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He haven’t seen me in four days


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So me and my boyfriend have been together for over a year now, but this last couple of days he has canceled our plans do to his bad sleeping schedule. He is up all night at playing video games and sleeps almost all day, is has been four days since I last saw him, we talk everyday, but not as much as we use to, maybe I’m overreacting but I feel like he’s been more distant than he usually is. I can understand the fact that it’s Christmas and he is with his family, and maybe want to spend some time with his friends (which he doesn’t do that often), and we’re both 18 years old, so I get that he wants some time for him self to play his video games, but when I told him that he seemed less interested and more distant, he got annoyed and I just don’t now how to tell him in a way that he will understand that it’s disrespectful to be sleeping all day when he has plans to see me. 

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If you're looking out for your own best interests, why, during a worldwide pandemic, would you want share airspace and physical contact with someone who has been gathering with family?

I'd consider him to be on lockdown, and I'd find other things to do--safely.

There aren't any words you can use to force someone to WANT what he doesn't want to do.

You get to decide whether this is a dealbreaker for you, but any attempts to coerce him will only make you feel more lousy than you already do. Even if you're successful, he'll just resent you, and you'll resent him for resenting you--so that's not a win for either of you.

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1 hour ago, Abc123 said:

he got annoyed and I just don’t now how to tell him in a way that he will understand that it’s disrespectful to be sleeping all day when he has plans to see me. 

Sorry to hear this. If he's cancelling dates because he's addicted to video games, you need to reconsider the relationship. Talk to trusted friend and family about it.

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2 hours ago, Abc123 said:

this last couple of days he has canceled our plans do to his bad sleeping schedule

He repeatedly cancelled plans on you because he was playing video games the night before?! I get cancelling plans due to emergencies or something urgent happened - but this? It's definitely disrespectful.

Is he struggling with something like personal issues, family, school? Or is he just really into video games?  There must be a reason why he continuously plays video games till the wee hours of the morning.



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Does he truly 'plan' to spend time with you?

IMO, sounds like the 'honeymoon phase' is over and he's settling in with who he really is.

Yup, he's a guy and he games.. so is YOUR choice as to whether this is what you want.

He's all excited with his new stuff?  Many are, of course.

But try not to let too much carry on this way.. don't go letting so many 'excuses' go.

Fine to let it happen on occasion.. But, IF he is truly into you he WILL try.

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It sounds like he's using his hobbies to get away from the relationship or it has run its course, sadly. Give him the space he needs and think about what you need in a relationship too. 

I hope this starts to clear up once everyone goes back to their routine in the new year. 

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