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Do guys really do this?

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Main reason is because since most guys treat them specially, and in a more submissive way, you have a better chance to stand out by acting different. A more "regular" girl may get much more varied types of attention from different people, but beautiful women get nearly the same type of attention from most guys. Either the sleazy pick up line or the wimpy submissiveness (generally neither is attractive). You chance to be look unique to her is much higher.

I realize this, but behaving in this way doesn't exactly make it "easier" for you to land one. If they aren't drawn to you to begin with they just won't care. It can work for guys who are atleast on their "radar" from the start. I thought you were going to say something I haven't heard before. You have to play games with girls no matter how attractive they are, acting indifferent to get a good-looking girl is an old tactic (not that it doesn't help) but I don't see how that makes them any easier than normal girls.

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Main reason is because since most guys treat them specially, and in a more submissive way, you have a better chance to stand out by acting different. A more "regular" girl may get much more varied types of attention from different people, but beautiful women get nearly the same type of attention from most guys. Either the sleazy pick up line or the wimpy submissiveness (generally neither is attractive). You chance to be look unique to her is much higher.

I realize this, but behaving in this way doesn't exactly make it "easier" for you to land one. If they aren't drawn to you to begin with they just won't care. It can work for guys who are atleast on their "radar" from the start. I thought you were going to say something I haven't heard before. You have to play games with girls no matter how attractive they are, acting indifferent to get a good-looking girl is an old tactic (not that it doesn't help) but I don't see how that makes them any easier than normal girls.


Because good looking girls will react much stronger to this. It can even be mind boggling to a good looking girl whereas to the average girl, it wouldn't seem to out of the ordinary.


The point is, it's easier to make a bigger impact on good looking girls than it is on average girls. This is how you get on the radar. Granted, it's not going to get you there solely, but you can make a huge first impression on it, and first impressions last.

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The point is, it's easier to make a bigger impact on good looking girls than it is on average girls. This is how you get on the radar. Granted, it's not going to get you there solely, but you can make a huge first impression on it, and first impressions last.

I agree, but I still say they have to be attracted to you in some way in order for them to even wonder why you're acting that way. Of course you do have those girls that will go crazy if you don't give them attention, and once you do, there done with you because that's all they wanted from you anyway. I do see what you're saying and I agree for the most part.

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you're right...i should probably start developing a better personality. i know it's sad...i never had to develop it. all my life i've been just too used to walking into places and getting attention whether i like it or not. i know my weakness is that im guarded and shy...i KNOW that i wouldn't be able to get jobs and get through interviews if it weren't for my looks. I DO HAVE SUBSTANCE THO...it's just, being quiet and guarded, it's something i wish i could change and hate myself for. i dunno. i guess it all comes down to the fact that i never had to develop personality and i wish i did, cuz after 18 yrs...its kinda late.


BUT let's not condone the thinking of some of the guys on here. suggest some ways a girl can prove she is more than looks when the guys ASSUME SHE IS NOTHING MORE no matter what she does. Just check some of what previous posters said....my goodness, those guys ADMIT they see attractive girls as nothing more.



Well I think the best thing to do is find hobbies that you enjoy that you can share with others, whatever that may be. Also, most really good looking girls (like models) think alot of just themselves, they want YOU to talk to them. I dont know how to explain this, but try to be the kind of girl that asks questions about the guy, smile more, be more involved in the relationship, make it 50-50. Suggest fun things to do. Ask how the day was going. Its a balancing act. Im not saying throw yourself at him or be overly availible, But dont rely on him to do all of the work trying to impress or conversate you just because theres many guys inline waiting for you. That makes you somthing of "substance", someone that he will feel compelled to try to keep because not only are you good looking but your fun being around.


Whats the use of really trying to get to know some really hot girl if you cant have a conversation with her? Be different.

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The point is, it's easier to make a bigger impact on good looking girls than it is on average girls. This is how you get on the radar. Granted, it's not going to get you there solely, but you can make a huge first impression on it, and first impressions last.

I agree, but I still say they have to be attracted to you in some way in order for them to even wonder why you're acting that way. Of course you do have those girls that will go crazy if you don't give them attention, and once you do, there done with you because that's all they wanted from you anyway. I do see what you're saying and I agree for the most part.


1) True, they have to be attracted but that applies for normal looking girls too.


2) The point isn't to not give them attention, it's just to make them earn your attention. It's not to say that "I'm better than you and don't need to pay attention to you" but more of a "I know you're hot, but it doesn't mean much to me."

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so what if the girl is really hot and is totally in touch with fashion? its not like she doesnt have a good personality and is expecting the guy to buy her everything...


ok another question... why is it that my gardeners try to hit on me? sorry, but i'm waaaay out of their league.

