... it's all about not learning, not thinking, and not trying. Very Zen if you will. Want a guide?


1. Take two people who really care about each.

2. Be together in a nice setting, just the two of you.

3. Be having a good time together.

4. Look at each other, feel the love, get the lips together, and just go... doing what comes naturally.

5. Avoid: slobbering on her, being too aggressive, trying to do more then she wants.


Serves 2 people. Number of servings (kisses) as many as you want.


women believed the first kiss was a very important way to figuring out if there was chemistry or not.


If she's letting you kiss her, there is probably already some degree of chemistry there. The kiss isn't going to determine anything, I think it's more the cherry on the sundae, just making sure everything is perfect.

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