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fairy- haha. it doesnt work like that with him. he is VERY protective of his phone and would NEVER let me even touch it let alone go through his pics. if i ask and push the subject even slightly to look through his phone, he will get mad and say I SAID NO! trust me i tried that one a long time ago....


Too bad! I think you are right in letting it go for now! And if your relationship w/ him becomes more serious you can always ask him then. He probably doesn't want to talk about it right now.... Or maybe you totally got the wrong idea and nothing marriage-ish has happened! just give it some time!


take care!

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Hi amanda22


What is they say about "marry in haste, repent at leisure"? From what I can gather, if they did marry, it was very quick - only two months or so and she's gone back to her ex. Sounds very much like it was a rebound affair on her part. That is, of course, assuming they DID marry.


You're on a sticky one here. You looked at his phone because you didn't fully trust him. (What does that tell you?) And what you found out - or may have found out - has upset you deeply. I understand that you wanted to know something about what was going on with him and he wasn't willing to tell you.


I worry that he may have come back to you as a "filler" - has he given you any guarantees or assurances that he's serious about you?


I think you need to have this out with him. It may not be good to admit that you snooped, but if your worst fears are true, then what he is doing in stringing you along is far, far worse, in my opinion. Can you find a way of bringing up what he said about wanting to marry her in general conversation. Along the lines of "you know you said you wanted to marry xxx? Did you ever tell her that?"


Box clever and you'll get to the bottom of this.


If he is married, you deserve better than to get entangled in what could be a legal issue.


Actually, you deserve better period.


Good luck xxx

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