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I have heard that before but I think that is only some people's interpretation of what it says in the bible. I think most people would argue that the bible does not say that and that some people choose to read it that way because of their pre-existing biases. It's not a sin. People say that because they are prejudiced against other races and thereforeeee don't like to see interracial couples.

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Well i live in the south, so we get alot of looks and mean comments from both sides of the family..the man i rented from would not let him move in with me because he is black so we ended up having to fine a new aparment..it makes things even more diffcult bc im pregnant now and my whole family is aganist us having a baby except for my mom and brother thank god for them or i dunno what we would do...Can anyone give me any tips on how to get through this anybetter.. i love this man and hope to spend a lifetime with him and just wish my dad would be more willing to get to know him.

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Interracial is not a sin at all. Trust me on this one... If you are a child of God (Christian saved), he does not see you as black, white, latino, asian, etc.... We need to look at each other with colorblind eyes and see the beauty in each other. I just broke up with a beautiful salvadorean girl and I'm as white as they come... We had a great time together, but by no means was our relationship sinful because she wasn't white and/or I wasn't latino.

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I agree with DN that you should hold your head high and be proud. You've found a good man and you love each other and that's what's important. The fact that some people remain close minded and refuse to see that in God's eyes we are all just people, regardless of the color or our skin.


Don't let your father's hate and prejudice affect you, it's just fear of something he doesn't know. As others said, show your family how you love each other and are happy, raise that baby in love and honesty, and anyone who cannot see and respect that for what it is, is just ignorant.

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Yea thats what we both say were going to hold our heads high and go through everything the best we can..sometimes it gets hard you know...in a million years i never wouldve thought my own dad would say some of the things he would say about him and me and he doesnt even know him..LOL he even said the baby wouldnt be his grandbaby

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I hope he does..it would be a shame for a baby not to know his grand dad..i didnt know my grand dad bc he didnt wanna know us, and i want better for this baby..im trying not to stress my self as much because the last time i had a miscarriage which was about 2 months ago and i was really disappointed and so was he so...it helps to talk to ppl about so i really appericate everyones input on things...

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You know, hard as it is to accept, if your dad can't come around, your baby is better off not knowing that kind of fear and ignorance, and instead only being surrounded by love and acceptance.


I hope for all of your sakes that your dad will come around, but if he doesn't, at least you have your mom and brother and the baby will have two loving parents and some extended family as well.


Has this caused a rift between your mom and dad, given their separate views?

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Well my mom and dad have been separated about 4 years and me and him have been seeing each other about 2 and 1/2 yrs and at first we didtn want my dad to know because we knew how he was..when he did find out he was really mad that we didnt tell him..but after that he jsut fussed about it...calling him lazy, a drug dealer and all sorts of things(he is none of them)but my mom was accused of allowing it to happen in her home..and she ignored it and said if he made me happy then she was happy for me and she loves him..he is the 1st guy that has treated me with respect and acutally cares about me and my feelings. We have our ups and downs but all relationships do..My mom and dad have total opposite views on the whole interraical thing..my mom says its not for her but if thats what i like then u know go for it..and my dad is just the type that he will disown anyone that dates out of there race..he has disowned his own brother and father for the same thing marrying out side there race. I just cant help who i love and im not oging to give him up.

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No, definitely not a sin. And hooray for you mom.


Have you considered moving to an area where people are more accepting. I know it's hard to uproot and leave the familiar, but you might find you life more enriching if you lived in a place and around people where you didn't have to worry about who that what about you.


Good luck on the baby and good for you for finding a great man!

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Good for you. You can perhaps feel sorry for your father in a way, because of his prejudice he has cut himself off from people that he should care about and who should care about him. He is really hurting himself and is a poorer person because of it.

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Well i will always love my father, i was at one time daddys little girl and in some ways i guess he still sees me as a little girl but im not, and i will invite him to the birth of our baby and the babyshower..and our wedding if and when we have one..but if he doesnt show then i cant make him and i will not beg him all i can do is ask.

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Congrats on the baby! I'm sorry things are so difficult for you, and it takes a very strong person to beat the odds of something as strong as prejudice. I have and always commend interracial couples for doing so. I don't believe it to be a sin. But I think more more importantly than what others believe it is, is what you believe it to be.

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It's not a sin anymore than eating carrots. Funny how your dad says that dating outside your race is a sin, and nowhere in the Bible does it say that...at least I don't think. BUT BUT BUT! Divorce IS frowned upon in the Bible! Your folks are separated, are they divorced?


I know there's something in the Bible about not marrying someone from another tribe...perhaps that's the oddball idea he is taking that to mean...but then if we want to play that game, we need to stone all the witches, gays, prostitutes, and all the people who wear two different kinds of fabric together...i.e. denim and lycra.


I sure hope your dad comes around...if not, well then hold your head up and be on your way.

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They are not divorced but if u talk about him it is a total differnt thing..at one time i had convinced him its not a sin. i asked a couple of preachers...but he is back to the same thing again..and he went to you must obey your mother and father and he says im disobeying him...but i do hold my head high and i stick up for him i dont let them get by with sayng things that are false. And he knows i know feel about and thats all that matters

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I believe the passage you are referring to is in Genesis, when God is telling Noah how to segregate the animals on the ark. This same argument has been used to defend segregation and also condemning interracial relationships, as with anything its all about a persons interpretation. It seems like a stretch to apply this to interracial relationships but as you can see that people are still using that to defend their own beliefs as making it seem like a divine command.


I believe that you have to accept the idea that your dad may never come around. I have seen countless examples of this exactly situation and typically it doesnt turn out too well.

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I believe the passage you are referring to is in Genesis, when God is telling Noah how to segregate the animals on the ark. This same argument has been used to defend segregation and also condemning interracial relationships, as with anything its all about a persons interpretation. It seems like a stretch to apply this to interracial relationships but as you can see that people are still using that to defend their own beliefs as making it seem like a divine command.


I believe that you have to accept the idea that your dad may never come around. I have seen countless examples of this exactly situation and typically it doesnt turn out too well.


It really is a stretch - how does that logic square with the fact that according to the Bible we are all descended from Adam and Eve and from Noah and his wife? That would seem to me to apply to inter-species relationships - not inter-racial ones.

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It really is a stretch - how does that logic square with the fact that according to the Bible we are all descended from Adam and Eve and from Noah and his wife? That would seem to me to apply to inter-species relationships - not inter-racial ones.


Now i have heard that be4 that...that passage was referring to iner-species relationships

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