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How ask a woman as a friend to hang out

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She messaged you regarding a course. She gave you a thumbs up when you mentioned going. Sounds to me like she's already indicated she wants to go.

So why wait? Ask her if she's interested and when she's available to go. What's really going to change in the next few days? How is asking now versus two or three days from now going to make you seem desparate? If you want to spend time together and make plans, do it as soon as possible. It only becomes pushy when it becomes nonstop badgering someone or asking them things they've already indicated they don't want. But if it's just two friends doing something they both want to do, then have at it.

Also, good for you for letting things happen as they happen with this girl. Seems like you're in a better spot. I hope you do find someone eventually, be it either of these girls or someone else entirely.

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She is not willing to hang out with you because you have an agenda.  You don't just want to spend time with her as friends.  You are an orbiter.  You hope that by spending time together she will develop feelings.  She knows this ploy & wants no part of it.  She's torn because she does like you as a person & you do participate in activities that she finds interesting but she also doesn't want to lead you on.   She knows that you are a hopium addict & that you will interpret her spending time with you as a sign that she wants more, when she's made it clear that she has zero romantic interest in you.   In military parlance, at best you have a yellow light but mostly it's red & it's never going to be green.  

You need to find other women to hang out with & date.  What are you doing to broaden your social circle?  Can you go hang out or volunteer at an American Legion?  They will have lots going on for Memorial Day.  

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You sound a bit obsessed, to be honest.

She's not interested. You need to stop with this before it results in you finding yourself in trouble. Keep in this delusion and someone is going to snap you out of it for you. And it will suck, it won't be with her holding you tight and telling you you are everything she's ever wanted. 


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