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Just a general question for the guys...

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There are some men who don't look for femininity anyway.


My point is, Never change to be something you are not. It's not fair on you or anyone else around you.


There are somethings you can change about yourself; if it makes you feel better. But never change to get someone or attract certain people.


You could be the type of person who changes to get somebody attracted to you!

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different cultures seem to have different idealisations of women's weight/size. some cultures where it's harder to be well fed, a larger women is seen as more wealthy and has higher social status, etc. there is a universal hip to waist ratio of 7:10 that nearly all men find ideal in women.

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Like the link removed link, I've also noticed that black men tend to be more into large women. At my last job, there was this skinny black guy who bought me all these presents for Christmas and asked me out - and I'd said maybe two words to him, consisting of hello and goodbye! We didn't end up going out because I was uncomfortable about dating someone I worked with, but it was flattering for sure.


"Women of size tend to be very stable emotionally," says Ridley. "They put their emphasis on family and on keeping the relationship together and strong. And, unlike many thin sisters, women of size don't come with an attitude that says, 'I know I've got it going on so what can you do for me?' They are less concerned with what's in my wallet and more concerned with what's in my heart. They are very down to earth, very real and, most important, very clear about their commitment to making the relationship work through the bad times as well as the good times."

Kisses wherever you are, Ridley!!!

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Honestly, I just don't think this question matters. Do you really want to fall for someone who wouldn't fall for who you are for such a stupid reason? Compare posts anyways: it looks like they are a litmus test for what kind of guy would be worth spending your life with. Whiners will demand what they want, kind people (not to mention easier to live with & more rewarding & more fun) people seem to not care about those sort of things.


Also, I definetly second Rasberry's comments about society. accross culture and history, evidence indicates that it was wealth that has been what played a larger part in what was found physically attractive. I don't know what would make someone think otherwise...really amazes me the profound influence that society has over our thinking..makes me wonder about all the limitations we must naturally have.

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I would only suggest to lose weight if it is threatening your health or if it is really bothering you in terms of your self esteem.


A good friend of mine was hanging out with an overweight girl. He liked everything about her except her weight. She really liked him and expressed her feelings. He told her he liked her, but he told me that he was thinking of telling her that if she wanted the relationship to go any further, she should drop her weight. I advised against this but he made his decision. A week passed and he told me that he decided not to make a big issue out of the weight. He eventually looked past it and fell for the girl and not out of love with the weight. They are still going out today, I believe it's been 3 years.


As much as a lot of men are not attracted to big women, you'd be really surprised to find how much are, probably just as much. They may even be closet Big Lovers. If someone is too blind to look past the fullness, they are not good for you anyway. Just move on to someone who will love you for who you are.

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There are some men who don't look for femininity anyway.


My point is, Never change to be something you are not. It's not fair on you or anyone else around you.


There are somethings you can change about yourself; if it makes you feel better. But never change to get someone or attract certain people.


You could be the type of person who changes to get somebody attracted to you!


That is a consideration for the person.

I'm generalizing the situation, by saying, if you are changing yourself to attract a certain type of person. You are going to attract the wrong type.


If the person feels that they want to change they can do so.


But why would you change just to find someone that you may find by being yourself anyway? thereforeeee not lying to yourself.

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I'd have to say the generalization that 'guys don't date fat girls' is mostly true.


However, there are a lot of guys who are very attracted to larger girls, such as myself. Now that I look back, every single one of my past girlfriends has been on the chunky side. Not morbidly obese, but not hollywood skinny either.


But when it all comes down to it, it's the personality that matters. My current girlfriend is a little chubby but she's tall so it balances out. She's also blond and quite beautiful which is what originally attracted me to her. However, once I got to know her and her personality, I was in love...if she had been a royal b*tch then it would've ended right there. But being one of the sweetest, funniest girls I've met in a while, she won me over.


So for all the overweight girls out there, don't fret!! because there are guys out there who WILL find you beautiful...just be outgoing and laugh and have fun. And like someone else has said before, if they aren't attracted to you because of your appearance, then they're not worth your time anyways!

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A person who is not in the sterotypical form of an attactive woman shouldn't change their personality, or change their looks, natural beauty is perfection not a washboard stomach and big breasts and a size 1 waist.....


some people who are over weight can't just workout and it's all better, so times it's their body type...or they have a physical disorder just as extreme over heating that prevents them from doing hard activities or even walking makes them sick, and not everyone has money for surgery


if you are happy with yourself just keeping going forward eventually you'll find some guy that doesn't care about all this superfical fakeness


personally I think anyone who says loss weight it'll all be better or your looks matter over the person you are, is ignorant and has no real experience in life,

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How you take care of you body shows how much respect you have for your self. People will see by looking at you if you have respect for yourself and your body. This is important because if you don't have respect for yourself you sure won't have it for anyone else.



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How you take care of you body shows how much respect you have for your self. People will see by looking at you if you have respect for yourself and your body. This is important because if you don't have respect for yourself you sure won't have it for anyone else.




Luciano Pavarotti respects himself and is respected throughout the world.

He's a chubby little man though isn't he


Doesn't make him any less of a human or lose him any respect as a person.

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You can do 2 things: You can accept your body and be happy with it (which you always should).


BUT you should always seek improvement. Why settle with a large body if you can have a really fit one? All it takes is dedication and proper knowledge.


The whole "accept yourself and dont change" is just an excuse for not wanting improvement. Just be sure to change for yourself and not anyone else.

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Oprah has had her battles with weight. Yet she's always been a respected and successful women.


BUT you should always seek improvement. Why settle with a large body if you can have a really fit one?


There are other ways of improvement then focusing on what's on the outside. Real improvement comes from within. Haven't you seen documentaries on models who become obssessed with having that perfect body? Or crash course diets to lose weight? That is just as unhealthy as being overweight.


Genetics, metabolism... some of us are just naturally larger then others. If that's who we are, then who is to say it isn't fit? You can be fit and healthy without being slim. It's important to be comfortable with your body, no matter what shape it is.

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