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girls, how do you go about getting a guy to stop flirting with you when you don't like him? there are a few guys that i know that insist on going out with me. they know i have a boyfriend but because i'm in a long-distance relationship they think they still have a chance. i don't like any of these guys and i have told them over and over that i'm getting back together with my bf, this is so irritating cause i'm trying to politely tell this guys to get lost but there not getting the message.

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i would talk on and on about how great my bf is and how much i love him and how i'd never do anything to hurt him. then all my stories would revolve around him. hopefully that is a subtle enough hint.


if they dont get that...tell them rudely.


that SHOULD work...if not....you got a stalker on your hands. be careful.


- ivy

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make it simple, and direct: i am not interested in you. i have a bf. if you continue to ask me despite what i've said, that would be rude. and if you are rude to me, i will say to you: (if in the UK) piss off, wanker, (or, if in the US) screw, bonehead.

hope this helps.

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in the first place i don't get why these guys keep asking me out. they know i have a bf we have been together for 2 years. i have told them repeatedly that i love my boyfriend and i'm not going to date anyone else. anyways these guy are a real pain in the butt, and i have tried to just be there friends with all of them but i don't think they want to just be friends with me.

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Act like a snob. It's how beautiful women fend of both complete wusses, complete sleazebags, and part wuss/part sleazebags.


As a guy, I can say I'm gay and girls can take it rather easy. But I think if you tell a guy you're a lesbian, and he's that persistent, he'll be turned on enough to suggest a threesome.

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how about this tact: tell the persistent guy that you have a very distateful inflammation that just won't go away. describe in detail what it looks like, and how uncomfortable it can be. also suggest that proximity to you can result in the inflammation being passed to others.


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My guess is in being polite, you are being too polite and wishy washy about it. Telling them you can't as you are getting back with boyfriend might make them still look for chance.


Just say quite directly "Sorry, I am not interested" next time they ask you out or whatever.

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I agree with Ray Kay. You are being too soft with your response. Just tell them firmly that you a) have a boyfriend, b) love your boyfriend, c) aren't interested in them obviously, d) do not want a friendship with them, and e) would appreciate it if they left you alone.


If you aren't firm, they will continue bugging you. Sometimes you just have to be rude!!!

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If you have a boyfriend, they know this, and they are still asking you out, then they are being rude themselves. Be direct about it and say that you have a boyfriend and aren't interested in anything or anyone else. If they don't take the hint, you should avoid them and not be friends. A real friend wouldn't be hitting on you like that when your already taken.

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