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Chapter 3


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1 hour ago, mylolita said:

 @Jibralta have you tried anymore Texan Teee! 

No, I forgot about that. It so was good!!

1 hour ago, mylolita said:

What’s your feelings on those slipper wearin’ home working people and the meaning of life?

I don't have any problem with it. I'd do it myself if I had the space! 

I do find it interesting the way that attitudes about work have shifted over the years.

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24 minutes ago, Jibralta said:

No, I forgot about that. It so was good!!

I don't have any problem with it. I'd do it myself if I had the space! 

I do find it interesting the way that attitudes about work have shifted over the years.

Should be flogged with a whip, foreman looking down from on high 🤣🤣🤣


”Work slippers” 🥳



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I tried to make it more professional this time. Bro told me I need to have an intro so I used the camera for the intro. This time I had already written the code beforehand in order to focus on explanation more. I can't talk and code at the same time, usually I just throw words here and there whilst I code. 

What do you think? Better this way?


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I had a dream last night, walking somewhere in Liverpool. 

There are not many things, if anything really, I regret doing the last 10 years except this stupid frivolous mistake. 

I should have known better. I really didn't like how things went. However, time passes and I am seeing things more rationally again.

If I get residency I would probably start looking for a job again in a year or so and see what happens with the FCA (unless something else comes up). It seems my prediction is about to be correct, the housing market is heading for a crash, shame I didn't bet on it but if I get a good job again in the UK I would buy a house. 

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On 9/30/2022 at 6:03 AM, dias said:

I had a dream last night, walking somewhere in Liverpool. 

There are not many things, if anything really, I regret doing the last 10 years except this stupid frivolous mistake. 

I should have known better. I really didn't like how things went. However, time passes and I am seeing things more rationally again.

If I get residency I would probably start looking for a job again in a year or so and see what happens with the FCA (unless something else comes up). It seems my prediction is about to be correct, the housing market is heading for a crash, shame I didn't bet on it but if I get a good job again in the UK I would buy a house. 

Still holding my breath Dias!


We have a fixed rate for 2 years but still. Paid half cash for ours and still not looking forward to the prospect. 

I‘ve stopped watching the news! They adore doom and gloom before it even happens!



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On 10/1/2022 at 3:45 PM, mylolita said:

I‘ve stopped watching the news! They adore doom and gloom before it even happens!

I know, everything becomes more dramatic when you watch the news. Personally, watching the news for more than 10 minutes makes me depressed. 

I don't want to be gloomy but I don't think this global crisis will end very soon, the domino just began to fall.

Hope I am completely wrong  🙂 

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I shouldn't read blogs like this one https://hungrybackpack.com/abandoned-cruise-ship-koh-chang/#:~:text=You'll find the abandoned,Bay towards Bang Bai Beach.&text=If you're exploring the,“KOH CHANG GRAND LAGUNA” .  My heart is yearning for adventures. Some days this feeling is so strong I want to jump into a boat or get on a plane. 

When I attended the acting classes in Liverpool, in the last few lessons we had to pair with someone as the scenes required usually two people. I was paired with an old Scouser, he was a retired photographer (although he is still travelling) on scientific naval expeditions around the globe (one of my dreams). He showed me photos he took during his trips from Antarctica to Argentina to South Africa to NZ to pretty much anywhere. I told him I was so jealous, he lived a full life that's for sure. Ahhhh.....

I have a problem. I like too many different things. I like to play, I like to create, I like money, I like travelling, I like exercising, I like arts, I like so many different things, I would need 20 lives to experience half of what I want. 

I find it extremely hard and almost painful to stay in one place doing the same thing. How 99% of the population does it? For me being stagnant or almost stagnant feels like prison and makes me depressed.

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14 hours ago, dias said:

https://earthwatch.org/expeditions/browse?f[0]=expedition-focus%3A2 They are not cheap!!!! What happened to the selfless scientific spirit lol

Wow, what a racket!! People pay to 'volunteer?" Lord, times have changed lol!

But I guess it's pretty clever on the part of the scientists to take advantage of the tourism market instead of begging for money from more traditional venues, like private foundations, corporate programs, non-profit organizations, academic incentive programs, and/or government agencies.

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1 hour ago, Jibralta said:

Wow, what a racket!! People pay to 'volunteer?" Lord, times have changed lol!

But I guess it's pretty clever on the part of the scientists to take advantage of the tourism market instead of begging for money from more traditional venues, like private foundations, corporate programs, non-profit organizations, academic incentive programs, and/or government agencies.

Yes I thought the same, that's a clever way to raise funds. However, I think they overdo it. 300+ per day? Paying to work is a preposterous itself, paying 300+ per day is ...I really don't know what it is lol


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3 hours ago, itsallgrand said:

Lol. Reminds me of people paying to pick apples. And I don't mean U-pick and bring them home. I mean, pay money for the privilege to pick them and play at being seasonal help. I think it's a class thing...no one who grew up poor would do it lol. 

I can't see anyone doing it whether rich or poor. Maybe a bored super weathly inheritor who doesn't have anything else to do. 

Hmm, I need to post an ad:

House cleaning expedition.

Discover new ways of hoovering and mopping.  Enjoy washing dishes by hand with brand new dish soap. Learn how to fold clothes like a pro. 

South Europe: Athens,Greece

Lead Scientist: Dias' mother, Ph.D in housekeeping

Duration: 7days,  (avg. $311 a day)

Starting at $2,195

  • Haha 2
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8 hours ago, itsallgrand said:

Your videos go straight over my head but I love your voice, dias! 

How many women have swooned over that voice alone, hmm? 

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ You are making me blush 🙂

It took me a while to get used to my voice, the first time I heard it I thought that's a voice of an a**hole lol. 

Hopefully I don't sound very monotonous like the uni professors that nobody pays attention to hahaha. 



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I don't know this lady's story but I know how easy it is to be kicked out from a system/party/job/team/group of people in general when you don't do what the majority wants. When the majority or the clique targets you, you are pretty much f*cked. The reality is there is no independence, there are only cliques. It's human nature unfortunately. 


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You know what the problem with comfort is? Life is not interesting. It's pleasant since it's easier but it is not interesting. 

My restless nature is kicking in again. I am over the last fiasco, especially after I got residency, and ready to roll forward again. Life is too easy for me in Athens, probably because aside from the job everything else is provided by my parents. I don't have to pay rent, I have a relatively good salary, I have a car,  work is fine, everything is fine pretty much, but I get frustrated when life is not interesting. Now if you ask me "why do you prefer having nothing and building everything from scratch without help and whining during the whole process?" my answer is yes I believe there is something wrong with me and I prefer adventures, instability and difficult things over comfort. It's the only way I find life interesting and worth living. I guess it comes with being very driven, I have observed this mentality only on very driven personalities. 

I am recharging now but I reckon from March I will begin taking (more) action. 

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