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At work relationships

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Dating a co-worker is usually a bad idea. Some companies even have written policies discouraging or prohibiting inter-office dating. Might want to check on that before you do anything, unless you really don't care about keeping your job.


That being said, I've dated co-workers twice. First one went very well. No one we worked with found out, and we were able to transition back to being co-workers when the relationship didn't work out.


Second one was a disaster, and ended up being one of several factors that resulted in me leaving a job I'd been in for 20 years.


There's a reason the saying, "don't get your honey where you get your money" exists.

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Isn't that just a quote thingy? too "not have relations with someone you work with"

And you don't actually work WITH her, so I dont think it would be a problem.. I would say that you should go for it..

I mean.. what if.. what if she's the one


But then again I'm only 17, "I dont know sh!t bout' love cause I'm too young"..

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Isn't that just a quote thingy? too "not have relations with someone you work with"


Haha, I think you mean(and I'm goin to steal this from another, but I like it)..."Don't dip your pen in company ink"


Yea...it's just not a good idea. Recently I've learned how some things change when it you yourself are actually faced with the situation, but it's still best to try and listen and follow your mind instead of your emotions(if you can). It's just not great b/c of the idea that 'if' something did happen, and you broke up, you're still goin to have to face the other every day at work....and if you are together, that's too much time spent together that you can't really do anything together b/c you're not supposed to.

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I just recently started seeing someone whom I work with, and so far things have been OK.


There is always that potential conflict incase things don't work out or what not, but if you are both mature adults things should be OK.


It really just depends on the person. In my situation, the girl is really nice and we are good friends. If things don't work out I doubt it will be a big deal since you just have to let things go...you can't let it interefere with your work relationship.


I did vow that I would never mix work and pleasure again, but now that I've broken that barrier, I would definitely do it again. But you really have to guage the person you are interested in first to get a good idea if there will be conflict or not.


Hell, I even have another girl lined up at work if this one doesn't work out. Nice thing about my job is that there is about 1500 people who work here so it provides a nice distance between you and your (potential) significant other.

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Well as many of you have read, I sit all day about 10 feet away from my most recent "ex", and I can't say that work is particularly fun right now.


It was great while we were dating (just shy of 4 years), but the last 4 months since the breakup have been very roller-coasterish.


This is my 3rd co-worker relationship, so I guess I should know better by now. I've vowed a couple of times that I would not do it again.


I guess it's like the hardened criminal who never considers that the fact that he'll most likely end up rotting his life away in some prison cell. Each time you think, "What the heck? I think this one might last, and I won't have to deal with any post-relationship issues!"


Be warned my friend...


*scans office for potential dates* heh

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