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15 months after - will see him for the first time-HELP

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Hello all....

For all of you who have been following my story, 15 months have passed by and I have not yet seen my ex. I actuly never seen him as not being my b'f bec I never saw him and he left to states and called me to end a 4 years relationship bec of religions reason and end up choosing the family over me.. and refused to come back to Canada to face be saying that if he sees me he wouldn't be bale to leave me - anyway few months ago we started to talk a bit.. he's depress and not over me and still and I know he truly loves me.

It happened that for a friend's wedding I 'll have to go there this summer and I'm planning to see him… I'm very stressed, nervous, anxious………. Any advices?????

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Bonjour tristesse!


I remember your story very well.


I think when you go down there the best thing to do is remain calm, cool and very collected. Treat him respectfully, but do not go out of your way to be with him if he is busy...if you talk to him, excuse yourself before he does to go catch up with your friend for lunch etc.


Do not bring anything up...if he does, listen, but do not be quick to say "Oh, I feel depressed too!" for example..lol.


Follow your heart, stay strong. And good luck.

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thank you all - but I have talked to him already he knows I'm no longer depress and I am the one telling him to keep it together... funny enough..

he's very excited that I'm going he wants to show me the whole city but i'm planning to see him once only - Closure time! Ray.. I think I'll be calm, maybe I'll get emotional but god this is the guy I loved to death and it's justs ooooooo weird! I'm not sure but a part of me wants to leave him breathless... it makes sense right??? and also I'm scared to fall for him all over again.. i won't right!!?! I justhope I won't but I need to see himbec otherwise I will always wonder" what if..." - so I thinkit's for the best but gosh I'm terrified - 15 months is a long time... this is the guy I spent 24h a day w for 4 years and now I haven't seen him fr soo long.. I'm sorry I'm just blabing but I'm so nervous!!!!! what can I do, say act... to make him go crazy...lol?? lol

so many things in my head.. I'm going insane..lol

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The best way to drive him crazy, is to show him how great you are doing and how strong you are, how much you have grown from the experience. The best way is not through words, but through that glow of confidence I KNOW you have now


You never know, you might end up wondering what you saw in him before, sometimes we are surprised by our past when we see it in the future

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I agree with RayKay. Go expecting nothing and you won't be disappointed. If anything does happen positively, it will be a bonus. Don;t forget that if he does want to get back together with you, that you would still have to overcome the difficulties that caused the break-up in the first place, so guard your heart. Good luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you all for your kind words of support.I'm seeing him in 3 days, I'm confident, look great and tan ;-) and look forward to make him go insane after seeing me..lol I have changed so much grown so much and learned so much from this expereince, I'm now following my dream and I'm happy and I won't have to try hard to show him that bec i'm glowing and he will see it. Thank you all I will update you after the big day.

I'm sure I will be surprised and asked myself why I loved him for that long and my heart is 100% guarded;-)


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