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Weekend Plans


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1 hour ago, Jibralta said:

Exercised this morning, went into the office for about 4 hours, now home relaxing. Plan to repeat the routine tomorrow.

Oh, and I have to do my taxes 👎

Yep I know what you mean with the taxes. Got that done just this past week. Do you also do yours yourself?  I thought weekends were for staying away from the office. 😆

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20 minutes ago, beatlesfan77 said:

Do you also do yours yourself?

I used to, but now I have an accountant. It works out better that way.

22 minutes ago, beatlesfan77 said:

I thought weekends were for staying away from the office.

I wish! Maybe one day....

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19 hours ago, Jibralta said:

I used to, but now I have an accountant. It works out better that way.

I wish! Maybe one day....

I used to have an accountant do mine too. With Covid it was going to be difficult to work with my usual person.  Everything I have is pretty straightforward so I tried doing it myself one year and was successful.  

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Mission accomplished. I've gotten all of my tax stuff together & ready to send to my accountant. I just got off the phone with him--he's a real Chatty Kathy, that guy. And full of doomsaying. He was trying to dissuade me from buying bitcoin, insinuating that the IRS would audit me for possible terrorist activity.

I'm just like: 


It feels good to be done, though. Phew!

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25 minutes ago, Jibralta said:

Mission accomplished. I've gotten all of my tax stuff together & ready to send to my accountant. I just got off the phone with him--he's a real Chatty Kathy, that guy. And full of doomsaying. He was trying to dissuade me from buying bitcoin, insinuating that the IRS would audit me for possible terrorist activity.

I'm just like: 


It feels good to be done, though. Phew!

Excellent!  I know you’ll be happy to get that done. My family has two friends that are also Chatty Kathys. In fact one of them went for two hours straight the other day talking to my mother. 

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Happy Mother's Day to all our enotalone mothers! 🤗

What are your plans? I made some chocolate mousse for the occasion, crossing fingers it sets well. First time I made the recipe.

I'm not a mum, but I am grateful for all the wonderful mums out there giving it their best each day!

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