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I’m about to lose the love of my life

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Hello. I joined because I have to vent.  I can’t talk to my friends for reasons I can’t explain. 

I’m about to lose love of my life.  I can’t talk to my friends, I know what they would say.  
There’s no good end to this. She has to take an action that I cannot live with. She doesn’t want to do it but she has to. If she does do it,  I have two choices:  live with it,  but I don’t know how to do that, or I must leave her,  and I can’t. I love her too much.  I don’t know what to do. Either way I’m in for great despair.  I’m not asking for advice,  there isn’t any that will help. I just don’t know how to deal with this, but my choices mean my whole world will change. 

thank you,   I just needed to say that to someone.  


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Hey, OP. Sorry you are going through this. I'm glad you came here to vent instead of keeping all of that bottled up inside. 

What action is your partner contemplating taking?

I left my first love for the last time because she decided to move across the country for six months even though she knew it would result in a break up. Maybe I (and others) could relate to the specifics of your situation. 

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Yeah, it's kind of hard to give input when we have no idea on what you are talking about.

Can you elaborate on this?


2 hours ago, Doctorx33 said:

There’s no good end to this. She has to take an action that I cannot live with. She doesn’t want to do it but she has to. If she does do it,  I have two choices:  live with it,  but I don’t know how to do that

And, she has to take an action you cannot live with? ( we cannot suggest a way to try & handle it, when we don't know what it is...).


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Quite often, outside, unbaised perspectives from uninvolved 3rd parties can help but without knowing the basics it's impossible.

I'll wager a guess that this thing she might do is adopt a dog from a shelter.

Dogs aren't that bad. They can be dirty, and misbehave, and they can eliminate inside the house which makes a smelly mess, and they require constant vigilance and if you go on vacation you need to get an expensive sitter and food is expensive along with treats, and forget about the cost of veterinarian care when they get older which happens relatively quickly as their lives are compressed.

But heck they can be good companions so it's all worth it, you'll see.


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