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Why I was rejected?!

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Last night I ran into this guy who I saw 2 months ago at a similar party/event. The first time we met, I had a bf. We both were flirting that night, and he seemed like he really liked me (he asked for my number, told me how beautiful I am, and even tried to kiss me). I was drunk so I did give him my number (even though my bf, now ex, was at the event).


So, last night I see him at the another event and I say hello. He says hello but looks uncomfortable and just walks away, doesn't stop to talk. As the night progresses I get inebriated enough to cause me to ask him why he never called me again after that nnight we met...he just said "i dont have your number"...and then walked away..He didn't really acknowledge me the entire night after that. I guess it's pique speaking right now, my vanity is baddly baddy bruised.


How can a guy show so much interest one night, and then when he sees the girl again, act as if he was never interested in the first place? I think I may have heard he has a girlfriend? I don't know... Could it be he has a gf, ..but even if he did, he could still have acknowledged me, right?


maybe he also found out I had a bf the first night we met, and lost all respect for me?

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Don't worry about it. He sounds like a jerk to me. Possibly on that night that you were drunk and he was hitting on you...maybe he was drunk too and didn't know what he was doing?? Okay, other possibilities are: 1) he has a g/f and doesn't want to continue acting interested to lead you on, etc. or 2) he's simply a jerk.


By the way, your attractiveness factor has nothing to do with this situation. Just because this one guy acted weird doesn't mean AT ALL that there is something wrong with you!! Don't keep trying to talk to him because he missed his chance!

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Well he called me shortly after I gave him my number THAT night, to make sure it was the right number and to invite me to a house party that evening. AH, he couldn't have been that drunk...he didn't act like it.



Anyway, there was a guy that was hitting on me all night last night, and he had a girlfriend too...so I'm not sure if having a girlfriend stops most guys from flirting? I don't know...it just sucks not being pursued by someone you thought liked you...especially now that i'm single!!

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Could it be he has a gf, ..but even if he did, he could still have acknowledged me, right?


maybe he also found out I had a bf the first night we met, and lost all respect for me?


Either one of those is a possibility - or both!

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Well he called me shortly after I gave him my number THAT night, to make sure it was the right number and to invite me to a house party that evening. AH, he couldn't have been that drunk...he didn't act like it.



Anyway, there was a guy that was hitting on me all night last night, and he had a girlfriend too...so I'm not sure if having a girlfriend stops most guys from flirting? I don't know...it just sucks not being pursued by someone you thought liked you...especially now that i'm single!!


I know what you mean about guys flirting even when they have a g/f. It's the most annoying thing. I guess some guys just have a "flirty personality" and maybe they can't help it, but still!! It's annoying when he'll lead you on and you like him but you realize you can't do anything about it!!

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Anyway, there was a guy that was hitting on me all night last night, and he had a girlfriend too...so I'm not sure if having a girlfriend stops most guys from flirting? I don't know...it just sucks not being pursued by someone you thought liked you...especially now that i'm single!!


I know what you mean about guys flirting even when they have a g/f. It's the most annoying thing. I guess some guys just have a "flirty personality" and maybe they can't help it, but still!! It's annoying when he'll lead you on and you like him but you realize you can't do anything about it!!


Maybe I'm missing something here but isn't flirting with someone else when she had a boyfriend what LuciaSeia was doing in the first place? Or is it only annoying when guys do it but it's OK when girls do it?

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Well my question to u is..did u show signs of rejection?or show signs that u are obviously not into him or not ready for the relationship to progress from friends to boyfriend..


Cuz if it was me and a girl showed a sign of any type of rejection i would give up right there...i wouldnt want any more of 'it' referring to the girls attention. and i would try to show my own signs of rejections as result of being rejected.

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it just sucks not being pursued by someone you thought liked you...especially now that i'm single!!


amen to that... Anyway, I think you should forget that guy... Even if after 3 months he starts running into you a lot even though you're trying to avoid him, and he just stares at you with a teddy bear face expecting you to say something... Uh... sorry. But that actually happened to me... only that it was a girl, of course lol.


Anyway, just forget about it. There are plenty of fish in the sea. No need to fish for the rotten ones. Good luck next time... Best wishes.

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hah! i was just about to say what DN said after i read that post. its like shooting yourself in the foot, unless of course you do believe there is a double standard.


btw, yah, it could be all those reasons. but the one that screams at me is that he probably found out you had a bf when you gave him your phone #: it doesn't mean he lost all respect for you - just he's not interested in someone who does that!

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To you people who quoted my post...I guess what I wrote made it sound like it is a double standard. Sorry! I didn't mean to say that it's bad when a guy flirts with a g/f but it's okay for a girl to do it. I don't think it's ever okay to lead someone on like that. I just meant that it's frustrating when you meet someone who doesn't know where to draw the line or just flirts naturally as a part of their personality. But it shouldn't be a double standard.

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Ok ok let me get this straight...


You flirted with him, almost kissed him, gave him your number but DIDN'T TELL HIM YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND???


If that's TRUE, then no wonder he's pissed off. What the hell were you thinking? If you had have told him on the night that you had a boyfriend then he would have understood and been more than happy to be with you the next time you met when you were single.


But you lead him on, played him like a fool, and then came back to him next time you saw him and acted like you didn't do anything wrong. No wonder he didn't call you. You had a boyfriend.


Sorry to be harsh but if you didn't tell him you had a boyfriend and then he found out from someone else, it's very clear why he acted how he acted.


Disclaimer: This post is on the assumption that you didn't tell him you had a boyfriend. If you did tell him, then ignore everything I said because it's irrelevant.

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