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Is this girl into me, or just bored?


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More of a typical misogynist dressed up as a typical sex/dating guru


Kind of like this bit, from Sixers, is basic misogyny dressed up a sensitivity: "they call me more then i do..they txt me more than I do.. they want to hug me..kiss me..hold me just a little more than me...its beautiful to see..."


We can continue this discussion in Sixers's thread, or not, but I couldn't let that one go. Find me a grown woman on the planet who would be cool hearing a man talk about her with such language and I'll happily hand over half my investment portfolio.

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Kind of like this bit, from Sixers, is basic misogyny dressed up a sensitivity: "they call me more then i do..they txt me more than I do.. they want to hug me..kiss me..hold me just a little more than me...its beautiful to see..."


We can continue this discussion in Sixers's thread, or not, but I couldn't let that one go. Find me a grown woman on the planet who would be cool hearing a man talk about her with such language and I'll happily hand over half my investment portfolio.

IT IS a beautiful thing to see... a woman acting like a woman.. there's nothing wrong with saying that.... I laugh at people like you..
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IT IS a beautiful thing to see... a woman acting like a woman.. there's nothing wrong with saying that.... I laugh at people like you..


sixers, don't be ashamed of your particular style. Not that you are, which is why I have a lot of respect for you for even though I disagree with you about certain things..


And certainly no need to defend your style and what qualities appeal to you for goodness sake, which I see you doing quite a bit on this forum.


And if I'm honest, I can even relate to it in a way, as what you're describing is pretty similar to how I behaved with my long term ex for almost six years up until the end which lasted a few months.


It was our style, our dynamic, he loved it of course, he also loved me and showed me in many different ways; it worked well for both of us at the time.


No disrespect to anyone posting but I simply don't understand the need to debase you into some sort of closet misogynist, invalidating your experiences, what obviously works for you in your dating experiences and relationships deeming it "wrong," just because that poster has a different style.


I think we should all respect and embrace our differences and simply let each other "be."

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