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I can tell, she likes me ( what do u think of this plan ?)

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hi guys,


Remember when i told u abut the girl i dont know her feelings ??? well i did a plan I planned something which could help me know her feelings...


OK now c what was the plan i did.. I had that lesson with her & some other ppl..

Plan 1) doing series of actions, then wait for feedback


2) actions should have significant feedbacks, to be analyzed easily


3) looking for positive or negative feedbacks.

Here is the basic idea of the plan.. I will totally ignore her, talk to other girls, be a very confident man, no eyee contact with her, making jokes while putting her beside and just do what i do as if she is not their ....

So why do i do this ? Bec if she likes me, she would be nervous, angry and to some degree try to talk to me. If she likes me, that would appear on her behaviour...


I did what i just told u with her. Even someone asked me for a cup of water, so she said: dont give it to him( joking) ..... I told her: mind your business all ppl like ooooo. lol


So about what she did. First of all i would like to ssay that i mostly think that she know that i like her. Her behaviour was as follows:


1) She started to think in her head, (not concentrating at all ) she just stares on anything.. i dont remember the word used for this


2) She started to look at me more.


3) After i told her mind ur own business, she tried to talk to me again..


So, if she dont like me, she wouldnt look sad but would like ohh thank god we two hate each other... Or like if she knows me as a friend she would just think of it as a joke....


Also why did she started to look at me more with all of this ignoring ? Well the feedbacks mostly could be felt, i just wrote what i can ... What do u think does she like me ??

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Thanks for the picture perfect description on why everything I've learned is true. She likes you b/c now you're ignoring her, people always want what they can't have...its just how we are. Acting confident..or just being confident...making fun of her a little by telling her that she had to mind her own business makes her think more that you're not some 'nice' guy who gets pushed around, you do what you want....honestly...giving someone attention...then ignoring them...is attractive...its just how it is.


Some girl I even went out with for a while, she wouldn't leave me the hell alone when I first met her, and all the time I would only talk to her for 5 mins here and there, she would only want to talk to me more. We all just want what we can't have...keep it up...give her a little attention, then take it away.

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Kind of sound like she likes you. But can't be to sure from this. When you said "I told her: mind your business all ppl like ooooo. lol " just make sure you do it in a funny and confident way. Don't make it look like your to much of a jerk (a bit of a jerk is ok).




"Also why did she started to look at me more with all of this ignoring ? "


Is she used to receiving attention from you?


She's wondering why you're ignoring her. You're on the right track man. Keep on doing what you're doing.


Edit: I see 2 posters already beet me to it...haha ya basically you got 3 people saying the same thing. Keep it up Man.

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Kind of sound like she likes you. But can't be to sure from this. When you said "I told her: mind your business all ppl like ooooo. lol " just make sure you do it in a funny and confident way. Don't make it look like your to much of a jerk (a bit of a jerk is ok).




"Also why did she started to look at me more with all of this ignoring ? "


Is she used to receiving attention from you?


She's wondering why you're ignoring her. You're on the right track man. Keep on doing what you're doing.


Yeah sure can be sure 100 %, Well i was all the time so confident, but it wasnt funny for sure at least for her....


Mostly want a jerk.. Yeah she got used to get attention from me.. At least i dont ignore her that much.. So i would keep like making her come and tell me i like u lol

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I think she's looking at you because she's confused by your actions, not because she likes you. You've down a complete 180 in your actions and personality around her. She is bound to be confused and wondering what is up with you. But that doesn't mean she likes you any more or that you've increased your chances with this girl. Maybe she's trying to talk with you because she is concerned with your change in attitude and wants to know what is going on with you. There's nothing there that says for certain she likes you. For all you know she could be worried about you instead.


As usual I'm the dissenting voice. But you need to take a look at yourself and why you are doing this. Is this really you? Is this behavior how you want to act? Or are you doing it just to try and impress this girl? Say all this does work and she ends up liking you and going out with you. Are you really going to be happy? How do you know she likes you for you or just for the front you've put on? Are you really going to be proud of yourself for changing how you act just to get a date? How do you know she won't just leave you for the next guy who puts on that kind of attitude with her? Any girl that you should want to be with, who is worth your time, should like you for you, not because of the games you play with her.

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Hey dont ignore her to the point where she feels rejected tho man, im not sure if u like this girl or not but saying 'mind your own business' is sorta rude, and rejecting i would give her some attention after she wants it. Dont play to much of a game to get her, cuz if all ur doing it not being ur self to get her..then it really isnt worth it.i found this out the hard way.

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I can see what you're saying . . . but the world does not work like that anymore. I have noticed that it's all games now (or at least for the first bit). We need SOME games to keep it interesting. Just keep doing what you're doing.


Anyone else have a voice on this topic???

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Your playing a dangerous game that can backfire on you. You are purposely ignoring her just to see what happens. That's not smart. If you like her you should let her know. Right now you don't know any more then you did before. But if you had just asked her out, you'd know for sure. And even if you don't think you are being a jerk, that may not be how she is reading it. Trust me, girls get upset when someone ignores them, they are likely to think the guy isn't interested in him and that she is wasting her time to like him.


She may not like you in a relationship way, but still care about your change in behavior because she likes you as a friend. She may like the fact that you are nice to her and there to talk to her. But in ignoring her you may be sending a message that you don't want to be friends with her, not as close as you were. This could cause her to pull away from you or be upset with you. Maybe she is paying attention to you because she doesn't like how you are acting and wants to see the old you return.