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most really good looking girls (like models) think alot of just themselves, they want YOU to talk to them.


thats so not true... i do modeling and yea, i care about my looks, but thats cuz i need to. the stereotype that people place on models is kinda sad and there are those out there who arent making it any better for the rest of us. i guess what most people dont know is that there's more to modeling than photoshoots and runways. we're taught how to walk, stand, sit, look, smile, everything. at first you do it just when you have to, but then after a while you do it all the time. i guess if people dont know this then the way we move and come off as arrogant. most of the other models that i've worked with are all normal and totally fun to hang w/. its like, we're expecting you to treat us differently, like we're dolls or something. its really sad. i dont know about other people but i always feel that when a guy talks to me its cuz of my looks. but once we know that you see us as normal people then everything is just... normal....

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ok another question... why is it that my gardeners try to hit on me? sorry, but i'm waaaay out of their league.


Thought you girls like confident guys who made the first move Just goes to prove my theory you could have the personality of Jesus but if you're unnattractive to someone then you won't get anywhere with them!!!

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most really good looking girls (like models) think alot of just themselves, they want YOU to talk to them.


thats so not true... i do modeling and yea, i care about my looks, but thats cuz i need to. the stereotype that people place on models is kinda sad and there are those out there who arent making it any better for the rest of us. i guess what most people dont know is that there's more to modeling than photoshoots and runways. we're taught how to walk, stand, sit, look, smile, everything. at first you do it just when you have to, but then after a while you do it all the time. i guess if people dont know this then the way we move and come off as arrogant. most of the other models that i've worked with are all normal and totally fun to hang w/. its like, we're expecting you to treat us differently, like we're dolls or something. its really sad. i dont know about other people but i always feel that when a guy talks to me its cuz of my looks. but once we know that you see us as normal people then everything is just... normal....


I said Most...People have different standards and expectations in who they date, Models ususally have high ones. Someone may say, "He/she can do better than that" Just depends on how much effort your willing to put into having someone like that around i guess. Like my mom says about some girls, "You have to come correct"

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okay dancergirl, I just have to ask: How, exactly, do you tell when a guy sees you as a normal person rather than eye candy?


i'm not really sure how to put it in words.. if its someone i've never met before its totally obvious when the guy follows me, or when i walk by he stares, stands too close to me, and just his voice carries... i know it totally doesnt make sense, but its more of a vibe kinda thing. like, i refuse to talk to any guy who rubs his hands together before they come and talk to me, or when check me out and then try to talk to me, or when they say stuff like "hi. you're very sexy." cuz when they say something like that i'm going "yeah ok creeper, leave." in my head. i mean somethings its way more obvious like when a guy i've never met before says hi and then asks me out to lunch or something... sorry, but thats just never gonna happen... i dont know anything about him, he doesnt know anything about me. for all he knows i could be some crazy killer but that doesnt matter cuz as long as she's hot..... i like guys who could just talk about something other than me... like, if i'm shopping, he could just ask for my opinion or tell me what he thinks... lol that sounds totally metro, but its so not...

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i like guys who could just talk about something other than me... like, if i'm shopping, he could just ask for my opinion or tell me what he thinks... lol that sounds totally metro, but its so not...

All you're really saying is you don't want the guy to be OBVIOUS that he wants to ask you out, atleast too quickly. If you come accross a guy who has some pretty good "game" (I'm getting better, hehe) he's going to try and build a little rapport with you before asking you out.


However, that has absolutely nothing to do with his "motives" once he gets a date. You will have no idea what he's after until you've gotten to know him better over time. Some guys need to improve how they approach women, but don't be fooled into thinking that just because he didn't come on too strong or obvious, that he wants to get to know your "inner" beauty. No guy is going to "ignore" your appearance, that's what attracts them to begin with. You ever heard of a "player" (I'm pretty sure you have)?


Well......some of them are REALLY good at what they do, remember that when a guy you don't know asks your opinion about what kind of watch he should get for his father when you're out "shopping"

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Okay so you have the types of girls that are really attractive and get hit on all the time and you have the type of girls that are really attractive and don't. the one's that don't... well most of these girls that say that have their standards so high up their a** that most the guys that do approach them are "out of their league* and the guys they are attracted to are not there as often to approach them because its a select few. They complain about not ever being approached but I know many girls that get approached all the time, its just not their type.


I saw this quote:


i like guys who could just talk about something other than me... like, if i'm shopping, he could just ask for my opinion or tell me what he thinks... lol that sounds totally metro, but its so not...


