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Let her win...or make it a good match

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I'm 15 years old and I just started dating this really nice girl I met about a month and a half ago...anyway we've gone out on a date or two and we like each other and enjoy each other's company...anyway we are going out to play a game of tennis tomorrow and both me and her are very competitive when it comes to sports. lol we hate to lose basically but not enough to get in a fight over. I play tennis a lot and she does every once in a while but playing skill is on my side in this case. I don't think she's going to get pissed off or anything if she loses but do you think it is better to give her a good match rather as opposed to letting her win simply because i like her?

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I really don't like when guys allow me to win. He should play how he plays normally, and I would do the same. If that means I lose, then so be it. I'd rather lose while we're both at our own skill levels than win because he allowed me to.


I think some people take competetive to a very extreme level. If she's really going to get angry for losing, that's something she has to deal with. She should understand that while it's okay to have a friendly competetition, you shouldn't get angry at your friends or boyfriend if they beat you.


My brother has problems understanding that. You should see how crazy he gets when he loses at Monopoly...

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definitely make a good match.


Tennis, you say? If you're like Rafael Nadal the second and she's as good as me.. in other words, if you simply overpower her with absurd ease or something, then it might be idea not to play very well, try to play on her level. Do small mistakes so that if she can use them, you really gotta work to save yourself. Usually small mistakes like bad positioning is hard to notice.

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haha thanks for the tips y'all...and no I'm definatley no Rafeal Nadal except maybe the sleevless shirt style of playing...but definatley not those goofy looking pirate pants lol Yeah she's not on a ridiculously competitive level where she gets really mad easily so I'm just going to play normally (excluding the constant smashing though cause i mean i may win but i don't want to do it by wacking her in the head with the ball lol) You all pretty much hit the nail on the head as far as going with what i was thinking...thanks for your input ttyl

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Winning or not is not the issue here. Make her feel good, and make sure she has fun with you. The culmination of pleasurable moments will result in her wanting to spend more time with you, which will lead to a relationship. So, have fun, show her your skills, let her show you hers, compliment her on a serve or backhand or forehand and go get a cool drink after with her.

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I'm 15 years old and I just started dating this really nice girl I met about a month and a half ago...anyway we've gone out on a date or two and we like each other and enjoy each other's company...anyway we are going out to play a game of tennis tomorrow and both me and her are very competitive when it comes to sports. lol we hate to lose basically but not enough to get in a fight over. I play tennis a lot and she does every once in a while but playing skill is on my side in this case. I don't think she's going to get pissed off or anything if she loses but do you think it is better to give her a good match rather as opposed to letting her win simply because i like her?


Go a bit easy on her, if you are so much better then her. Just dont make it seem like youre going easy on her.


Anyways beat her and make fun of her jokingly for it later. Just have fun.

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I only read a few of the other replies, and I agree with them.

Play your game, the way you normally do, but don't beat the crap out of her. Also, maybe show her some techniques for a better swing or something, getting close to show her how to hold it correctly, or whatever.


Be supportive, and have a good game.

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No don't LET her win!


I am competitive too, and would rather lose to an awesome competition then be given a "pity win" any day. My partner and I are both competitive - we race mtn/road bikes but are also competitive in other games/sports we do for fun, and I win some, lose some, but I would HATE to be "given" a win and would find it insulting personally!


Make some fun bets too if you can...like a ice cream cone to the winner, or a kiss, makes it more friendly and is advantageous whether you win or lose!

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Your missing the obvious way to get closer... show her ways to improve.


Think about it. Spending the time together, holding her hand as you go through the proper motions, seeing her smile as she gets better and better until she can beat you fairly in a match...


Just don't do anything that comes off as arrogant or smug, and don't just phone it in. The goal is to have fun, not who wins the match. Coming from the opposite end as someone who stinks at sports and went out with someone who is good at them, you don't want to let a person win.

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Don't turn your game face on. Just keep it light and hit the ball around. Say you were playing catch (not tennis) -- if you were a pitcher for your school's baseball team, you wouldn't want to throw her fast curveballs, but you wouldn't want to do light underhand throws... you know? You don't want to insult her. She's not a 4 year old.


definitely give her a couple pointers to improve her game.


Most importantly, have fun.

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