These games aren't proving anything, they are just creating more questions. Be honest with how you feel. It's the right thing to do, gets answers, and is fair to both you and her.

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Shysoul....you still don't get it...I don't know if you ever will...


As said before, just keep doing what you're doing....don't change anything for her, be yourself, if she likes you, she does..if she doesnt...who cares. That's the attitude you need around every girl whether or not you like them yourself or not...actually just around people in general whether they like you or not.


As much as I'd loooooooove to prove Shy wrong....I'm not going to toy with emotions. AlwaysNeedHelp....if you end up not liking her ...for some reason or another....or just some reason that turns you off and you don't want to go out with her...do the above...do what Shy says...I can GUARANTEE that she will lose all interest.


Heck, if you want to go screw it up tomorrow...walk right up to her and start talking to her and only her...be all nice... compliment her....then say near the end of the class tell her "I really like you!"...I would put down 50 bucks that she would say something like..."Oh, sorry, I dont like you like that, we can be friends tho..."

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If the rest of the world jumped off a bridge would you do it to? So what if most people think a certain way, if you don't then don't follow the masses. Be an individual and stay true to what you believe. You'll meet a girl who appreciates you for that, for not playing games. Girls like authenticity, someone who knows who they are and don't need to play games to prove themselves or create any feeling of attraction. Girls also like someone who pays attention to them, trust me I've learned the hard way. You ignore someone, it won't make them more interested in you. Absense makes the heart grow fonder only works when you are already in a committed relationship and are forced to be apart. Even then there are problems, hence the reason long distance relationships don't generally work out. But if you haven't reached that point yet then it really will hurt you. How is she going to like you if you keep pulling away? She needs to know you are willing to open up to her and put in the effort to communicate. If your not, sure's going to start thinking she's wasting her time.




I get it far more then you realize. I've not only get it, I've lived it. What do you think a shy person's bane is... not opening up. I agree that you shouldn't change yourself for a girl, but is this really the type of person you want to be? Don't think about her, think about you. Do you really want to be the person who plays games and messes with people's minds and emotions just to see how they respond? Do you want to be the person who ignores others on purpose? even when you want to be talking to them?


AlwaysNeedsHelp, the way you are going you will probably end up not liking her, because your not giving yourself the chance to get to know her enough so that you can really get something going. It'll work the same way with you. The less you are around her the less you'll notice how much you like her and your feelings will start to fade. Your ruining the relationship before it ever started.


And if she doesn't like you then nothing you do matters, she'll still end up saying you can be friends. And what's wrong with that? It's always nice to have a friend.


What I'm saying is to be nice, talk to her and show her you care. It isn't a grand declaration of love, its a simple route of friendship. She may end up seeing what a caring person you are and how much you like her which causes her feelings for you to grow. Or she may not be interested in which case you've made a friend and did the right thing in treating another with respect.

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I just did this plan to know whether she has interest or not thats all.


Is it really working though? Do you have any concrete evidence that she likes you? Or do you have specualtion? There is only one surefire way of knowing and thats to some out and ask her out. Have a real talk to her about things. And if you want hints, just pay attention to how she acts around you. But in order to do that you have to actually be AROUND her.

More you are around each other, more you can tell how she is feeling or what she is thinking.


Shy soul , thats why i said in my first post i think she knows that i like her.. And she got used that i flirt with her and stuff


If you think she knows you like her, and you do like her, then why are you spinning your wheels with these games? It's not getting you anywhere. It's not like she's going to ask you out, most girls want the guy to be the one that makes the first move. If she likes you, she's probably go to wait until you say something. But in not saying something you are giving her the chance to change her mind. You need to get in while the door is still open. And if she doesn't like you, it's not going to matter how you act. If anything you are giving her more reason to not like you. Really, who wants someone who will ignore them?


She got used to the flirting? Maybe because she liked it and was hoping you'd go for more, actually asking her out? But instead you pay her less attention. Girls like being paid attention to.

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If the rest of the world jumped off a bridge would you do it to?



Wat ! ! ! ! the rest of the world jumped of a bridge . I'm so there ! ! ! ! Haha Just kidding. (hmm but then again lots of people jump of bridges - they use bungie cords).


Well AlwaysNeedHelp, if you know you like eachother then it's time to take it to the next step and ask her out (I personally would not say on a date). Just take her out and get to know her better. Maybe do something together that's fun!


And ShySoul, it's great to give her attention but not all of the time. You want to show her that she is not the only important aspect of your life. You don't want to come of as a wussy right ? ? ? ?


And I think the most important thing is to be confident and always have her laughing with you ! (laughing together = we are having fun together).

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yeah i think she knows that i like her, but iam not sure of her feelings.. Thats why iam trying to know her feelings before i do any step...


Signs of interest ? Well she is more shy with me than anybody else, if she dont like me as i said before, she wouldnt continue talking to me after i embaressed her.. If she didnt like me she would say thanks god we too hate each other and wont talk to me again.. If i hate someone i wont talk to him alot, specially if he likes me and i dont..


I dont think she just wants to know why did i change my behaviour, it is not that important thing to know.. Also we are not close friends so it doesnt reallly matters.. I will ask her for her phone number today and c how will she reacts

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