I like this because it signifies that they have other interests in you rather then your looks. But as a guy "who is in his prime i should say ", I do this kind of thing all the time and it works. When I approach attractive girls I don't comment about them I comment about what she's wearing or what she said about things. I don't talk about her looks whatsoever because if you do that it gives them a sense of power over the situation because they know they are good looking. That and it bores them to hear that.


I get approached all the time by girls to tell me just how beautiful my eyes are, its pretty much daily. But when they do I don't even accept it as a compliment (I'll aknowledge it but im pretty much thinking TELL ME SOMETHING I DONT KNOW). I'm just agreeing that I can understand why talking about you might bore you at times.

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Hi dancergirl, yes what you're saying makes sense to me. if a guy approaches you in a way that it's obvious he's all about "getting hot chicks" and not really care about getting to know you... then yeah, you and most girls can pick that up pretty quick.


However, keep in mind that if there's an attractive girl, there would be many many guys who are attracted to her. Some of these guys could care less about getting to know who she is, what she likes, what she doesn't like, etc. Other guys, while attracted to her, want to get to know her before going out with her on a date or getting physical with her.


In most cases, I'm pretty sure you can tell which guy is which by their initial approach. I said "most" cases, meaning "NOT ALL", because Shidoshi makes a good point about players who have good game - and these guys may be able to disguise their ulterior motives just long enough to get pants access. sounds crazy, but I've seen it happen.


Of course, that doesn't apply to 90% of the guys out there. So I suggest this to women: If a guy approaches you and strikes up a conversation, take that as a compliment because he finds you attractive. He wouldn't have approached you, or even noticed you at all if he didn't find you attractive in the first place. And be careful to not write off every guy too quickly after his first "hello" ... if he seems respectful and polite, chances are, he is genuinely interested in getting to know you. And if he asks you for a date and you're not interested, thats okay ... just smile and politely decline. No need to be rude about it (not singling anyone out here!). In extreme cases, where the guy just won't take the hint and keeps pushing it, then that's the time where you must make a firm stand and send him off. A HUGE majority of guys are afraid to approach girls because they've been shot down rudely at least once or twice. Think they want to put their hand in the fire again? Not that easily, no. So next time a guy approaches you, keep in mind that he's putting himself out there.



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ok another question... why is it that my gardeners try to hit on me? sorry, but i'm waaaay out of their league.


Thought you girls like confident guys who made the first move Just goes to prove my theory you could have the personality of Jesus but if you're unnattractive to someone then you won't get anywhere with them!!!


ergh... that's like things with everybody. there needs to be some attraction at the start. granted some people do not go well together, but i strongly believe that over 95% of guys have the ability to look attractive, at least slightly good, if they took care of themselves and expressed confidence.


hey adolf hitler was considered as a sex symbol back in those days, not because of his looks, but because of his personality triats he displayed. charisma, confidence, social influence.

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ok, back on that gardener comment that i posted... its not like on desperate housewives where the gardener is super hot.. (i wish they were though) the guys that work for my parents are ugly and a lot older than me... its not that i'm arrogant and thinks that because they work for me i'm gonna be mean to them. i've tried to talk to them, but since i dont speak spanish the conversation cant really go past "good morning, how are you?" and its so stupid how they keep on trying to hit on me still. you would think that after a few time of getting turned down they'd get it.... but nope..

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ok, back on that gardener comment that i posted... its not like on desperate housewives where the gardener is super hot.. (i wish they were though) the guys that work for my parents are ugly and a lot older than me... its not that i'm arrogant and thinks that because they work for me i'm gonna be mean to them. i've tried to talk to them, but since i dont speak spanish the conversation cant really go past "good morning, how are you?" and its so stupid how they keep on trying to hit on me still. you would think that after a few time of getting turned down they'd get it.... but nope..


how do they hit on you?

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when i walk by they always stare, they make way too many comments about my clothing. like, i'd be wearing a pair of pants/skirt or a shirt that say juicy or hollister either on my butt or like accross the front of my shirt and they'd be like. 'yeah, juicy.' its like, if you want to be an old perv and look at my butt dont let me know... and ok. the most annoying this is when i walk by and they stare and talk to each other in spanish. i know they're talking about me but i dont speak spanish at all..

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i'd be wearing a pair of pants/skirt or a shirt that say juicy or hollister either on my butt or like accross the front of my shirt and they'd be like. 'yeah, juicy.


Well... I don't want to sound flippant here, but when you wear something that says "juicy" - what do you expect? Do you really expect every guy who lays his eyes on you to keep his mouth shut and keep the "juicy" comments to himself?


If it was me: the word "juicy" would register in my mind but I wouldn't comment on it. However, I don't think I can speak for every guy you encounter. Many are much more outspoken than I am.


If it really bothers you, then why do you continue wearing clothes that have the word "juicy" or something like that? (this is not a rhetoric question)

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