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academically slower learner-girls do u care

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are girls willing to date , be friends with or hang with a guy who is academically slower learner than she is. i am talking about stuff like math -there is a problem solving component it requries u to think and use forumulas to solve the problem, programming-visual basic 6.0 requires u to type in code and make the simple program work and run, accounting has probles to solve for X and they give u this and that. this is at the college level and also at HS before i was slow.like phsics 11 in HS was hard for me all these problems and solving this and that ah hated it gave me headaches same for math problem solving and some math too-required u to really think sometimes. i usually get it but it takes time i have to ask the teacher after class or on her office break or ask fellow classmates who are willing to help me out.

when it comes to straighforward stuff like intro to business class or HR class its easy read the text read the notes and maybe do the questions at the back of the book and ur set for the exam.

so i am saying do girls look down on guys and is it a turnoff if the guys is lets say a slower learner and needs to ask the teacher for questions about something he didn't understand. i now if she ain;t to u who cares someone will, but i just want ur opinions and thoughts.

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dude, all i have to say is i dont know the FIRST THING ABOUT


"i am talking about stuff like math -there is a problem solving component it requries u to think and use forumulas to solve the problem, programming-visual basic 6.0 requires u to type in code and make the simple program work and run, accounting has probles to solve for X and they give u this and that. this is at the college level and also at HS before i was slow.like phsics 11"




i dont care if i have a higher or lower GPA than my BF or love interest. as long as he tries his best at all he does. then thats all i would ever want in a man.



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i was just thinking.


i dont care much about academic intelligence...BUT IF A GUY LACKS COMMON SENSE OR DOESNT GET MY JOKES, OR **** HAS TO BE EXPLAINED TO HIM EVEN THOUGHT IT IN ALL REALITY SHOULDNT NEED TO BE REEXPLAINED! OR HAS THE WITS OF A ROCK!! then THAT is a major turn off! i have no patience for that kinda stuff. AT ALL!!! i need a guy on the same brain waves in that aspect.



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Eh, I was a natural achiever in high school and had a crush on a "slow learner" (modified classes, etc) the entire time. Even when I went on to university and he started doing manual labour for his dad's business, I still wanted him.


Now he's getting married and buying a house on my parents' street. Creeeepy.

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meh, i've known some very smart girls go out with guys not as smart as them. but these girls were very smart though (prodigies), and it would be hard for them to find an equivalent, let alone a superior around their age.

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Yes, girls are willing to go out with a guy that isn't as "smart" as they are... the same way guys go out with a less-intelligent girl. It's not so much about brain power all the time as an all around personality.


In truth, my ex-husband was academically challenged. He had a mild learning disability. I never would have had a problem with it, except he hid it and made excuses why he wouldn't read a paper I'd written, etc. Had he come forward from the first instance and said something like "honey, I'd love to read what you've written but I have a hard time with it, could you read it TO me" (or whatever) I would have been nuch more understanding. Instead he'd tell me that he didn't WANT to read it, didn't have time, etc and I saw that as lack of interest. (I'm a writer so this was a HUGE thing for me). In the end it caused some arguments.


Now, what I'm trying to say here is this - be straightforward. From the early stages of a relationship be honest about your shortcomings. The same way that I tell guys honestly what I'm about and what I'm made of.... just be truthful and it will go a long ways.

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Yes girls will go out with guys that are not as academically smart as them. Some girls are not into guys that get high grades and excell in academic areas.


joe45, quite frankly the fact that you are taking time to actually learn the stuff and actually active in your own eductation would score huge points with almost any girl out there. I don't know any girl that I have not met that would not go out with a guy that is trying his best in learning what he has to learn and is taking time out side of class to do it.

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what happens if u get lower grades than her lets say ur a c plus to b minus students and shes like a b plus.

lets put it this way what happens if she gets higher marks then u-will it be a problem.as a whole do u girls care. i usually thought a girl going for a smarter or smart guy meant better earning potential and success which equates to more money-like doctors, lawyers, successful businessmen and anyone who went to univ with a bachelors or higher. women love successful men.


i had this problem before in HS got my mark in science 9 scored like 56% yea it was hard and the girl next to me got like 80%(something like that -just scored higher) and said "such a poor mark".

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No, not at all! Actually, I dont tend to get along with guys who get higher marks than me lol.


I suppose it can be a bonus.. but really, I have to admit i've never thought about things like that affecting the way im attracted to anybody until you asked that question. I've even almost hooked up with guys who have dropped out at school at yr 9, so =S


Like a friend of mine once said, "Going to school doesn't make you smart", and its true. Any of the things you learnt in high school -- how much of that stuff have you applied to situations in real life? When am I going to need to know that the square root of one side squared x the other side squared equals the longest side of a triangle? Really.


(I bet I got that wrong, too, just to make myself look like even more of an idiot

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Lol, I don't think I know a guy that does better then me...actually when I think about it, I do, and I think he's the biggest up himself ERGH! Alot of the guys that don't do as well are more down to earth, and relaxed. Also, they make up for what they lack in grades, by having alot of common sense

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