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  1. wow, that is really amazing! did u write that?...i love it!...its so...full of life, so true...so positive, its one of those poems that makes u think about eveyrthing around u, and thank a greater soul that ur alive and living here and now..wow, it really made my day, its very good...good job!
  2. hi!, yea well i think u deffnately have a depression on some sort, i would really consider, no matter how shy u r, to go to the doctor and get some prescribeds medicne, some anti depresants....if thats a bit too extreme, i would say...GO OUT...seriously, i mean one day just go out and meet friends, i knwo u say ur shy and i was shy too, until i realize my life was going nowhere unless I did something about it, so i stopped being shy and started to meet new ppl, and be myself and it was amazing, it still is! another thing u could do is keep a journal of some wort and write all your feelings down, its really great cuz its like talking to someone, but they dont answer back with funny replies or things u dont wanna hear, and just write and write and u might even figure out whats wrong with u...it really does help! u could also try to meditate, it can be very simple, as easy as sitting down with your back straight closing your eyes and taking deep long breaths, and let your mind just float away from anything that may be bothering you, when u open your eyes, keep breathing and keep telling yourself u r a confident young lady who has soo much ahead of her, and are not gonna let this tiny thing in your life affect u hope i helped, if u need anything im right here bye!
  3. well...if u have light ccoloured eyes deffinately brunette...if u have dark eyes u might want to go for blonde, although brown haired girls with dark eyes r hot considering everyone out there wants to be a blonde babe with blue eyes, i honetsly think that soo out...wuts REALLY hot, light eyes with dark dark hair!! wow!
  4. hey everyone, well heres my problem: ive had long dark hair forever, my clothing style is...well...cute but blah...the point is...IM GETTING BORED OF MYSELF!!..is that normal?..i just want SOMETHING to make me feel beautiful...maybe its clothes maybe its more self esteem...i dunno....a new look, new makeup...hair colour...something! any suggestions!?
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