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Hey im just wondering what you guys think?


my question is : do you think my ex is over me? does it sound like she is?


i broke up with her as i got a job working security and was working 6 nights a week, and she works durin the day, it began to make me feel guilty and eventualy feel a kind of resentment for feeling guilty, i just felt i need to do what i need to do and get my life in order b4 i could be with her, we had been together 8 months. we never got to see each other anymore it was ridiculous. i have an issue with myself at moment, and im not good to anyone till my issues r resolved anyways.


anyways when i broke up with her of ocurse she cried as did i, bu she dealt really ok, she even wiped my tears n told me not to cry when she said i should go and walked me to my car...she said she would be ok and kissed me...i left........she sent me an email that next day explainaing everything she wanted to so she could say it once and quickly n let it go, she said things about being confused and hoping we oculd be friends, but she basicaly wrote to say she wanted what i did, she loved me n waned me to be happy..........she sent me a txt one week later sayin she hated not knowin how i was.....i replied to the email but not the txt............we didnt talk for a month...then she emailed me sayin hi, but i didnt get to check my email for a week so when i finally got the email, she had sent me another askin why and if i was ignoring her, that she would like us to be friends....she never broght up break up or asking me why i did it to her, she never even got angry with me once, she was alwyas dealin ok, even sayin she understood and that she wnated whatever it was i wnated...i wrote her back and told her i would call that weekend...i did...but we only talked for 4 mins b4 she said her battery was goin flat and she was at a friends house.....she text me a week later apologising for it.........again we didnt talk for a month....then it was her bday and i sent her a bday txt and again sayin i would call her that weekend, she didnt reply.

i wasnt able to call that wknd at last min so i sent her a txt sayin i would cal her the next night..she replied sayin it was ok as she was away for long weekend and wouldnt be able to chat anyways and was sorry she hadnt told me sooner, she then said 'u dont have to call me tomorrow if dont wanna and to have a good night'.......i felt bad like she was sayin not to call so i didnt call the next night...that weekend she sent me a txt sayin hey u wanna catch up i called her up and we chatted again for bout 5 mins b4 she said she should go........she sounded really happy and was all fine and then was like oohhhh ok i should go but talk to u later, that was a month ago.......


i guess its seems weird to me that shes dealt so well...........do u think shes just over me? what do u think?

have u ever heard of someone dealing with a break up so well??? i gues si should count my lucky stars, and that were now still able to be friends, but im confused as to whether shes just over me. do u think it sounds like shes over me?

i gues sim lucky to have had someone so undertsanding and shouldnt bother about this

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im not ready for kinda rship she needs.....she deserves someone who is......shes older then me in sense she had travelled....ALOT....and has had previous rships...3 to be exact two fairly serious.......she is my first gf........shes happy in her job n ready for rship of serious nature ie marrige soon i spose.......im still studying and i have to move away to get further trainin in my feild and am at moment workin 6 nights a week,,,,im just not ready, even tho i do have feelings for her.........i guess my ego is hurting too...........


do u think shes over me? i dont knwo what i want for sure, thats not what im botheredabout at moment im just wonderin if shes over me. dont u think shes dealt really well?

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Yes Master...she sounds over you.

Yes you should be happy she's dealing well...there are a LOT of mentally ble people out there who would have reacted much worse.

It's a sign of maturity that she has maintained her cool with you....

However on the other hand...and I am playing devils advocate here...

she m,ay not have been into you all that much and realized this AFTER the break up, hence her moving on so quickly. I cannot say for sure ..I am not in her head.

Be happy you guys are still able to be cordial with each other...many cannot.

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im not ready for kinda rship she needs.....she deserves someone who is...


Not sure why you posted, other than to vent . . . which is perfectly fine.


Anyhow, her reaction makes me think she was going to end things with you as well. You can often judge by peoples reactions to your actions, how they really feel. In a way, I think that you want her back or you want to have the option of having her back. If you don't have that option, you will feel less easy about the whole situation. This is human nature though. Whatever you choose to do from here, whether make friends with her and possibly re-establish relations with her it will take more communication with her. Also note that HOW YOU MAKE HER FEEL is what matters most in maintaining good future relations with her. Good luck.

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It sounds to me that she is dealing with the situation and she wants to be friends, thats why she is pushing the issue. Only she will know if she has alterior motives for wanting to be your friend. I think you need to work on your issue of feeling that things need to be resolved. Thats not always going to happen and having that expectation isnt realistic.

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