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I was just wondering what activities everyone does when their gf/bf (spouse divorces) dumps them?


Strangely enough I started a journal to my ex and instead of yelling and shouting, begging, and pleading I pour down all my thoughts all my frustrations, and emotions down on the page. Its sort of a symbolic way of telling her everything without getting in contact with her and pushing her away/making me hate her/ or her hating me....

The more time I spend away from her and doing this the more my mind seems able to wrap around the fact that to me, when she broke up with me, it was as if she had died infront of me.


I know hanging out with friends help but what else?

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If you don't already, then getting fit and into shape helps. I'm not sure how it all works but endorphins are released in your brain that make you feel better. It also gets your mind off the ex, you meet other people and improve your body which increases your confidence.



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Thats actually a very wonderful Idea. I have been thinking about picking up on martial arts again. I dropped out of it in high school right before red belt testing in Kung Fu (geared more towards traditional than competition style). It did feel wonderful to get in shape and maybe kicking a few people around during sparing would help. LMAO.

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I was just goign to add to the comment of doing things that you couldn't do when you were together comment.


What really helped me was traveling cross country and deciding to start a PhD program out of state. Traveling accross the country gives you wonderful perspective and I always wanted to teach at a university so I said screw it and did it. It almost seems like you start a completely new life when your significant other leaves so you might as well make the best of it!



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