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losing feelings

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So I'm losing feelings for my bf. Like bad. I don't want to hang out with him, I'm not attracted to him as much, and I just generally think I'm happier when he's not around. But like, I don't know if this is real or if my brains just doing its thing where it distances because I get bored or if I'm scared because of the commitment. And breaking up with him would be so hard bc I know it would break his heart and all my friends and family adore him so they'd all be super upset if we broke up and everything would be awkward and I don't want that. But at the same time, we're gonna break up when we go to college next year. I don't think he wants to, but if I don't break up with him before that I def will then. So ig I'm just wondering if I should just wait until summer to break up with him.

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17 minutes ago, jordan.not said:

 we're gonna break up when we go to college next year

How long have you been dating? How old is he? Focus on your grades and applying to the best universities you can get into. Definitely free yourself to enjoy university life.

Please don't string him along because he's a nice guy or a security blanket. Set each other free. 

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7 hours ago, jordan.not said:

we're gonna break up when we go to college next year.

This tells me you are both very young. 

It's normal to outgrow a relationship at your ages, and be ready to move on as you mature and drift in different directions in life. 

It's time to break up now. There is zero point waiting until next year. 

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If he knew your thoughts, wouldn't you assume he wouldn't want you pretending to love him, just to try to prevent him and family and friends from being upset?

People survive breakups all the time. You'll be doing him a favor to break up now, so he doesn't invest any further time in a situation where you're faking it.

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