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What they like.. Blonde or Brunette

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I guess this question is more directed at the guys but really im just looking for opinions


Okay im going for a hair cut im another week an while im there im thinking about getting my hair maybe highlighted or whatever an then i got to thinking.. What is the whole thing about blondes are better then brunettes or vise versa. What is so important about that. Just a question I had.

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Just my opinion:

I always thought blondes were hot but I think Brunettes are sexier. I'm attracted to both, but would pick a dark haired girl 9 times out of 10 over a blonde.


I agree that alot of the blondes I've met do seem to have an "I'm better than you attitude". not saying there aren't brunettes like that but just my personal experience.


Anyway do what you want, that makes you happy. If you don't like it then switch it back. But you'll never know til u try.

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Experiment and you will find out what looks better on you and go with that. Becareful about making yourself look a certain way to please others. Please yourself and you'll be happier in the long run.


Have fun!

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from a chicks point of view, i have naturual very blonde white hair suited me well with blue eyes, But the problem was no one takes you serious so i died my hair jet black i havent looked back, ive been jet black for 5 years now and would never return to my natural colour, because now people pay attention to what i have to say, dont know why it makes a difference but it does.

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I am a fan of the red heads too. Couple of girls in my friend circle are red heads. I can have the most intelligent conversations and deep conversations with them. Both of them are very ambitious, One is studying to be a doctor and the other is studying to be a lawyer. There are very few red heads, so its kindof tough to be a fan of red heads. The red heads probably dont get as much attention as blondes while growing, so they probably focus their energy on Career (Caution: This is my theory and i have very little if not any basis for it!)

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Get a style that works for you and not what others are saying. A girl that liked me got her hair dyed blonde because she knew that I had a thing for blondes. Problem was that I also have a thing for blue or green eyes. Anyway, the cut was great, but the blonde color didn't work for her that well. I mean it wasn't bad, but you can tell it just didn't a fit. Many months later she got it restyled and colored to a slightly darker shade and it was like night and day.

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  • 5 weeks later...

well...if u have light ccoloured eyes deffinately brunette...if u have dark eyes u might want to go for blonde, although brown haired girls with dark eyes r hot considering everyone out there wants to be a blonde babe with blue eyes, i honetsly think that soo out...wuts REALLY hot, light eyes with dark dark hair!! wow!

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Oh, don't worry ShySoul, I love redheads Red hair and green eyes always gets me But yeah, I don't really think hir colour matters. If you are a good person then the guys will just flock to you


Yes, green eyes are lovely.


But just be yourself, any decent person isn't going to care about the color of your hair. If I may quote a song: "honey I don't care, I ain't in love with your hair, and if it all fell out, I'd love you anyways."

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Personally I like blondes, of course if there not like psycho-girls lol. If your going to dye your hair anything, do it brown. Just blonde looks fake, I mean it's either a yellow or it's a ghostly grandma type of white lol. And that pure white **** is unattractive. Brown is the hottest I think .

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I think: When you find the right person, it doesn't matter if their hair is black/blue/green/purple/pink/blonde or brunnette. You learn to love everything about them.


For me: I had my thing for blondes a while ago and I've grown out of it. I'm now going for personality more than anything else.

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Personally i am attracted too like any hair color.Personally i like the way girls do their hair because it makes them look really cute,pretty, or beautiful which are all different things to me.Personally i think u should be proud of ur own true hair color.Too any people with the less picky mind u should look just as pretty with whatever color your hair is.

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Where I live, everyone likes blonde-haired, blue-eyed, tall, busty women. I do NOT look anything like that, even though I have died my hair blond a couple of times. As a half-Asian gal, I don't really fit into the Western society's beauty standards. And I avoid my natural color because I know it will make me look more Asian, which nobody really likes around here. I sometimes resent the blondie chicks, but sometimes I'm proud to know how it feels to have people being racist toward me because it makes me more of a unique and experienced person. There are some nice blond girls where I live, but most of them (natural or fake) are the ones who try to get as many guys as they can because they know they can. Anyway, my hair is a fading red right now, but I hope to dye it a brighter red toward the end of this month. I kind of want to go blond though...It's just hair though--you cut it, and it still grows. And if you get bored of that color, hopefully you can change it to the next. It has nothing to do with your intelligence or personality, even though the media and today's Western beauty ideals tell us that it does. I'm sure if there wasn't this whole "blondes have more fun" attidude, there would be no preference for blonds. Get the hair that YOU want--that's why I went red, and I'm going even redder!




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