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Cheating-men please read!

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Cheating means already being emotionally devoted to one person, but then spreading feelings onto other people. Cheating doesn't care about genders.


If I was the guy in this situation, I'd drop the girl, because I wouldn't want to date a lesbian, also it's clearly cheating.. she's with someone else, as she's with you. No way around it.

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Yes, this would still be considered cheating. My gf and I have actually talked about this as she has a curiosity in what it would be like to be with another woman. However, she does agree with me in that it would be cheating.


To answer your question for yourself, turn it around and ask yourself if you would consider it cheating if your bf were involved with another man (I do realize that most women do not find this as attractive as most men find two women together to be)?

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I don't think it makes a difference what the third party's sex is, cheating is cheating. When I was in high school my first serious bf cheated on me with another guy... a friend of mine. It hurt just as much as later when another bf cheated on me with a girl.


Bottom line, don't do it. If you want to see someone else, regardless of their sex, break up with your partner first.

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Thank you everyone for your opionions on cheating, Especially the men..I know cheating is cheating but sometimes men say "oh if its w/another woman i wouldnt mind" not a ongoing relationship but just a one night thing. Thanks Again


They SAY that...until the reality hits once it is done, and they realize that what they thought they would feel is often very different then what they actually DO feel.


Cheating is cheating, no matter how you slice it, or which way you are swinging so to speak. Even if it is "only a one night thing" it is disrespectful, painful and betrayal - it only TAKES one time to put a relationship on the fast track to destruction.

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