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Opinions please about my e-mail

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Hey guys,


I am going to send an e-mail to my Primary school and I'm going to let you guys read it because I want know if it sounds to rude or pushy.





My name is Miya Rose and I am a former pupil of Endike Primary school. Now that I am 16 yrs old I have just recently left St Mary's college after finishing my GCSE's.


I e-mailing you because I feel very annoyed because I have contacted Endike quite a few times in the past couple of years and not once has anyone responded to me. The first time I contacted school it was because I was interested in finding the where abouts of my 'Record of achievements' which I felt quite proud of while I was attending Endike.


I then rang again to discuss my portfolio and again I never got a response.


About a month ago I walked to Endike with a friend to try and find out more information on my portfolio and was interested too see how the school had changed since I had left. I was told by the woman at reception that I would be phoned back later that week. What a surprise. I wasn't.


The first time is forgivable but the second and third time is a joke. You could have had the decency to contact me. I'm sorry but I feel quite disgusted with trying to get an answer.


I would like some support on this because my portfolio is very important to me. If you could reply I would be very greatful.


Thank-you for your time,


Miya LJ Rose


You see I'm kicking up a fuss because my portfolio was something I was proud of. It contains photographs of me and my awards, teacher coments, certificates and other information and I want it. I think now I'm no longer a pupil at Endike I have a right to my portfolio. I sometimes used read it in 2nd and 3rd grade but never understood what the teachers wrote. Now I will be able to understand and I want it, but does this e-mail sound too rude?


Thanks for reading,



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Honestly, I wouldn't send it. They're just going to laugh at it. And you're not going to see your portfolio ever.


Ever heard the statement, "a teaspoon of honey will attract more flies than a gallon of vinegar?" yup.


Send them polite letters, faxes, requesting your portfolio. You can mention the dates you called previously. Or, you can call, and be polite. Or, even show up in person.


I honestly think if you send this abrasive e-mail, they'll just think that you're a *beep* and they'll delete it. Then, you'll never see your portfolio again!

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But I have! I have rang them, shown up in person 3 or 4 times, I have even got my school teacher to ring them. They said I should try sending a e-mail like this to get their attention.


I'm running out of options. I can't even recall the dates when I went. But I swear I have contacted them a countless times and not once did I get a reply.



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Well, call again. Try a letter. Talk to a real person on the phone.


If you send an e-mail, try saying something like,


"Hello - My name is xxxxx and I attended this school from xxxx to xxxxx. I have very fond memories of my times here, and I would like to request that my portfolio be sent to me. I have contacted this office on several occasions, but have not received a response. I would greatly appreciate the portfolio be sent to me."


What did they tell you when you showed up in person?

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I agree with the others, do not send that email. It will not have the effect that you are hoping for.


If your school isn't responding, try going up the chain to the next higher level of administration. Here in the states it's called a "district". I'm not sure what it's called in the UK (you are in the UK, right?). But anyway, try going to the next level of administration and asking them for help. Be courteous and just tell them you are concerned because you aren't getting any response out of your old school.


That might open a few doors for you if your school starts getting called from their bosses asking how come they haven't responded.

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Well you guys are the experts. I wont send it. I will give them one more chance. I'll send a polite letter to the gouverners.


It's just I am so sick of trying to locate my file and then them not even replying to me


I would have asked my parents too help but their not going to do it unless it had something to do with them,


Thanks for the help,



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The governors probably won't help much. Depending on where you live the school will be under the authority of the Education Committee of the County or Borough Council. You can find out which on the internet. Then find out if your local councillor is on the Education Committee, and write to him or her explaining the problem. Again, you can get all that information off the internet, type in your county or borough on google. Write pleasantly not abrasively. If the councillor is not a member of the committee ask him or her to pass it along to the Chair of the Committee. Usually, when politicians get involved, even in a matter as 'minor' as this, things start happening.

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Oh good, It's been 5 yrs so will they still have my file? they wouldn't throw it away or anythng would they?


I want it, it has some great atuff in there that mean a lot to me and I just want it back,




I'm still wondering - when you went in person to the office, what exactly did they say to you? Did they tell you they didn't have it, or did they say they would send it? Did they tell you you needed to go to a different office?


You really have to be nice to these office people. Think about it - they have a million "more important" things to do than for them to find your file (which is probably in some basement somewhere). They have enrollment issues, admin stuff, teaching schedules, book orders, blah blah blah whatever going on, and I'm sure at the very bottom of their "to do" list is to mail you this file.


Now, I'm not certain, but probably, everytime you've called, you've probably gotten a different person on the phone, and maybe one person left the note for someone else to do, but it probably got lost under some more pressing deadlines they have.


Like Avman said, go to the superiors, and bring up that your communications have not been responded to. That tends to take care of most things quickly.


good luck

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I have spoke to the same women about 3 times and I have spoken to other as well.


When I went in person they said it got sent to my current school! So i checked at reception at my school and they have no record of my 'Record of Achievements' so I went back to the primary school and they assured me they would ring me back to tell me about my folder.


I have seriously lost count of how many times I have rang. Today I DID go the superiors (or I spoke to one of them) and they said it's out of my hands and told me to go and speak to the woman at reception she can tell me more about it. But she wasn't there ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

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In all honestly, the people at the front desk run the show. Maybe you can bring them a box of chocolates and see if they have any knowledge on the location of your file.


It may just have gotten lost during the transfer. Oh well.


My hospital once lost all of my records from birth to age 18, so my file starts at 18 up. Whatever, it happens.


I went to my school district which had a copy of my medical records, I requested them. I had graduated and turned 18, but they refused to give them to me saying it wasn't my business!!!!


I guess you have to decide how much trouble it's worth to you. And, I don't mean to belittle your cause, but I bet these office workers have some pressing deadlines and enrollment issues that they need to get to before they figure out where your childhood photographs are. I'm sorry to say it that way, if it sounds harsh, but I'm just looking at it through the officer workers' point of view.


I just started fresh with my medical records, got a whole bunch of vaccines, and that's the end of that.

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Mysterious Gurl, I'm pleased you're not sending the email!


I see you are an Arsenal supporter so obviously you live in England like me.


I know you've said that you've contacted the school on a number of occasions and they haven't got back to you. However, have you forgotten that schools/colleges/universities are still dealing with examination boards, etc. They have to get their priorities right! Once the pressure wears off I'm sure they'll attend to your problem.


Secondly, how did you do in your GCSE exams and what subjects did you take?


I'm 42 and I've just sat my GCSE Psychology. I did well in my assignment. I got an 'A' but that was the lecturers mark before it was sent to the examiners. She says they don't usually change her marks! However, the exam paper was very hard! I'm not looking forward to 26th August when the results come out!


Looking forward to your reply.

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I don't know why they've put a *beep* in the middle of the sentence of my previous message.




because the first four letters form a word on the forbidden list and the software that *beeps* it is not sophisticated enough to differentiate. It is a little annoying but better that than the alternative, which is a whole lot of offensive terms being allowed through.

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What exactly was in your portfolio?


I was under the impression it is certificates from your secondary school. Am I right?


Secondly, I've noticed you have problems spelling some words. When you want to write a very important letter to the school, etc. type it in a wordprocessing programme like Word for Windows and use the spellcheck button. This will show the school that you're trying to improve yourself and then they'll take more notice of your letters! It will also help you to fill in job application forms.


Hope I've helped.

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There is also ieSpell that can be used for internet messages such as these. It is free and works well. Someone on here put me onto it a few months ago. It is quicker than composing in Word in order to use that spellcheck and then cutting and pasting to this message panel.


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